lol fuck, prob so I was all over place, I was sure you were saying e last night. lol, honestly he could help Gil but early on Gil could be so jacked plus hasn’t pitched much he can’t call shit 6 inches off plate can he? Although it cute how Fox now only shows box after ump got it correct. Such a joke how these books, networks, and leagues all in it together, almost wwe. Draft kings booted me over the warren ordeal, had no interest in fighting w someone who takes money from them. Bet if I had been one their typical losers they wouldn’t have acted like pricks then closed my accounts!! Luckily I got everything out before the did it, cept one pending dfs game I assume the steal. Good thing lot of options cause their customer service a joke. Only thing is when I have a lead pipe lock I’ll have to take cash to casino as I want to keep taking from those pieces of shit.