Worst fans I have ever encountered

I've been to almost everywhere in the SEC, and UGA was the only one we had problems with. They were the most arrogant, stuck up people I've ever seen. They tried to fight every UT fan in site when UT won in Athens in 2004, and even get in girls faces calling sluts and so on. Wished I could of fucked them up but it would have been about 30 on 5 so we just kept walking.


Maybe next time mommy can hold your hand when you go to the game. Don't be such a baby. What do you expect will happen when you're a top 10 team going into the other teams environment? Between this thread and "oh god my roommate smokes pot thread" I'm starting to think you're about 14. What a cry baby.

i couldnt agree more
I've been to almost everywhere in the SEC, and UGA was the only one we had problems with. They were the most arrogant, stuck up people I've ever seen. They tried to fight every UT fan in site when UT won in Athens in 2004, and even get in girls faces calling sluts and so on. Wished I could of fucked them up but it would have been about 30 on 5 so we just kept walking.

When I was a student the Volunteer fans caught it worse than anyone I have ever seen at Tiger stadium. Tennessee lost in OT and it was just plain horrible. Thing is the individuals not so much but the vehicles were the victims. I am not supporting or defending it but who leaves a $40K SUV ALL WHITE with big huge T decals and the like pasted all over it. Some how the thing ended up on its side as well as numerous windows smashed etc. Remember the scary part is LSU won this game.

However, with the recent results etc the fanbase as a whole has tried to instill taking the high road to as many drunks as possible.
The tire slashings that happened in Colorado when Nebraska was there a few years ago, ranks right up there. Never nice to have to call a tow truck after the game because 2 or more tires are slashed.
I am not supporting or defending it but who leaves a $40K SUV ALL WHITE with big huge T decals and the like pasted all over it.

I would guess someone who figures there won't be any stupid jack-off ass-fucks that will be immature or unsportsman-like enough to fuck with their vehicle just because they happen to be supporting the opposing team at a college football game? Seems to me that would be a reasonable assumption no matter where the fuck you are...Maybe that's just me....