1.00 NFL snake

- AFC EAST: Dolphins
- AFC NORTH: Steelers
- AFC SOUTH: Colts
- AFC WEST: Chiefs
- NFC EAST: Giants
- NFC NORTH: Vikings
- NFC SOUTH: Saints
- NFC WEST: Seahawks

- AFC EAST: Patriots
- AFC NORTH: Browns
- AFC SOUTH: Texans
- AFC WEST: Raiders
- NFC EAST: Redskins
- NFC NORTH: Bears
- NFC SOUTH: Panthers

- AFC EAST: Bills
- AFC NORTH: Ravens
- AFC SOUTH: Titans
- AFC WEST: Chargers
- NFC EAST: Eagles
- NFC NORTH: Packers
- NFC SOUTH: Falcons

- AFC EAST: Jets
- AFC NORTH: Bengals
- AFC SOUTH: Jaguars
- AFC WEST: Broncos
- NFC EAST: Cowboys
- NFC NORTH: Lions
- NFC WEST: Rams
- AFC EAST: Dolphins
- AFC NORTH: Steelers
- AFC SOUTH: Colts
- AFC WEST: Chiefs
- NFC EAST: Giants
- NFC NORTH: Vikings
- NFC SOUTH: Saints
- NFC WEST: Seahawks

- AFC EAST: Patriots
- AFC NORTH: Browns
- AFC SOUTH: Texans
- AFC WEST: Raiders
- NFC EAST: Redskins
- NFC NORTH: Bears
- NFC SOUTH: Panthers
- NFC WEST: 49ers

- AFC EAST: Bills
- AFC NORTH: Ravens
- AFC SOUTH: Titans
- AFC WEST: Chargers
- NFC EAST: Eagles
- NFC NORTH: Packers
- NFC SOUTH: Falcons
- NFC WEST: Cardinals

- AFC EAST: Jets
- AFC NORTH: Bengals
- AFC SOUTH: Jaguars
- AFC WEST: Broncos
- NFC EAST: Cowboys
- NFC NORTH: Lions
- NFC WEST: Rams
Good luck gents, think we’re settled on rules but just in case bring something up if there’s a problem

Same as always right? 1 point for a win, 1.5 for a divisional win, half of either for a tie, and 2 points for a playoff win right? Winner takes it all?

I’ll put the team breakdown on my little file I’ve made tomorrow night after work and post here.
Last 4-man draft I just re-read and byes weren't counted as wins. Nor should they be. They're byes.

they are counted as wins because you have to qualify ahead of the inferior teams who win on wild card weekend. This has been the case for years
they are counted as wins because you have to qualify ahead of the inferior teams who win on wild card weekend. This has been the case for years

You show me where in any of these past threads where its been outlined that byes are worth 2 points. That's all I'm asking. I've found it nowhere. I've found posts where you list the rules in prior years and there's no mention of byes being worth 2 points in playoffs...but I very may well have missed something.

Just link me the post. Because if not, no rules are meant to be changed AFTER drafting. Just my opinion.
@GWarner27 I was wrong. Found in one of the other posts where the precedent was set ... it just was way into the post. Just wanted consistency is all and no issue admitting I was wrong.

As long as you guys have done this previously in drafts of this format, I'm good...carry on...sorry for the confusion, fellas.

So then according to that post, a loss is worth 1 point as well for playoffs? Is everyone okay with that?
i think this was part of Kyle's frustration, also that there are two contests that should be the same that have some slight variations.

I think @eggman scores it differently than the other group making the playoffs more important, but i see merit in making playoff wins the same amount as regular season (1 for each, less than the 1.5 for division games)
i think this was part of Kyle's frustration, also that there are two contests that should be the same that have some slight variations.

I think @eggman scores it differently than the other group making the playoffs more important, but i see merit in making playoff wins the same amount as regular season (1 for each, less than the 1.5 for division games)

@GWarner27 I'm fine with any rules as long as we all agree on them before hand. If you want to do 1 point for byes and wins for playoffs, that's cool. If you want to do 2 win/bye and 1 loss....that's cool.

Let's just decide sometime this week what works and I'm good to go as long as we are all on the same page.
being that this is meant to be a regular season contest, I prefer 1 point for playoff wins and byes
Guys, I’ve been in this contest (1k) every year and every year we have run it the same way. It has never faltered or changed. 1pt for a win, bonus half point if a divisional win, 2 points for playoffs. I don’t know that anyone ever stated it is intended to be a regular season contest either. It’s a team draft, the guy who picks the best teams, wins.

Rarely do the playoffs even come into play honestly except to clinch and generally the regular season leader has the most playoff teams and wins ultimately, but that being said, the playoffs have always counted. And always counted as 2. Byes in the playoffs are considered a win, as they’ve earned that result.

I don’t really think we should change all these rules after the draft either.
Just to clarify for everyone.....

Regular Season Wins - 1 point
Regular Season Divisional Wins - 1.5 points
Playoff Wins - 2 points

We have always run it that way I just want to post it so we are all on the same page.
See above
Yes the above is exactly what we’ve went with and I expected us to go wirh again....
it's a regular season contest by default as we get one team in each division and division wins are worth more than regular wins, but i think as scorer egg has taken some liberties to define things in his own way that mogo has done differently in the other contest.

I don't need to change anything really, but i think having a full list of rules would be most helpful so we are sure to stick with them in this and all future years.

For example, ties were a big thing that came up midseason for both leagues and that's why this league splits the ties into a half-win for each team and the other had been giving 0 to both teams involved in the tie
What liberties have I taken? I don’t understand. We have done this contest I want to say 5-7x and on the 1k contest these have always been the rules. For ties, I never asked what people thought as I just assumed it would be fair for each team to get a half win, just as they get a half loss. A bye in the playoffs is a win, it’s a game they advanced to just like if they have to play in.

Sorry I didn’t post the rules but they have been the same forever and I confirmed last year (see my quoted post from last August which is above) so I just figured we were on the same page. I have never looked at the lower priced contest’s rules as I didn’t think they mattered as I wasn’t in them.

So I guess, what do you want to change and we can discuss?
i am not accusing you of anything and am glad you're willing to do the updates, i'm just saying the ties thing specifically was never really discussed in either of them and i think both of the groups treat ties differently.

I also think playoff scoring is different, which again isn't something i'm complaining about but it's funny because both are meant to have the same exact rules
FYI - I tried to keep the scoring between the $1k & $100 snake drafts the same since there was overlap of users.

Ties were never really a thing until last year and created a bunch of confusion.

I do think both groups were giving 1 pt to a playoff loss (we had this last year and was on the template egg sent me way back), but it may have changed for this group somewhere along the way and I never noticed.

I think this year we are back to the same scoring in both.

I love more that you all state your credentials(multiple times) of being in 1K leagues before!
Not sure the reference. I stated that I was part of the original group that did this so I’m pretty sure I know the rules. Troll.
File too large too post it says. It’s basically over anyway....

Gwarner - 8
Steed - 4
Eggman - 3.5
Scarf - 3

Congrats Gwarner.
Not sure the reference. I stated that I was part of the original group that did this so I’m pretty sure I know the rules. Troll.

It is not trolling at all. It is just funny how many times "1K" is referenced. Best of luck to you guys!
It is not trolling at all. It is just funny how many times "1K" is referenced. Best of luck to you guys!

Still not following, should we be referencing 100 snakes that we don’t play in? This contest has been going on for probably 5-7 years best I can remember. Do you think we are trying to be “big ballers” by mentioning the fee? If so, wow, but that is all I can figure by your note. But if it makes you feel better we will now refer to this as the “non-$100 snake.” Good looking out.