1957...Leggo Lions!

Amd a top capper at Covers on Stafford

Of all questions regarding the Lions, you asked me what there is to like about Matt Stafford. I'm surprised by your question especially since Stafford obviously isnt what makes Detroit a liability. Though Staffords numbers were slightly lower than past seasons, we need to understand that he ran an offense that only averaged 3.3 yds/carry and he was sacked 45 times through 16 games. Yet, Stafford was able to complete over 60% of his completions, throw for over 4200 yds, 22 TDs and only 12 INT's in over 600 passing attempts. In my opinion, theyres a lot to like about Stafford. He has one of the strongest arms in football, he's accurate, and he has 3 solid receivers to throw to. So, my question to you is, what ISN'T their to like about him? Again, he ran an offense that was one dimensional and how many QB's in this league can do that? I can think of 2. Tom Brady and Andrew Luck......which is why I have a considerable amount of respect for all three of these qb's especially Tom Brady. To be as successfull as theyve been while everybody in America KNOWS theyre throwing the ball, well, that's impressive.
Amd a top capper at Covers on Stafford

Of all questions regarding the Lions, you asked me what there is to like about Matt Stafford. I'm surprised by your question especially since Stafford obviously isnt what makes Detroit a liability. Though Staffords numbers were slightly lower than past seasons, we need to understand that he ran an offense that only averaged 3.3 yds/carry and he was sacked 45 times through 16 games. Yet, Stafford was able to complete over 60% (25th) of his completions, throw for over 4200 yds (19th in yards/attempt), 22 TDs (14th) and only 12 INT's in over 600 passing attempts. In my opinion, theyres a lot to like about Stafford. He has one of the strongest arms in football, he's accurate, and he has 3 solid receivers to throw to. So, my question to you is, what ISN'T their to like about him? Again, he ran an offense that was one dimensional and how many QB's in this league can do that? I can think of 2. Tom Brady and Andrew Luck......which is why I have a considerable amount of respect for all three of these qb's especially Tom Brady. To be as successfull as theyve been while everybody in America KNOWS theyre throwing the ball, well, that's impressive.

bolded his NFL ranks next to some stats for you. sacks you can partially count as a line not being great, the other fact is the QB holding the ball too long.

this isn't your father's NFL. and Stafford has Calvin Johnson and Golden Tate to throw to -- definitely a top 5 WR combo any way you spin it. guy has flashed potential his entire career but can't get it done consistently. he's still young so who know if that will ever change, but as of right now he simply isn't very good.
They must go uptempo and from shotgun. That's where he thrives since oline is not very good at pass blocking.
Expect the worst and hope for the best. Great day to be a Lions fan...:cheers3:
Go Lions.

For some reason, I have had ZERO excitement this week about this game.

So maybe Lions will win.

I'll say 30-23 Cowboys
hahaha. We all know this is going to end badly...It's just a matter of how they do it this time...
They should rip those damn patches off their fucking jerseys at 3rd q break.
Domino effect from that bogus flag pickup "after it was announced#. Cowboys got one giftwrapped. Absolutely sickening.
dont think I have seen anything like that since the tuck rule game where 1 'questionable' flag decided a playoff game
TEED, this organization is cursed...the improbable happens with them..most bizarre fucked up shit ever.

Just RECENT events...the phantom flag today....the heads/tails fiasco in OT...The Calvin Johnson TD in Chicago that was called no TD when it clearly was..of course they changed the rule a week or two later....not complaining jsut stating facts.

Haven't beat GB since 91 on road.

I'm sure others can chime in.

I was at the playoff game in 91..fear that's as far as Lions get in my lifetime.
no way they shouldve picked up the flag

<iframe src='http://streamable.com/e/b7f' width='800' height='452' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen scrolling='no'></iframe>
and the non hold on the final TD

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="http://fitbamob.com/embed/rCCtH7M/" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It was a huge change in the game but who is to say we still win anyway. Bottom line is we had our chances and let it slip away. Why we didnt get Calvin and Tate more targets is just beyond me, we played not to lose I guess.

The call sucks and was huge but up 14 zip and coming away without a td over last 3 quarters is maddening. Better draft pick I guess cuz we werent running the table anyway going to the Bowl this year. We lost that chance at Green Bay last week.
how about Dez bryant running on the field to argue the call that was not a call, that should have been a flag as well. The officiating in the Cardinals/Panthers game and the Lion/Cowboys game proves we are all insane for watching this shit show
how about Dez bryant running on the field to argue the call that was not a call, that should have been a flag as well. The officiating in the Cardinals/Panthers game and the Lion/Cowboys game proves we are all insane for watching this shit show
It's that simple. That call cost me +270 & +250. Corrupt ass shit that none of will ever do anything about. We'll just watch and quietly disagree because there is no such thing as a complaints department for degenerates. Someone or bodies will make a lot of coin based on the bs call.
That is a 15 yarder too by dez coming on field with no helmet. Unsportsmanlike conduct.

Wtf was Governor Christie doing in Jerry's box?
I knew tell Lions wud lose but that wasjjust an awful way to lose. That pick up.of flag killed TT to which was of me being mad lol. Just a disgrace.
That is a 15 yarder too by dez coming on field with no helmet. Unsportsmanlike conduct.

Wtf was Governor Christie doing in Jerry's box?

