***World Series InGame***

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Question I know I'm in the wrong forum but it seems to be just me in the college football one. If your life depended on it and you had to get one stop from a defense and the only 2 defenses you could choose from is Memphis's or East Carolinas who u picking? Lol

None of the above.

But easy answer is Memphis.
None of the above.

But easy answer is Memphis.
Ya agreed. I was thinking I'd just ask if they could go ahead and score and whatever time left maybe I could put a drive together and go for 2 lol
Baseline rule running to first is an awful rule, especially for the righthanded hitter.
Drury can fuck off, so intense unlike the rest of the team. Two DPs, he's a sieve
Go Hou, NYY, and Wash today lean Dodge Store but Huge Darvish hasn't proven himself to me, Think Z man can get it today...Zona seems to put up runs...thats all
Screw u schwarber. In some damn major pain here in the ER waiting to be transferred to a major/bigger hospital and I see on my phone that jackass missed a fly ball and the Nationals for a run. If they don't give me something for pain soon im fixing to go off
Fat Kyle drops a routine fly. LOL.

What’s wrong bamabrad?
I have health issues. The last 9 months have been rough. Been in the hospital 7 times this will make 8. More than likely gonna have to have another surgery on my feet. Left one this time. I'm bad diabetic. I got sepsis 3 years ago and since then I've had staph/MRSA for what will probably be the 6th time time since December. Will be the 8th time total since I first got it 10 and a half years ago. My feet had been getting worse for a while (numbness/neuropathy) and in late June/July it got in my right foot(staph/MRSA) If u know anything about diabetes your feet are the worst part due to blood flow etc...Had surgery was in the hospital 15 days and was on IV antibioitcs at home for 8 weeks. It's a long story to tell it all. I need a Cubs win and man I got em to turn the game on and my fav. Bill Murray singing take me out to the ball game. These nurses and shit think I'm some huge Cubs fan lmao. I feel like death honestly right now. Also it's a messed up story how I ended up here in the ER.
Yeah can handle defeat when it's that way. Some dude named Yu held us to two hits. It's a bitter pill to swallow.