Would a NFL player beat a UFC heavyweight

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
I personally think Shawn Merriman would kick the shit out of Randy Couture within 30 seconds. I think Couture would be on a stretcher and hurt badly-

I wondered about this and thought a guy athletic like Merriman with his strength would annilihate any heavyweight. I dont think anyone could take him down, and I believe he would hit way to hard for anyone to take.

I doubt it he could be submitted either.

ANy thoughts?
I think if you don't have the technique or the skills to be a UFC fighter, you should stay the fuck away from the ring.

those guys have training beyond comparison when it comes to fighting and takedowns.
Merriman or anyother NFL player would lose to any top 100 HW.

Size and speed help but MMA goes so far beyond just those two attributes.
Zbikowski might have a chance since he knows how to fight but even then boxing is nothing like UFC.
ANy of these UFC bums would get knocked the fuck out in a real fight against any top 100 boxer in their weight class
what is your definition of "real fight"?

i would think a UFC fight is closer to a "real fight" than any boxing match....
Thats easy. Look at Brock Lesnar.
He was a football player and he is large.
Hell he is probably bigger than most current NFL players.
The guy has a wrestling background and everything and he still looks like a fish out of water after over a year of full blown training.

So to answer your question most UFC fighters would do Merrimans little Yag sack dance around his busted up ass as he lay motionless on the canvas.
Sammy...are you for real? I mean I read your responses in the Vince Young tread about black QB's not lasting long in the NFL...

Merriman would get ass handed to him by a LHW fighter...let alone Couture and the rest of the HW. MMA combat fighters are a different kind of animial, different breed sorta say. Merriman may have the strength and conditioning, but does he have the skills and technique? Can he avoid a take down? Can he defend himself against g-n-p, or against a submission attempt, which would likely set up for another submission?

I respect all athletes, but I wouldn't put them in the same class with an experienced MMA fighter.
Can he avoid a take down? Can he defend himself against g-n-p, or against a submission attempt, which would likely set up for another submission?

no, no, and no....

preventing a takedown with the sprawl isn't as easy as some of the fighters make it looks on TV.... i think a lot people have a hard time understanding that, and think strength will win out over everything else...
ANy of these UFC bums would get knocked the fuck out in a real fight against any top 100 boxer in their weight class

Not so fast my friend.....in a boxing match, the boxer would have the advantage. In a real fight or MMA match...the MMA fighter has a big time advantage. There is a line between boxers and MMA artists, where both athletes respect one another...but deep down inside the mind of a boxer, they know MMA fighters are legit.

A lot of pro boxers have recognized and say that MMA fighters are on a different level. When Mayweather said that no one can touch him, not even a UFC fighter, that stirred the pot. The very next week (Liddell vs. Rampage), after Din Thomas won his fight, he publicly called out any boxers that think they could hang with the UFC....no professional boxer made a statement...except for Mayweather retracting on what he said the week before!!
Let a boxer use those gloves...those MMA bar fighters would get their shit shoved if they tried to get near a boxer...One hit and they would be knocked out!

Most of these guys are just billies or wrestlers...They would have the advantage if they got to the mat...that would never happen though.
How would a boxer defend a flying knee or a liver kick? And I'm sure the boxer have faster hands, but not all boxers have K.O. power. A boxer on the ground is like a crab on it's back and I'm sure 90% of all fights in bar would end up on the ground...so please!! Remember these guys train to withstand striking in order to shoot in. The boxer may get lucky if he connects, but once he's on the ground...it's fair game. I dont think a boxer would know how to sprawl or defend a takedown either....it's not like they train that for a boxing match. Once on the ground, the boxer will be trying to stand up, but he'd better be quick to avoid getting mounted on and/or submitted.

Many MMA fighters possesses great boxing skills and they too admit that it's more than just boxing in MMA.

Not all MMA fighters are bullies or wrestlers.....there's a ton of different styles in MMA...not safe to assume that all MMA fighters are wrestlers. Though having a wrestling background is a good base, there's a lot more to incorporate.

