Yahoo MLB box scores are puke now


Pretty much a regular
:puking: floating foreground, dark colors, floating text and no solid background behind numbers and text. Quite fucking terrible. It definitely looks like someone who knows nothing about baseball and the importance of stats tried to Web 2.0 this shit.

Anyone have a recommendation for a clean site for box scores? Not espn. Foxsports isn't too bad, guess I'll use as my new default for now.
Besides being a big graphics headache I found many failures to keep up with the scores in many games. Maybe I shouldn't blame the new scoreboard setup because they always made a lot of errors in every way conceivable. Yeah so I guess that's it for Yahoo Sports.Hope they leave their Email alone.
what the fuck is yahoo doing....

its not even the box scores, its the complete yahoo sports section overall that is just gross
Sportsline stinks, IMO. They're always like 30-60 seconds behind the action.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it "stinks", but it's definitely slipping. And 30-60 seconds is pretty good in some instances - sometimes it's almost like it's frozen, and then you look at another scoreboard and realize the inning's already over...

And for those of us who started out in the days of "text only" internet, I still have a great appreciation for both Yahoo! and Sportsline (no homo).
The weird thing about Yahoo is that for the last couple of weeks I'd go there and it'd be the regular site. Then I'd go a couple hours later and they'd have the new shit up. Then, later in the night, it'd be back to the regular site again.