He's a Cowboys fan, that fat fuck. He's been at every Cowboys game the last month.

You wouldnt believe he was the governor of New Jersey if you didn't know.
<header style="width: 640px; color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: proxima-nova, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">[h=1]Lions-Cowboys no-PI call: Pereira disagrees with it; head ref explains it[/h]By Jared Dubin | CBSSports.com staff

<time class="storyDate" pubdate="" datetime="2015-01-05T02:49:42Z" style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-stretch: normal !important; font-size: 14px !important; line-height: 16px !important; font-family: proxima-nova, Arial, helvetica, sans-serif !important;">January 4, 2015 9:49 pm ET</time>
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By now you've undoubtedly heard about the overturned pass interference call that arguably swung Sunday's Cowboys-Lions game.
Here's a screengrab of it:
<figure style="display: table; position: relative; float: left; margin: 0px 10px 20px 0px; padding: 0px;">
<figcaption style="display: table-caption; caption-side: bottom; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1.4em;">The controversial play from the Cowboys-Lions game. (FOX/NFL on FOX)</figcaption></figure>And here's a zoomed-in version of the play, where Anthony Hitchens runs into Brandon Pettigrew just before Matthew Stafford's pass gets reaches its intended target:

<iframe class="vine-embed pinged loaded " src="https://vine.co/v/OdpEMBmVjFp/embed/simple" frameborder="0" height="600" width="600" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"></iframe>
After the game, former Vice President of Officiating Mike Pereira explained in a video for FOX Sports why the flag should not have been picked up.
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tdAKk42OzVw" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"></iframe>
Also, in case you've forgotten, our Jason La Canfora reported back in August that the NFL's current officiating czar, Dean Blandino, was seen on a party bus with Stephen Jones, son of Jerry and Cowboys Executive Vice President, COO and Director of Player Personnel. Team officials were none too happy about it then, and it's doubtful they're happy about it now.
<iframe scrolling="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/184534813&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" frameborder="no" height="166" width="100%" style="margin-bottom: 20px;"></iframe>
For what it's worth, here's the pool report with quotes from referee Pete Morelli:
Todd Archer (pool reporter): Can you talk about the decision to overturn the call and why you overturned the call?
Pete Morelli: The back judge threw his flag for defensive pass interference. We got other information from another official from a different angle that thought the contact was minimal and didn't warrant pass interference. He thought it was face-guarding.
Archer: Which official?
Morelli: The head linesman.
Archer: What did you see?
Morelli: It's not my responsibility. I'm a hundred miles away.
Archer: Face-guarding is not a foul?
Morelli: Face-guarding is not a foul. It is a penalty in college but not in professional football.
Archer: What is the process you go through after you announce the call? Should you have waited before you announced the call?
Morelli: Probably, yes. The information came and then the officials got together a little bit later, after it was given to me, the first information. It would have probably been smoother if we got together.
Archer: Do you remember this type of player happening before?
Morelli: No, not particularly.
Archer: So one more time on who the person was that had a better view?
Morelli: The better view was from the head linesman.
Morelli said that the head linesman saw minimal contact and he (the head linesman) felt the play was face-guarding and not pass interference, and the head linesman had a better view so that's why they changed the call. Face-guarding is a penalty in college, but not the NFL. When asked what he personally saw, Morelli said, "It's not my responsibility. I'm a hundred miles away." OK, then.
It was a huge change in the game but who is to say we still win anyway. Bottom line is we had our chances and let it slip away. Why we didnt get Calvin and Tate more targets is just beyond me, we played not to lose I guess.

The call sucks and was huge but up 14 zip and coming away without a td over last 3 quarters is maddening. Better draft pick I guess cuz we werent running the table anyway going to the Bowl this year. We lost that chance at Green Bay last week.

Regardless...the call was right and add another 15 for Dez and we are way inside RZ and going in for perhaps clinching TD.

Nothing more, nothing less.
Still so disgusted. Knew last week was going to be my last full week of betting (other than rest of NFL playoffs and CFB title game) so I decided to fire these shots. My avg bet is probably around 40 bucks a game since I do sports for shits n giggles and these woulda put me in black for the football year. I didn't even realize that I played the spread in one of them until late last night. SO F gross. I don't even know if I want to bet the last few NFL games. I probably will cuz im a sickie tho.


Jan 04 04:42 PM
Jan 03 08:16 PM
Jan 03 09:11 PM
Jan 03 07:36 PM
[101] DET LIONS +250
[103] BAL RAVENS +3½-135 (B+½)
[512] DEN NUGGETS -1-110
[520] TOTAL u128-110

[TD="align: center"]LOSE





Jan 04 04:42 PM
Jan 04 01:05 PM
Jan 04 06:11 PM
Jan 04 08:11 PM
[101] DET LIONS +250
[108] IND COLTS -3-135 (B+½)
[806] DET PISTONS -3-110
[810] PHO SUNS PK-110

[TD="align: center"]LOSE





Jan 04 04:42 PM
Jan 04 04:42 PM

Jan 04 01:05 PM
Jan 04 06:11 PM
[101] DET LIONS +7-130 (B+½)
[102] TOTAL u48½-120 (B+½)
[108] IND COLTS -3-140 (B+½)
[804] MIA HEAT +135

[TD="align: center"]WIN