I admit in boxing match ONLY, the advantage would go to the boxer. In a cage or street fight, I'd put my money on the MMA dude!!!
Let a boxer use those gloves...those MMA bar fighters would get their shit shoved if they tried to get near a boxer...One hit and they would be knocked out!

Most of these guys are just billies or wrestlers...They would have the advantage if they got to the mat...that would never happen though.

You are freaking clueless bro. How long have you watched MMA?
Started following it around 98 or so. Watched boxing for about 8 years prior to that. Can you please explain how you are coming to this insane conclusions.

Are we using the same format that predicted the Big 10 to own the SEC prior to the last two national championship games getting played? Just curious cause your speaking matter of factly without bringing along the facts. I see a close relationship between these crazy thoughts and those Big 10 dream weaver statements we get to read every year.
Hell a decent percentage of these guys boxed professionally and either werent challenged enough or saw the writing on the wall and abandoned a dying (see dead) sport.

Alot of Boxers couldnt make it through the rigorous training sessions these guys go through. Sure boxers prepare for 12 rounds at times but as tiring as boxing can be for 3 minutes rounds it is nothing compared to 5 minute rounds of all out war.

The boxing fans all have the same fairy tale explanations. All I can say is where are your stars? Where is the interest? Where is the money? It is dying and even the strongest boxing fans will admit it. The next great boxer wont be the next great boxer because those guys are taking up MMA fighting. Hell I would go as far as to say the new up and coming boxers are nothing more than girlie men that cant handle the top combat sport so they settle for the European league of combat (i.e. Boxing).
Rankings taken from Fightnews.com

Okay bro here's a simple match-up by weight and I'll let others chime in...this is based on a "bar" fight. Tell me, who would have the advantage?

These are top level boxers vs. MMA champs to mid-level fighters. I'm not dissing any boxers, but just to make a valid point.....


Wladimir Kiltschko vs. Fedor Emelienko/Andre Arlovski (weak chin, but still)

Light Heavyweight to Cruiserweight (175-205)

Anybody vs. Anderson Silva/Franklin/Machida

Super Middleweight to Middleweight (160-168)

Kenny Pavlik/Dela Hoya/Mayorga vs. George St. Pierre/Fitch/Koschec/Lawler

Super Welterweight/Jr. Middleweight (154)

Anyone vs. B.J. Penn/Florian/Gomi

Super Welterweight/Jr. Welterweight (140)

Hatton vs. Faber or Kid Yamamoto

Lightweight (130)

Anyone vs. Miguel Torres
Let a boxer use those gloves...those MMA bar fighters would get their shit shoved if they tried to get near a boxer...One hit and they would be knocked out!

Most of these guys are just billies or wrestlers...They would have the advantage if they got to the mat...that would never happen though.

one thing you are not realizing is that boxers have more rules (no takedowns, no kicks, no chokes, etc)... in a real fight, there would be no rules...

a boxer or an NFL player or whatever will give in to submission and will be crying or begging in real life if their arm is in a position to get broken.. if you don't have the techniques to defend yourself from that, you'll find yourself and and your arm in that situation quickly against an MMA fighter.
maybe i'm too biased but alot of those are total mismatches as far as a bar fight goes.

Fedor would absolutely hammer Wlad.

Silva same. Pierre same. Penn same

I don't know how many fights some of you have ever been in, but a so-called bar fight is alot more like UFC then boxing. When was the last time you were in or saw a fight in the streets where the dudes just squared up to each other and put their "dukes up. lmao" 9.9 out of 10 the fight goes to the ground and in that case the MMA guys will destroy the boxer.
maybe i'm too biased but alot of those are total mismatches as far as a bar fight goes.

Fedor would absolutely hammer Wlad.

Silva same. Pierre same. Penn same

I don't know how many fights some of you have ever been in, but a so-called bar fight is alot more like UFC then boxing. When was the last time you were in or saw a fight in the streets where the dudes just squared up to each other and put their "dukes up. lmao" 9.9 out of 10 the fight goes to the ground and in that case the MMA guys will destroy the boxer.

Well, this is in reference to YesSir's post No. 9...."ANy of these UFC bums would get knocked the fuck out in a real fight against any top 100 boxer in their weight class"

So I made a mock match-up of weight classes....LOL!

