Laugh all you want people but another example of why I have been given a high praised Knickname by many Bookmakers----

Sammy, what's the NICKNAME bookmakers have given you?

I may be overstepping my boundaries, but here are some guesses of mine:

1) Fucking idiot. -500
2) Bookie's (Wet) Dream -490
3) liar -20000
4) illiterate +120
5) take_his_action -485
I may be overstepping my boundaries, but here are some guesses of mine:

1) Fucking idiot. -500
2) Bookie's (Wet) Dream -490
3) liar -20000
4) illiterate +120
5) take_his_action -485



Guy says he has a 1.8 million bankroll and is betting 9K a game ,makes a big write up about the games and get this

Doesnt even know they play 7 games

OMG I'm literally dying here.I'm laughing so freaking hard my sides hurt.

Wait till I tell my betting guys this