1957...Leggo Lions!

I slept on it, watched and listened today. Still think that was one of the worst and most probably outcome-changing officiating moments in the history of the NFL. I mean, the defender fucking ran over the receiver before the ball got there and obviously made no play on the ball. And then a gigantic, helmetless wide receiver illegally ran on the field and screamed, "No he didn't, no he didn't!" I won't even listen to arguments that the Lions let it slip away. That was the game.

I had the Cowboys -6 for 100 bucks (well, 110 the other way now) and I advanced 4 Cowboys and 0 Lions in fantasy playoffs. But that pick-up-the-flag cracked through my little cloud of interest. Wrong team advanced.

Side story, Romo sucked and was off all day. Looked like he was playing with his heart in his throat. If Lareux's reading, I'm not counting this one as a redemption game. Let's see how he does in Green Bay after this gift from the men in stripes.
Deciding to throw downfield on 3rd and 1, then punting on 4th and 1 is mind boggling
in football if you dont have a good coach your not winning 3 and 1 and you throw the ball its 100 percent unreal
in football if you dont have a good coach your not winning 3 and 1 and you throw the ball its 100 percent unreal

Call might have worked had the defender not snowplowed the receiver. I put 0% of this loss on the coach. Less than zero, considering the officiating.
Romo sucked ? Someone didn't watch the game apparently.

Tip is just a Romo hater, for whatever reason. Romo wasn't perfect, but he played well when it counted and made every play he needed to make to win the game. Not sure what more you could ask for...unless you're just a Romo hater, and in that case, nothing short of him winning Super Bowl MVP will get him credit.

Not to mention again Tip, that Romo didn't need a redemption game to begin with. Everything you have ever dissed him for wasn't true to begin with...he wasn't a bad 4th quarter QB (stats have him near the top of all time), he didn't choke away games in December...that was a team thing, since this is football. But, just for guys like you, they went 4-0 this December and finished 8-0 on the road for the season...and somehow Tip, you'll still try to pass him off as a bad QB who chokes.

He he won a playoff game...period. I agree about the call too, but that doesn't take away anything from what Romo did yesterday. The response you gave was so obvious though...of course it wasn't good enough for you.
Romo also had a playoff win before this year Tip, but I'm sure you knew that (or maybe not, because you go on instincts, feel, and the "eye test" over stats). :p

This year, Romo had a 69.9% (we can just call that 70% right?) completion percentage, led the league in passer-rating, and threw 34 TDs/9 INTs. But he's a choker in December right (he wasn't but we'll go with it)? Went 4-0 this December, led the league in passer-rating for the month, and threw 12 TDs to only 1 INT. "Oh, okay so he played well in Dec and made the playoffs, but he doesn't win playoff games, he just chokes".....then he wins a playoff game playing well when he needed to, making all the throws and plays....and you want to use "this doesn't count as his redemption game," even though he didn't really need a redemption game to begin with?

Sounds like a great thing to be on your side in this....you just keep moving the goalposts in the conversation anytime stats, or actual wins (what you were calling for time and time again) prove you wrong. You can't possibly lose a debate that way Tip, you've got it all figured out...
Romo doesn't have the heart of a Brian hoyer

Haha. Seriously though, he's everything that JFF could hope to be in the NFL. There's little chance JFF has a career anywhere near what Romo has had, but he certainly should be striving for it.
Romo would look good on the Browns, Hoyer's a good #2, Manziel doesn't belong in the league ... What does any of that have to do with not crediting Romo with this win? Pokes were gifted. Mouse still planted on Romo's back, he doesn't elevate his team. He's Dalton with a star on the helmet.
I slept on it, watched and listened today. Still think that was one of the worst and most probably outcome-changing officiating moments in the history of the NFL. I mean, the defender fucking ran over the receiver before the ball got there and obviously made no play on the ball. And then a gigantic, helmetless wide receiver illegally ran on the field and screamed, "No he didn't, no he didn't!" I won't even listen to arguments that the Lions let it slip away. That was the game.

I had the Cowboys -6 for 100 bucks (well, 110 the other way now) and I advanced 4 Cowboys and 0 Lions in fantasy playoffs. But that pick-up-the-flag cracked through my little cloud of interest. Wrong team advanced.

Side story, Romo sucked and was off all day. Looked like he was playing with his heart in his throat. If Lareux's reading, I'm not counting this one as a redemption game. Let's see how he does in Green Bay after this gift from the men in stripes.
Romo played very good in 2nd half...he was a deer in headlights in 1st half and was having his Romo-'moment' and prolly woulda thrown a dagger INT if the NFL hadn't stepped in and given Dallas an opportunity to win game instead of being down 23-17 or 27-17 starting at 25 instead of past their own 40.
4th he was good...for sure..

but again...the domino effect from when the NFL sent the word in with 8 mins left...
If earth exploded and the only thing I was allowed to do, before all the matter reassembled, was to position NFL quarterbacks, I'd put Stafford in Cleveland and float Romo off to outer space.
The old lady has bigger balls than old man Ford ever had. Restore the Roar!!!:cheers3:
Restore the Ford's(family and friends) into the front office. More of the same from Marth Vader...Losers since '57 for a reason.
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Dave Birkett@davebirkett
New Lions president Rod Wood: "I would probably say that Im not qualified to run any other NFL team but I think I'm qualified to run this 1"

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Dave Birkett@davebirkett
New Lions president Rod Wood: "I would probably say that Im not qualified to run any other NFL team but I think I'm qualified to run this 1"


That was the worst line today...of many...
<blockquote class="twitter-video" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Live reaction of Detroit Don and Superfan. AMAZING. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/lionspackers?src=hash">#lionspackers</a> <a href="https://t.co/kvDXIkT63r">pic.twitter.com/kvDXIkT63r</a></p>&mdash; Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) <a href="https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/672653807206187008">December 4, 2015</a></blockquote>
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The WORST part about the entire end of the game situation.....

The fact that the lions didn't use their timeout before the Hail Mary play. I'm pretty sure they had one and I'm pretty sure they're allowed to call timeout... After that face mask penalty the team looked unorganized and all over the place. Not taking the timeout was driving me mad

that's entirely on the coach. No excuses for not knowing the mind set of your team.