And with respect to boxers and the sport of boxing, in a controlled boxing match, they would have the advantage..except Fedor.
Everyone is not seeing the real picture here. If a fighter like LESNAR who has no real true MMA experience can get a title shot after his 2nd fight that shows us right there that MMA fighters are not that great--

LESNAR almost beat MIR and basically pummelled him to the point MIR did not know what was going on. The refs saved MIR in that fight.

Anyone thinks that any fighter can touch MERRIMAN I ask you the following--

If the GREAT CHUCK LIDDELL is even grazed by a MERRIMAN punch or tackle he is unconcscious. What you don't understand is that MMA fighters are not strong guys. They have technique but are mostly not guys who are strong. WHy do you think LESNAR slammed HERRING to the mat and held him there for 3 rounds. And HErring was 260 pounds-

Merriman has power and strength that no one in MMA has seen or can take. Merriman would just maul Couture--

The fight would go something like this. Merriman bull rushes Couture and he cannot avoid the takedown. Merriman gets on top of him and pummels him unconscious within seconds. People are pumping up MMA fighters, how about realizing that a NFL players is much stronger and tougher and takes way harder hits every single day.

The legendary striker LIddell laugh my ass off, this guy is a legendary striker??? He has the worst defense I have seen out of any bar fighter in the world. He holds his hands down to his knees and does nothing--

MMA is all hype, they hype everyone up- no one really knows how strong these guys are.

Ex- Other martial arts fighters like Cung LEE and the new jui jitsu guy in the UFc are easily able to defeat experienced MMA fighters. Jsut because they are in the UFC means nothing to me--

If anyone thinks the best fighters in the world are in MMA, they are severely mistaken in that regard--

UFC has american wrestlers who were good in college like Josh Koscheck, JOhn FITCH, and Matt Hughes. None of these guys can strike, so they are not even fighters, they are wrestlers.

MMA has no credibility when MATT serrra is there? THis guy is 5 foot nothing and cannot strike and he knocked out one of the top pound for pound fighters in the world--

MMA is a marketing machine that many goons and tough guys watch. Really its a joke. LIddell was marketed so good and he is basicallly a borderline bar goon- bouncer. The guy sucks, he would get killed in a fight with any striker. THey gave him matchups vs grapplers and he beat them all easily.

Fedor and ANderson Silva, maybe QUIinton Jackson are the only legit MMA fighters because they can BOX. The other fighters are jokes, they are just there becasue they need fighters.

IT comes down to being able to take a punch and I am convinced that MMA fighters have glass jaws. Also mma fighters are defending takedowns from other mma fighters. The bull rush approach works look at LESNAR, his approach works, if he beats Couture that proves right there that MMA is a joke, because Lesnar has no SKILL,. just strength and power and some athleticism.

LIddell- glass jaw
GSP- Glass Jaw
Sylvia- Wimp
sammy sometimes i think you start these threads just to get a rise out of everyone and spew your bs till somebody gets pissed and the thread gets locked.

btw Lesnar was not just some big dumb behemoth and wanted to take up MMA. He was a very accomplished wrestler (real not fake) in high school and college.
THe thread is legitimate. The question is legitimate. Just surprised to see so much love and respect for MMA fighters who can be knocked out no problem.
how is MERRIMAN going to prevent a rear naked choke? how about an arm bar? or maybe a a heel hook? or a knreebar? does he know how to to protect himself from these Submissions?

LESNAR couldn't even make it out of the 1ST ROUND... don't know how the refs saved him??? he mauled MIR as you say, and then he taped out from a kneebar, did he not? simple.

all that strength and power and he couldn't do anything about the submission.... he was HELPLESS... i'm sure the same thing would happen to MOST NFL players.... :shake:
Everyone is not seeing the real picture here. If a fighter like LESNAR who has no real true MMA experience can get a title shot after his 2nd fight that shows us right there that MMA fighters are not that great--

LESNAR almost beat MIR and basically pummelled him to the point MIR did not know what was going on. The refs saved MIR in that fight.

