1-point wins: VK, GW, Scarf & Grind

Who had the best draft?

  • VK

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GWarner

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Grind

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scarf

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
$500 per person. Winner take all. 1 point per win.

Final Selections

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Slow draft or pick a set time? I'd rather do a slow draft personally, but can make either work.

Also, PM me your email address and I can create draft randomizer for selection order that will instantly go to everyone.
slow draft as soon as we get a random number generator order we can start

Sounds good. VK mentioned slow draft worked for him as well. G...have your email from football draft, so once I get VK's email address I will have the randomizer get the draft order for everyone.
i'm sure he'll trust ya, use vk@ctg.edu

LOL...just PM'd him.

Quick Rules Summary so everything is clear...

1 Point per win
Snake Draft Order
Only 1 Team per seeding (#11s & #16s in play in game winner gets that slot)

Anything else you guys have used for rules in past years? Let me know if I'm forgetting something.
I will be around all night once I get into Detroit. It looks like an all nighter of work ... fml

Also, forwarded the email to all you guys because I don't know if the randomizer sent it out to everyone.

And so it begins...

I'll try to get an Excel spreadsheet summary in this thread every round or 2 if I can.
North Carolina

GDub on the clock...I’ll try to get an updated standings grid in this thread later tonight.
Okay, so VK has his two picks as Tex Tech and Gonzaga....GW gets Sparty and I’m on the clock. Going to update grid within the next hour or so before Grind gets his back to back picks since he’s out of the mix for the next hour or 2.
No worries, all playin games are for that slot so if St.B wins they replace the Bruins.

I’m up and will have my pick shortly
scarf put the "assigned" teams at the bottom

....and my bad about that, i thought VK would put both in the post and just saw no Sparty and hit reply
scarf put the "assigned" teams at the bottom

....and my bad about that, i thought VK would put both in the post and just saw no Sparty and hit reply

I will do that next update, GDub...I will provide that update after my pick now.

I’m taking Auburn, which gives you Wichita State.

Give me a few to update the grid.