12-- stalk play


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
no surprise for those who keep track of me if that specie still exists.

stalked this one in a series of plays that have worked quite well.

gotta be on the right week with this team/coach.. this is right week again.

waited out the number and that worked pretty well and I could have predicted it 10000 times in a row. so predictable for years

SGfuckingU, -3, -115; wont even mention the units but biggest play in a long time, WIN

FSU 2h -3; 4units. WIN
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Let's cash this M'fer Tee.. BTW Fran and his boys should have another solid year. Uthoff sleeper for B10 POY. Huge fan of his game. Still can't believe the collapse last season but they should come back strong.
Let's cash this M'fer Tee.. BTW Fran and his boys should have another solid year. Uthoff sleeper for B10 POY. Huge fan of his game. Still can't believe the collapse last season but they should come back strong.
Agree- you are a keen observer. If Uthoff had chalky white's mental makeup he would be top 5 in nation. But he doesn't . Be pretty good tho at 3 spot. I really think JOk is the guy to make a big move on this team. Best horse player in league and if he can continue to develop off dribble game and play just a little more defense so Fran gives him the minutes-- look out.. Big upside IMO
yup. you have a good read on your squad and called it last week. think you are on the right side this week as well. BOL
a few notes:

Iowa off a loss in the Ferentz era has been pretty good situationally. Iowa off a bad loss has been real good.. This is different because I do not recall Iowa getting absolutely detestesticled like they did last week. Sure Iowa has been outathleted many times---i.e. catching an SEC team in a bowl game, traveling to Arizona st a few years ago and occasionally getting throttled by upper tier Big Ten teams with 5 star recruits.. BUT BUT BUT this was not that. Minny has just as many slow white guys as Iowa. This was Minny coming off bad loss and time to think about it. This was Minny ripping Iowa's scrotum off, spitting on it and stuffing it in their throat.

There has been some bad losses in the Ferentz era , and the Minny loss goes in the Top 5 BUT none of the others were a case of manhood.. Iowa never has as much talent, but they always have manhood. Not last week.

Situationally, sets up perfect and made many comments in lasts weeks threads that what happened in Minny was very possible, and if it happened I would profit from it this week. It happened.:popcorn:
The concern if any, with a team coming off a blowout loss is mindset.. do they give up on season. do they battle internally... Ferentz is good at this and the story is pretty easy to tell the players.. If Iowa wins out (wont happen, but that's the pep talk), with Minny's remaining schedule (at least two losses IMO), Iowa will win the BTWest.. Just saying, I don't think these players lay down as they have plenty to play for.
Illinois-- most of this play is about IOWA. IMO if Iowa comes with right mindset, nothing Illinois can do will prevent an Iowa DDwin.. But lets look at Illy briefly.. They absolutely can't stop the run. That is not an opinion. Iowa on the otherhand has been hit and miss.. Hard to figure how a team with a top 5 draft pick at left tackle can be so inconsistent in the run game, but it has.. Oh wait, just reread my earlier statement---ILLY CAN NOT STOP THE RUN.

This also- Iowa really hasn't had an all purpose running back, healthy all year.. I love me some Marc Wiesman but the holes close so quick on him. Good news: word from Fort Kinnick is RB Canzeri (ankle) was a full participant in practice all week and had no limitations. Personally, even though he has played some , I don't think he has taken an injury free snap all year.. If you believe what you hear, sounds like he is good to go today.. So now we have the ground and pound Wiesman and the slashing Canzeri to go against a very poor rush defense... Please GREG DAVIS (Iowa and formerly Texas' embattled OC) run the ball to the left side 40 times today and check the score when you are done.
There are better individual defensive linemen in the league, but as a tandem I don't believe there are any better than Carl Davis and Trinca-Pasat at Iowa. And add Drew Ott to the mix as they run end/tackle games consistently and Illinois has plenty to worry about.. I like Lunt but he is a stationary passer for the most part.. Trouble as Illinois offensive line is a hot mess. there best Olineman Karras is out for year and word is LT Cvijanovic wont play today.. Patchwork O=line vs pissed off defense that coughed up half a hundred last week? Like that matchup and will pay close attention to it..
Will likely have one night game to add.. Still checking it out. In College Station
no surprise for those who keep track of me if that specie still exists.

stalked this one in a series of plays that have worked quite well.

gotta be on the right week with this team/coach.. this is right week again.

waited out the number and that worked pretty well and I could have predicted it 10000 times in a row. so predictable for years

SGfuckingU, -3, -115; wont even mention the units but biggest play in a long time


Best of luck. I got them on side and ML parlays as well.
Iowa RB canzeri on field warming up. report says he looks good. Illy has given up 6.1 yards per carry in conference play
You didn't roll 2H, Tee? Thought was pretty easy they way Iowa was moving the ball.
hey tee... anything for late game?

missed ur iowa play.... well i didnt know what team SG u was lol.. im new at this... gl and great pick ... from a fellow south floridian in the 305 area!
Nice hit on Iowa,Tee. I was on them as well, but didn't see the thread until now. I would've added A LOT more to my wager knowing it had your stamp of approval......but, the only thing worse than a sore loser, is a sore winner...so I'll take the cash and roll. You know your teams better than most when zeroed in on them. Always love your work and break down. Good luck in the future.