Anyone thinks that any fighter can touch MERRIMAN I ask you the following--

If the GREAT CHUCK LIDDELL is even grazed by a MERRIMAN punch or tackle he is unconcscious. What you don't understand is that MMA fighters are not strong guys. They have technique but are mostly not guys who are strong. WHy do you think LESNAR slammed HERRING to the mat and held him there for 3 rounds. And HErring was 260 pounds-

Merriman has power and strength that no one in MMA has seen or can take. Merriman would just maul Couture--

The fight would go something like this. Merriman bull rushes Couture and he cannot avoid the takedown. Merriman gets on top of him and pummels him unconscious within seconds. People are pumping up MMA fighters, how about realizing that a NFL players is much stronger and tougher and takes way harder hits every single day.

The legendary striker LIddell laugh my ass off, this guy is a legendary striker??? He has the worst defense I have seen out of any bar fighter in the world. He holds his hands down to his knees and does nothing--

MMA is all hype, they hype everyone up- no one really knows how strong these guys are.

Ex- Other martial arts fighters like Cung LEE and the new jui jitsu guy in the UFc are easily able to defeat experienced MMA fighters. Jsut because they are in the UFC means nothing to me--

If anyone thinks the best fighters in the world are in MMA, they are severely mistaken in that regard--

UFC has american wrestlers who were good in college like Josh Koscheck, JOhn FITCH, and Matt Hughes. None of these guys can strike, so they are not even fighters, they are wrestlers.

MMA has no credibility when MATT serrra is there? THis guy is 5 foot nothing and cannot strike and he knocked out one of the top pound for pound fighters in the world--

MMA is a marketing machine that many goons and tough guys watch. Really its a joke. LIddell was marketed so good and he is basicallly a borderline bar goon- bouncer. The guy sucks, he would get killed in a fight with any striker. THey gave him matchups vs grapplers and he beat them all easily.

Fedor and ANderson Silva, maybe QUIinton Jackson are the only legit MMA fighters because they can BOX. The other fighters are jokes, they are just there becasue they need fighters.

IT comes down to being able to take a punch and I am convinced that MMA fighters have glass jaws. Also mma fighters are defending takedowns from other mma fighters. The bull rush approach works look at LESNAR, his approach works, if he beats Couture that proves right there that MMA is a joke, because Lesnar has no SKILL,. just strength and power and some athleticism.

LIddell- glass jaw
GSP- Glass Jaw
Sylvia- Wimp

NO disrepect Sammy but this entire post is 100% wrong in so many ways.
Sammy, I do see what you're saying, BUT to say that MMA fighters are not real is something else. Okay, so you say that Merriman will defeat mos guys because he can bull rush someone with his strength....that technique might work, but then what? He gets on his opponent and starts raining down punches....okay, but he'll probably punch himself out and tire down. What if he does take down Couture, they scramble around, Randy takes his back, then what? Of he takes his leg for a leg lock? Guys like these have the caliber to finish the opponent.

There are only a few guys with an iron jaw....guys like Fedor, Henderson, Fujita, etc. You can be the baddest fighter in MMA and if you get hit right in the "sweet" spot...its lights out.

Any MMA fighter will tell you, it's techigue over strength. Lesnar was an NCAA D1 wrestler, so of-course he knows how to move. He has legit experience in the ring...though not enough, but at least more than Merriman. Yes, he was pounding Mir to a pulp, but he got sloppy and got caught. So why not give credit to Mir? He was clearly losing and getting pummeled, but yet he still had the heart, strength and skills to slap on a basic submission move on a NCAA wrestling champ......

Then you say Rampage and you put him in the best with Fedor, Silva, Cung Le??....base on the fact he can box?? A guy off the street that won TUF1, brought his skills in and took that belt away from Rampage.

UFC does not have the best fighters...anyone knows that!! But they are a known brand to the casual fans. During the Pride days....there was a ton of gifeted fighters that could give a lot of UFC fighters a run for there money.

So what if Merriman is strong and fast. NFL players are supposed to be stronger, it's what they train for. Take a look a Bob Sapp. He came from the NFL, and I seem him KTFO of some people, but he wouldn't last in todays MMA. The guy is constantly gassing out, he uses the ropes to stay up and takes in blows after blows.

