Worst Foul Call in NBA history?

Is Tim Donaghy the ref and have Sacramento? Really no other explanation to this one. Granted, Toronto was toast anyways with 25 secs left, but still. The best of the best shouldn’t be making these mistakes.

Credit to barstool
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Coach should have grabbed every seat on the bench and threw them on the court, then went over to scorer's table and flipped it over. Only way to get something done may be to make a spectacle like Cuban has in the past.
You guys do know that if a shooter kicks his legs out excessively it's an offensive foul, right?
You guys do know that if a shooter kicks his legs out excessively it's an offensive foul, right?

Yea I can see why he called it. It's probably not the correct call on that particular play, but it's not egregious to the point of calling it the worst call in NBA history.

Lebron's recent "double flop" while guarding Drummond was much worse in my mind.
I say just quit shooting to avoid such flagrant excessive use of the legs.

To me it looks like he tried getting the foul call by kicking his legs out. The call is not that bad. Refs are taught what to look for. They see it. They call it. They move on. Basketball is not an easy sport to officiate. Put yourself in their shoes
You guys do know that if a shooter kicks his legs out excessively it's an offensive foul, right?

The ref waited until he saw something to call it. I see what he saw, but that is far from excessive and not as egregious as the rule states and how it should actually be enforced. That's Lowry's shooting motion. Guys who get called for it stick their legs out and it's very obvious. This? Don't think it's as obvious and if "excessive" is the word we are using, again, it is far from it.

I don't know what is worse: the offensive foul call or the technical foul.
Palmer is the worst. Not trying to be sexist or racist. I try to avoid her games like the plague
I see a lot worse in college every single game. That's a corrupt sport because the refs are simply overwhelmed and not talented enough to handle that sort of responsibility. Especially with the new rules.

That is a hard call to stomach if you are a Raptor but it's an offensive foul. They should call this more often.
lol NBA is such a troll. you really dont see a problem with either call? and a guy runs away so he doesnt curse and that is ok to T up? get the fuck outta here
That is a hard call to stomach if you are a Raptor but it's an offensive foul. They should call this more often.

If that should be called every time then every jump shooter should find another profession, it's literally how you are taught to jump and shoot a basketball. There is virtually nothing unusual about the legs on this shot. Zero.
Reggie Miller was notorious for the leg kick but thats how he shot but he did use it to his advantage
Why would Lowry naturally fall to the ground on this shot when his momentum was not being carried all that hard to the ground? He tried to sell it. You don't have a right to draw contact with a defender in the air by simply leaning your legs under them. It was a foul and borderline dirty!
lol NBA is such a troll. you really dont see a problem with either call? and a guy runs away so he doesnt curse and that is ok to T up? get the fuck outta here

You can't run 50 feet away from a ref. it's always a T. It's just as bad as cursing them out.
Why would Lowry naturally fall to the ground on this shot when his momentum was not being carried all that hard to the ground? He tried to sell it. You don't have a right to draw contact with a defender in the air by simply leaning your legs under them. It was a foul and borderline dirty!

jesus dude if they called an offensive foul every time a shooter tried to draw contact there would be a foul every minute in the game
The fact that opinions in here are all over the place and it isn't as obvious of a kick as Kobe and Vince do on a regular basis means, to me at least, that this should have been a no call.
lol NBA is such a troll. you really dont see a problem with either call? and a guy runs away so he doesnt curse and that is ok to T up? get the fuck outta here

How the fuck am I troll? Because I have a different opinion and don't agree with everyone else? I don't even know what that means

I don't see with a problem with it because that is what the refs are told to do by the league. They don't want players showing up the refs. It all changed with the pistons brawl. I don't agree with it but that's how it is. It doesn't mean the refs are fixing the games.
You can't run 50 feet away from a ref. it's always a T. It's just as bad as cursing them out.

also bullshit. if you dont say anything or spike the ball u should not get T'd up. who cares if he ran away, whats next, if a guy runs back fast to get in position on d can ge get a T? Fuck this cunt ref.
How the fuck am I troll.

I don't see with a problem with it because that is what the refs are told to do by the league. They don't want players showing up the refs. It all changed with the pistons brawl. I don't agree with it but that's how it is. It doesn't mean the refs are fixing the games.

all im saying is if those are fouls there would be about 75 fouls called per game
Great dialogue here, but it seems like the posters that love the NBA are defending the call more than the dudes that are less interested in the league. Quite honestly, I find the game almost unreffable with the size, speed and nuances of the players. This shot looked like a fall away jumper and IMO was not an exaggerated leg kick, but I dont have the patience to watch the league as hard as some of you guys. If you are a regular, winning better in the NBA you are most impressive.
  • Jason McIntyre@jasonrmcintyre <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: static; float: none; margin-top: 0px;"> 27m</small>
    How does the nba let this junk happen? I hope Adam Silver is investigating the ref. beyond shady http://shar.es/Qhu3P

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    Wally Szczerbiak@wallyball <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: static; float: none; margin-top: 0px;"> 19m</small>
    @jasonrmcintyre Awful call but not surprised. I remember Michael Smith one of the worst officials.