1-AA Playoffs - Quarterfinals -77% YTD


Captain of Vanzack's yacht
30-9 YTD ...76.9%

2-0 Saturday.....

Eastern Washington +10 - W- 35-38 - It looked like a certain push with 5 minutes remaining in the 4th quarter, but EW punched in a TD with :28 remaining, and got us the cover. I'll give credit where credit is due and say Appalachian State's D showed up. They limited an offense that churned out 600+ yards last weekend, to only 370 today.

Mount Union/St. John Fisher over 40 -W- 52-10 -
I'll say this right now, if 5Dimes continues to put out horse shit like this, I'm going to unload on them next weekend for sure. Mount Union should have scored 70 themselves in this one, but 3 interceptions limited their offensive production a little. They put up over 600 yards in total offense. I really wish I would have known they were going to release totals on these games, or I would have been a little more prepared.
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<st1>Eastern Washington</st1> at Appalachian State
<st1>Eastern Washington </st1>crushed previously unbeaten <st1:street><st1:address>McNeese St.</st1:address></st1:street> 44-15, @ McNeese <st1>St.</st1>The win wasn’t a fluke either. They had 34 FD’s, 434 yards through the air, and 192 on the ground. They went out on the field and proved they were the #4 offense in the country.
Appalachian State squeaked by James Madison, 28-27. I have said repeatedly that they can’t protect against the run. JMU ran for 312 yards on the day, and basically dominated the Mountaineers. JMU fumbled the ball deep in Appy territory, looking to go up 14-0, but <st1:street><st1:address>Appy St.</st1:address></st1:street> returned it 77 yards to the JMU 2, and tied it at 7’s. If the Dukes would have put that ball in the end zone, I’d be performing a different analysis right now.
Lean: <st1>Eastern Washington</st1> – Appalachian State will obviously be a favorite, because they are some public darlings for beating <st1:state><st1>Michigan</st1></st1:state>. It’s a <st1:time minute="0" hour="12">12pm</st1:time> kickoff, which puts it at <st1:time minute="0" hour="9">9am</st1:time> Pacific time. That could cause some concern. Hard to imagine them not being able to wake up, and be hungry to pound the 2 time defending Champs, but it’s a thought. I just think EW brings too much offensively to this game.
<st1:state><st1:place>Delaware</st1:place></st1:state> at <st1:place>Northern Iowa</st1:place>
<o:p> </o:p>
I’m an absolute moron for not taking 15 points Last Friday, with one of the best QB’s in 1-AA history, Ricky Santos of <st1:state><st1:place>New Hampshire</st1:place></st1:state>. <st1:place>Northern Iowa</st1:place> escaped with a 3 point victory, 38-35.
<o:p> </o:p>
<st1:state><st1:place>Delaware</st1:place></st1:state> annihilated a weak <st1:street><st1:address>Delaware St.</st1:address></st1:street> team 44-7. Omar Cuff ran for 288 yards in only 3 quarters. Not much else to say.

<o:p> </o:p> Lean: <st1:state><st1:place>Delaware</st1:place></st1:state> – This could easily be the best game of the weekend.Two very evenly matched, balanced teams, playing in a dome. <st1:state><st1:place>Delaware</st1:place></st1:state> might have a slight advantage in preparation, as they played on Thursday, instead of Saturday. I’m sure they started watching NI film right away, to prepare for an unfamiliar opponent, because <st1:state><st1:place>New Hampshire</st1:place></st1:state> is a CAA foe, and they had already played them earlier in the year. I have a feeling that <st1:place>Northern Iowa</st1:place> may be giving a few too many points once again. <st1:state><st1:place>Delaware</st1:place></st1:state>’s run D may seem a little suspect looking at their ranking, but when you factor in they played 4 run 1<sup>st</sup>, run 2<sup>nd</sup> style offenses in Rhode Islad, Navy, JMU, and <st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city>[FONT=&quot], then their run defense numbers don’t look so bad.[/FONT]
<st1:state><st1:place>Massachusetts</st1:place></st1:state> at <st1:place>Southern Illinois</st1:place>
<o:p> </o:p>
UMass beat Partoit League champ Fordham 49-35. They gained 649 yards of offense. Fordham was a good team, but not great. I mean they did have the #103 rank in total D. So is UMass all that impressive?
<o:p> </o:p>
<st1:place>Southern Illinois</st1:place> defeated <st1:place>Eastern Illinois</st1:place> 30-11. Not quite what I expected for such an explosive offense. They were up 20-0 at the half, so perhaps they let their foot off the gas, and just coasted to the W. They did lose 2 fumbles, so I’m sure that cut into their offensive production.
<o:p> </o:p>
Lean: Southern Illinois – This is just a basic lean on the home team against a team that hates to leave their comfy state that boasts an interesting lingual accent. It will be interesting to see where the line is set.
<st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> at Wofford
<o:p> </o:p>
<st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> beat <st1:place>Eastern Kentucky</st1:place> 31-13 at home. They benefited from 4 turnovers, and were up 24-7 at the end of the 3<sup>rd</sup>. WK relies pretty heavily on their running game, but they were forced to pass 35 times, which is certainly not their forte. <st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> controlled the ball for 38 min, and cruised to the easy W.
<o:p> </o:p>
Wofford went to <st1:state><st1:place>Montana</st1:place></st1:state>, and defeated the Grizz 23-22, in 20 degree temperatures. They put up an impressive 333 yards on the ground, but did turn the ball over 3 times. This option offense is very tough for teams to defend, and Kevious Johnson is an absolute stud.
<o:p> </o:p>
Lean: Wofford – I have a feeling Wofford will be laying too many points at home to play them. This game is going to go fast, and see about 90 rushing attempts, unless <st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> falls behind quick. +Points are going to be ohh too valuable. <st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> did give up 230 to a similar <st1:state><st1:place>Rhode Island</st1:place></st1:state> offense, that doesn’t nearly pack the punch the Terriers will bring in their own house. <st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> is basically a 1 trick pony, with Hightower being their only option. If they shut him down, they shut <st1:city><st1:place>Richmond</st1:place></st1:city> down, no questions asked.
I am actually looking forward to the Delaware vs UNI game as it should be a great one to watch and could even be the best game of the weekend in 1-A or 1-AA for that matter.