It's like comparing apples to oranges.....or it's like "putting ice on the ice-cream cake.....wait did I say it right?"
THe thread is legitimate. The question is legitimate. Just surprised to see so much love and respect for MMA fighters who can be knocked out no problem.

Your right...anyone can be knocked out at anytime. Lidell, Rampage, Wanderlie, Franklin, GSP, Gomi, Pulver, Fujita, Severne, Goodridge, Lawler, Diaz, etc. all good fighters....they all ate the canvas somewhere in their career.

So whats your point? These guys are battle tested and will not back down. How many guys can say that?
Brock has elite level wrestling skills. If it wasn't for the millions the WWF threw at him, he was on his way to the Olympics where he would've been one of the favorites.

No professional athlete in football, rugby, basketball, whatever would stand a chance in the ring versus top MMA fighters.

A real question is whether or not Spider Silva with boxing gloves would have a chance at Roy Jones Jr. I wish White would sign off on this cuz I put $100 on Spider at +2000 on bodog.
Sammy if we meet, I'll let you bull rush me and we'll see what happens. In fact I'll let start in top position or bottom position and we'll see how far you get. I'll also give you 10 free punches at me and if you graze me even one, I'll give you another 10. I'm not saying that to be a jerk or a cock, but that's what your compairison is like. Me vs. you, Merriman vs. Cheik Kongo

I don't care who you are in the sports world, Merriman would have zero chance especially if everyone knew he was going to rush you and try to take you down, a well timed knee, kick, judo toss and it's "LIGHTS OUT" for Merriman!
Johnny Morton was an OK football player and he trained for 5 years to fight MMA and got knocked out by a tomato can in :40.

White has strong opinions on former NFL players who are able to make a weight class in the UFC.

"These NFL players think they are going to come in and fight against real mixed martial artists? It's going to be ugly," White said. "I got two words for you: Johnnie Morton."

Morton's inauspicious MMA debut took place on June 2, in his hometown of Los Angeles.

It only took 38 seconds for Morton's fight to end as he was momentarily knocked unconscious and had to leave the ring on a stretcher. After the fight he refused to take a drug test and his prefight drug test was positive for elevated levels of testosterone. As a result, Morton's $100,000 purse was withheld and he was fined $7,500 and suspended from the sport for one year.

Johnnie Morton hasn't fought since being knocked out in 38 seconds.
The lasting affects of Morton's fight directly affected the status of Jones. The former New York Giants offensive lineman was a former high school wrestling champion. In addition to playing football for Joe Paterno, Jones also wrestled as a senior at Penn State. After being cut by the Giants, Jones decided NFL life wasn't for him and didn't pursue any other tryouts or camps. He became a teacher at the high school he once attended, Wadsworth High School, but wanted to return to the field. He played briefly in the Arena Football League and then developed a new passion.
"Somebody introduced me to submission wrestling, grappling, and I got into that and I loved it, and did very well there," he said. "I wanted to do something more and I watched MMA on TV all the time, UFC and Pride, and I fell in love with it."

Jones received the go-ahead from his wife to step into the cage on Aug. 24 for Fight Fest after a meeting with Ohio matchmaker Mike Camp and Fight Fest creator Corey Fischer.

He was going to be allowed to fight as a professional immediately in his first MMA fight, but the Ohio State Athletic commission wouldn't allow him. It is normal protocol in Ohio that a fighter must have five amateur fights before being allowed to turn pro, but there are exceptions made based on an individual's credentials. Despite Jones' athletic résumé, he still wasn't allowed to be considered a pro in his first bout because of Morton's performance in June.

Jones didn't disappoint his hometown fans in Canton, Ohio. His fight lasted a mere 34 seconds before he slammed his opponent, then punched him multiple times in the face until the referee stopped the bout.

Jones' future in mixed martial arts is still up in the air as he needs the approval of his wife to continue fighting.

One former player who could have a future in the UFC is Westbrook.

Two years ago, Westbrook fought in a King of the Cage event against former New York Giants running back Jarrod Bunch because Westbrook said he wanted to prove to himself that he could fight. He won his debut in the first round by choking out Bunch. Westbrook has not fought since that fight, but he still competes in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and says he's compiled a 68-0 record in jiu-jitsu submission wrestling.

