$100 waiver settings discussion - chime in.

Tide High

meet javier arenas

No one wants to change this??? Believe said he'd change anyt setting as long as everyone agreed. I propose these changes.

Lineups should be locked from kickoff until Tuesday morning.
All players not drafted are on waivers, not free agents.
Waiver order should be set in reverse order of standings, to be reset every week.
Waiver period processed each week, where you set your claims with priority.

please, lets get this discussion going. our settings need some sort of change. any arguments against my proposal? please speak up.

none of us want a league where 2 guys have >100 moves and insane trading power and depth.

Someone with knowledge of running a yahoo league really needs to chime in, as i have no experience with the waiver settings. in my espn league, and cbs league this is how it is run, and it is much more fair to those who do not have or do not want to have computer access on the weekends.
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note: usually waiver order is set opposite of draft order for 3-4 weeks, then changes over to inverse standings. since we will be 3-4 weeks in before anything is affected, i proposed the latter, more relative setting.
I won't complain if it switches, so don't count this as a vote against, but I don't see the problem with what we have right now. You are acting like Larry Johnson is magically going to appear on waivers, or that some WR will catch 300 yards one week and duplicate it repeatedly, and then one team will dominate.

The truth is, I'm not a fan of rewarding bad teams just for being bad, especially early in the year. AKA last week. Just because my team sucked pondwater for one week, I deserve Derrick ward? Well, that doesn't make much sense to me. I'm not saying that its any fairer to have a race to the computer when someone gets hurt, but I just don't think that rewarding bad teams makes anything any better.
Yea, I'm in the $50, but I definitely would be against this. I think waiver pick ups are a big part of fantasy ... I know what you're talking about though. My league is set up exactly like you're proposing in my ESPN league. It's awful, I've got Brandon Jacobs, and I tried to pick him up but couldn't since I won the week. I was soo furious. I think for that reason alone... when one of your guys goes down, you should have the oppurtunity to pick them up first.
Your situation sucks if you're never by a computer on Sundays, but I think that's probably something that should have been decided before the year, since it's such a big change. I'm not even sure they can change everything you're saying anyway.
It should also be mentioned that our rosters are deep enough that I think all the worthwhile backup RBs are already taken, anyway. So its not as if anyone willbe able to add Ladell Betts, Sammy Morris, or Adrian Peterson when Portis, Maroney, and Benson go down...
good points, i really just wanted to hear the discussion. you are right about backups, most are gone as it is. a guy better than lj can appear on waivers, though. if addai gets hurt, his backup will have better #s than LJ this year. im on the computer all day during the week, but never on the weekend, so i won't have a shot at him. i just assumed all leagues were run with waivers instead of FAs, i guess i assumed wrong.
i guess the best solution is just to charge for moves. that way there is some notion not to swap players so much, and the winner gets rewarded moreso. of course, there's no good way to do this in our league, just something to think about for the future.
I'll change anything that gets a majority vote. So far only a few have brought this up. Also, I need to make sure what settings can actually be changed per YAHOO.

My opinion is that each year only about 1-3 players are claimed off waivers and become true factors that could cause some griping. Last year, Colston and Jones-Drew come to mind. Other than that, no one made a significant impact that I can recall.
In my keeper league this is what we have and it has worked well because it gives everyone a chance.

Waivers are for players that are dropped ONLY. If Team A droppes Jones-Drew, he would then go on waivers and whoever wanted him would pick him up. It would have to have a 48 hr waiting period in case anyone else wants Jones-Drew. Then Team D is 3 spots ahead on the waiver wire and they would then take the rights to Jones-Drew. And so on.

The FA such as Ward out of NY would have to wait until Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. to be available. At 9 a.m. the teams would be unlocked and the 1st person there gets him because he was a FA. I think this is what is different then what you guys are talking about.

I really am not to concerned either way. But my opinion wold be to lock the teams and the first person to the computer Tues. morning gets the worm. If you want someone bad enough, we can set the alarms to get on the computer, if we are that desperate over fnatasy football leftovers. This is how I got S. Alexander in a keeper league when he came in for Waters years a go.
I dont even know if that can be done on YAHOO, Muto. It's a real basic set-up as far as custom settings go. Remember it's a free server, so I can't really complain with what they offer.
cool, i've heard enough opinions to discount my thoughts. no more talk of it. enjoy the season.

can't wait to see ya'll in tuscaloosa ATL. you coming to my hometown?
Yea, I don't think it's the norm ... this thread would be so much better if you had a LaRon Landry picture, Tide.

Ironically, I changed my avatar to Landry right before the MNF game because I was so amped up. LaRon sure showed me I picked the right Skin...
cool, i've heard enough opinions to discount my thoughts. no more talk of it. enjoy the season.
can't wait to see ya'll in tuscaloosa ATL. you coming to my hometown?

No, I'm actually a Notre Dame fan, I don't like LSU, I'm a Redskins fan though ... I've had that since the draft. It's the most badass picture I could find of him; I'm sure I'll have more options soon.
I dont even know if that can be done on YAHOO, Muto. It's a real basic set-up as far as custom settings go. Remember it's a free server, so I can't really complain with what they offer.

For it being free it is wonderful. Sportsline is AWFUL! It has been for the last 2 seasons now.

I am fine with how it is. You are the one doing all the work and I would say not to do too much. Dont really think a bench player is going to carry any of us to the playoffs.
ah ok. just saw your location... landry is a stud for sure. i picked up washingtons D because of that secondary. hopefully they'll start running pics back