Best of luck this weekend, you are definitely the standard when it comes to the 1-AA plays.

If Delaware is catching 4 or more, I think I'll have to play them. I can see this easily being decided by a FG either way. That would be sweet if it were on the tube.

Also, I dropped you a PM earlier today.
Surprised at a couple of the opens so decided to jump on em while they were available.

DELAWARE +7.5 115

Actually like Mary Hardin Baylor as well but not sure if I want to go the super small school route again after Curry crushed my dreams last week haha.
With regards to your PM, I think your strategy is point on. The key in those situations is to guarantee yourself profit and not try to hit some crazy 8 team parlay or +50000 dog out of greed.
Well boys, the lines are up.... These are the opening lines I do believe.

Eastern Washington +10 @ Appalachian St.

Delaware +7.5 @ Northern Iowa

UMass +1.5 @ Southern Illinois

Richmond pk @ Wofford

Some early thoughts:

I took Eastern Washington at +10. Since I can only get $50 down on this number, I will wait, and see where it goes from here. I really think there is too much love for an Appalachian St. team that has no D. Eastern Washington is basically unknown on the East coast, and I think this number will go up a bit, which I will take some more of. If not, I didn't want to miss my chance of double digits.

Delaware at +7.5 is looking good. But I just refreshed my screen, and noticed that it dropped .5.

Still looking over the UMass/So Ill matchup, so no real thoughts here.

Wofford at pk is a little surprising. CAA followers are the biggest bunch of homers I've ever seen. All of them are predicting a Richmond blowout. I just laugh. I noticed that this went to Wofford -1.5 almost instantly though. Hmmmnnnn. I will hold off on this one for now, and see if all those homers come piling in on this one, and bring it back down to pick.
ASU game down to 4.5, Hoops.
What would you do at that number.?
Gotta like your 10, but I'm likely to go with the Champs at 4.5.
I'm leaning So Illinois . Umass is the local team for me, but they lack the pizzaz of last year's team that lost in the finals. Tough call but I'm leaning Salukis.
I think Richmond was the best team in The Colonial and lean that way.
Delaware at 6.5 still looks like a play to me.

I can't believe the line has dropped so much. At 4.5, I don't know what I would do. That would probably be a no play for me.

I think all the other games are going to be so close. Wofford has gone to -2, so I don't think I'm going to be playing them. I honestly do think they could run away with this. There's a reason Richmond wasn't granted home field in this one.

GL with what ever you move in on.


Mount Union/St John Fisher over 40

This line is set off of last years game, a 26-14 victory for the Purple Raiders. Notice any resemblance? Mount Union has had 1 game stay under this number, a 37-0 shutout of Capital on the road. That was the only game Mount Union themselves failed to score under 40 points. If the Cardinals can get on the board, this game should easily go over.
Mount Union up 21-0 with 3:46 remaining in the 1st Quarter.....

Appalachian State up 14-7 with 11:50 remaining in the 2nd.....
31-0 Mount Union..... 5:00 remaining in the 3rd...

21-14 Appalachian State..... 10:00 remaining in the 3rd
And there's the over boys.....

38-3 Mount Union..... 2:00 remaining in the 3rd.....

24-21 Appalachian State..... 5:45 remaining in the 3rd.... I wish this bitch was on TV..
2-0 Saturday.....

Recaps above....

Eastern Washington +10 - W- 35-38

Mount Union/St. John Fisher over 40 -W- 52-10

I hope some of you guys were able to make some money today!

Nice going Hoops
I won on Southern Ill, Delaware,and Richmond.
Back door cover with 28 seconds left beat me in the ASU game.