"I came into the thing with a lack of respect and got the thing handed to me on a daily basis, but it was off camera," said Westbrook.

While a former NFL player has yet to fight in the UFC, it could happen soon with the influx of NFL players interested in the MMA. White says if Westbrook could pass the medical testing, and if the athletic commissions accept him, he would put Westbrook in a UFC event. White went on to say that he gives Jones a 30 percent chance of making the UFC.

But White summed up his thoughts on former NFL players fighting in the UFC with this advice to those who want to enter the Octagon.

"Football is dangerous enough without coming in here, and if you are retired, give me a call," he said. "I will give you some great seats at the next UFC fight."
I agree with a lot of what Spooks said. Merriman would not have many answers to submissions if he did not practice for them. This is also assuming he has no practice and no preparation for submission defense--

However Merriman is able to throw a 325 pound man with one arm, I have seen him do this regularly, he is so explosive and so powerfull. What I see happening is him throwing Couture so hard against the cage he will be unconscious. Everyone is quick to point out the MMA fighters advantages with respect to submissions and ground fighthing. You must take into consideration Merriman's explosive strength and power. Also the guy is just nuts and any of his punches or throws he can knock anyone out seriously--

I had some serious doubts about MMA, when the President Dana White is challenging a LEGEND of the UFC Tito Ortiz to a boxing match? I thought wow if this former amateur boxer WHite is ready to fight a guy that they marketed that much what does that say about Tito Ortiz? Will Dana White want to fight LIDDELL? I think dana has a good chance to knock out LIddell also--

I am not sold on all NFL players, because I dont think they have the skill set, but I am pretty sure Merriman, this is the same guy that has Peyton Manning shitting his pants. This guy can basically annilihate a guy 70 pounds heavier than him. I have seen him jump right over the offensive line and he never gets hurt. Putting him in with a MMA fighter and he will hurt them so quick and so badly--

An MMA fighter fights other MMA fighters, they dont fight freaks of nature and machines like Merriman.
Bjorks that is irrelevant cause Morton was never a big guy. So he brings no advantage fighting a MMA guy. Obviously the smaller MMA guys will beat smaller NFL players every time--

We are talking about the bigger and tougher NFL players--

JOhny MOrton was a pussy in the NFL, he was not a strong receiver, he was 180 lbs max and was never known to be a strong receiver--

As I stated above I referred to the heavyweight division--
You should email cold pizza or something and let all the dipshit ESPN guys yell about this.
I'm not the only one thinking this, Dana White is planning to give some former NFL players a shot.

This is why basically a NFL player with 6 months training would beat a MMA fighter easily--

THe UFC regulary takes guys that are so one dimensional and they learn to strike or to wrestle. Matt Hughes the most celebrated fighter couldnt even punch, LIdell couldnt take a punch or defend a punch--

A NFL player has to learn a little of this, and a little of that and its all over. Brock will somehow be at the top of the heavyweight division and that does not say a lot considering he sucks, he has no skill and has fought 3 times.

Bjorks the bull rush is a bad move, but it basically worked for Lesnar, he should have beat MIR if the ref did not save MIR, then he made Herring look like a 7 year old school girl. This is showing the reality that MMA fighters are not untouchable, when they fight other fighters they both fight at a certain pace--

Anyone remember Houston ALexander? He basically bull rushed the shit out of 2 decent UFC fighters, in fact Jardine who beat the UFC best fighter LIddell. They had no answer at all and were knocked out within 20 seconds of the fight--

Houston ALexander is a little boy compared to Merriman who would do the same to heavyweights. Dont think he can beat FEDOR as that guy is the strongest guy in the world with skill also.

You guys forget Couture got KO'd by a wild throwing defenseless LIddell twice??? If he can lose to him, he will be sent home on a stretcher against Merriman
Do you think Merriman would come in throwing haymakers? If so, the time it takes someone to wind up and throw a haymaker, they're going to be punched 2-3 times by a skilled fighter who knows how to roll their shoulders and hit, taking much of the power out of someone with the size and strength of Merriman.

