You gotta love TIM TEBOW


All Day
This guy gets very few chances each game... but Man if he dosent capitalize.....

I Love chris leak... But you gotta be excited to see what florida looks like when TEBOW is the #1 Starter.. He brings another deminsion to this team....

Just thought id share :):smiley_acbe:
Yawn... not impressed... throw them out of the hunt... escaping at home again..

I certainly hope Michy doesn't lose BUT if they lose close.. only one team IMO should go and that's an undefeated Rutgers team.
Inspekdah said:
Yawn... not impressed... throw them out of the hunt... escaping at home again..

I certainly hope Michy doesn't lose BUT if they lose close.. only one team IMO should go and that's an undefeated Rutgers team.

Inspekdah...I grew up in the northeast and could not fathom SEC footbal until I attended UF...bro, it's like nothing you can imagine...look at UGA rolling Auby today. That's why I am VERY HAPPY that we BARELY beat USC....

All the SEC teams have ELITE athletes and hate each other...that's why what Spurrier accomplished at UF (dominating the SEC) was AMAZING.

Thank god I was half way sober enough to watch much of Spurrier's reign in the way...ANY top SEC team would ROLL Rutgers...UF, Auby, Tenn, LSU, UGA, Arky..hell, I think UK would give em a helluva game.

the SEC is UNLIKE any CFB conference in the country in terms of talent from top to bottom...

Mully :drink: :cheers: :drink:
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some of the worst playcallin ive ever seen by meyer.. No wonder florida cant score points.. How can you continually forget about #21..

good win though..
Ive said it all year long.. just joined this forum this month.. but ive said it here... RUTGERS is and has been my underdog team all year.. I see them rolling WVU.. and causing the Poll some HELL.. THEY go undifeated then they should go without a doubt.. OK its true they didnt play great at the beginning fo the year.. ut they WON. How you win should come NOW at this point of the season. and a 1 PT win vs South Carolina dosent show nearly as much as Rutgers against LVille.. IMO.. I say if they beat WVU and remain undifeated they deserve it.. EVEN if you dont pull for them.. you gotta pull for them to win out , ust to see what the POLLSTERS do
ABCS your exactly right, WYNN is like a gift from heaven and they refuse to run him, why? What about those bullshit sweep and trick plays...stupid.