If he comes out trying to swing for the fences and knock someone out with 1 punch, with no training, he's going to get peppered with real boxing shots and leaves himself completely open for an arm bar.
<TABLE class=tborder id=post1035991 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_1035991 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d1d1e1 1px solid">
Anyone remember Houston ALexander? He basically bull rushed the shit out of 2 decent UFC fighters, in fact Jardine who beat the UFC best fighter LIddell. They had no answer at all and were knocked out within 20 seconds of the fight--

Houston ALexander is a little boy compared to Merriman who would do the same to heavyweights. Dont think he can beat FEDOR as that guy is the strongest guy in the world with skill also.

You guys forget Couture got KO'd by a wild throwing defenseless LIddell twice??? If he can lose to him, he will be sent home on a stretcher against Merriman
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Do you think Merriman would come in throwing haymakers? If so, the time it takes someone to wind up and throw a haymaker, they're going to be punched 2-3 times by a skilled fighter who knows how to roll their shoulders and hit, taking much of the power out of someone with the size and strength of Merriman.

If he comes out trying to swing for the fences and knock someone out with 1 punch, with no training, he's going to get peppered with real boxing shots and leaves himself completely open for an arm bar.

I honestly think that he can basically tackle, as we all know he is a good tackler, so the grappling is with Merriman, I have no doubts he can easily take down Couture. Then I feel like he will pin both of his shoulders back with his knees and just go to town throwing haymakers--

I would rate the fighters like this--

Strength-- Merriman 10- Couture 3.5

Speed -- Merriman 9.5 Couture 4.5

Grappling -- Merriman 9 Couture 6

Experience Merriman 3 Couture 10

Submissions Merriman 1 Couture 10

Ground and PNd Merriman 10 Couture 6
A few things wrong with your strategy for Merriman, which shows you lack of knowledge about the sport.

1 - Let's say Merriman gets someone down and pins their shoulders down with his knees. Merriman has zero control of the man on the bottom and there's a multitude of ways to a) either get out of that position or b) get an easy submission.

A - Basically by bucking your hips towards the sky (aka allstar wrestling) your momentum is enough to push anyone off you. Knees on shoulders is one of the worst positions you can be in on top.

B - Using ab strength, you can lift your legs to one of two positions. If a fighter on top in that position is trying to throw long hard punches you can hook an arm (or both) and basically flip that man down onto his back and you gain top position. The second, is if you hook the mans neck with a leg and your calf is under his shin, it's over because pulling your leg back down to the mat so the man on top rocks backward, you've basically put him in a guillotine with your legs or you can go to side control and use an arm bar. Either way, knees on shoulders is an awful idea.
It doesn't matter how strong or heavy Merriman is, legs are always stronger than abs, upper body, and arms.
I would rate the fighters like this--

Strength-- Merriman 10- Couture 3.5

Speed -- Merriman 9.5 Couture 4.5

Grappling -- Merriman 9 Couture 6

Experience Merriman 3 Couture 10

Submissions Merriman 1 Couture 10

Ground and PNd Merriman 10 Couture 6
<TABLE class=module borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=800 border=0 rgfloat="440,600"><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD noWrap colSpan=8><SMALL>UFC 91 - Heavyweight 5 rounds - MGM Grand - Las Vegas, Nevada - PPV</SMALL></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" vAlign=bottom bgColor=#e9eeee><TD noWrap>Sat 11/15</TD><TD noWrap>201 </TD><TD noWrap>Brock Lesnar</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT id=editx maxLength=5 size=4 name=M1_5> -115 </TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" vAlign=top bgColor=#e9eeee><TD noWrap>10:00PM (EST) </TD><TD noWrap>202</TD><TD noWrap>Randy Couture</TD><TD noWrap></TD><TD noWrap><INPUT id=editx maxLength=5 size=4 name=M2_5> -115 </TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

This tells us a lot, when the 2nd best heavyweight in the WORLD is a pickem vs a guy that has fought 3 times and is a former WWE star. I guess I am not the only one thinking that it is a very competitive match-

In fact Couture would be -130 vs Merriman, somewhere in that range.