World Cup Quarter-Finals Discussion

I'll check, but I don't think I'm going out on a limb to say there's never been a WC with a Last 16 phase which has seen every fav advance through the last 16 round & then the QF round. Obvious favs in for trouble will be Germany & Argentina (not that I think much of anything of Belgium, it's just that the Agries are nothing on offense outside of Messi - in saying the latter I'm directly quoting knowledgeable bbc commentators who've seen & know much more than I). Some may think Brazil, but I'm not one (in danger of being given a good game, yes, but of not advancing, no). More extensive thoughts & stats from me later.
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France aren't the better squad.

I'll be on Germany. Dont let the two performances against those African teams fool you into thinking they aren't as good. In a grind it out game I'll take Germany everyday of the week.( I'll probabaly lose like every other bet:()
France aren't the better squad.

I'll be on Germany. Dont let the two performances against those African teams fool you into thinking they aren't as good. In a grind it out game I'll take Germany everyday of the week.( I'll probabaly lose like every other bet:()

Valbuena is going to give them hell. I wanna see where Lahm lines up and they better get Hummels back or they're in trouble.
favorites gonna lose some..variance has to come one would think.

i hope so...

i'm on Colombia +0.5 so far, gonna need a 2 goal lead as we enter stoppage time to make sure I don't lose the way this tournament has gone for moi

Don't love France as much as everyone, but the open game Germany plays worries me if France gets as much open space as Algeria had (I can't imagine they will, but if they do they will finish). Argentina has not been impressive, looks like Belgium struggles to score but they have found a way late after constant pressure in each match so chances are they get one against the leaky Argentines so I will be looking to back them. Dutch should smack CRC, think that Cinderella story ends. Was actually hoping Greece would move on so I could make the money they stole from me vs Mexico back when it either went to ET or they lost by a goal and covered a big spread
I played Col +.75.....they're been the most impressive side I've seen.

Dont know how u could pick a winner Ger/Fra and ARG/Bel. I've got ARG to reach semis and Dutch to reach semis pre tourney and pre knockout round respectively so I'll just root those in.

Ill still try to watch but my enthusiasm has been crushed after Wondo's brutal fucking miss.
stated before that big favs do not do so well covering the spread.
Only France succeeded in covering the stoppage time
I played Col +.75.....they're been the most impressive side I've seen.

Dont know how u could pick a winner Ger/Fra and ARG/Bel. I've got ARG to reach semis and Dutch to reach semis pre tourney and pre knockout round respectively so I'll just root those in.

Ill still try to watch but my enthusiasm has been crushed after Wondo's brutal fucking miss.

surprised GER is favored like they are, though it makes sense considering the hype they always have and what they had entering the tournament. If the faves keep winning my strategy will lose, but in those toss-ups it's probably worth taking a shot at whoever's dogged on the pk line so if it goes to ET you push.

FRA pk +125 would be the one in that matchup, was hoping I'd get BEL +0.5 at a decent price but I'm not good enough at this sport to justify paying 24 cents. May do BEL +0.25 at +110
First, congrats to Tim Howard for taking my money yesterday. If I'm going to lose a bet at least it's to a fucking balls out performance like that.

OK, moving on.

I can't see all the favorites advancing out of this round. I mean, I can, but I feel like the odds have to be against that. So where do the upsets come from.

Like GW and Aplous, I'm all over Columbia. I like everything that I've seen from them, mainly that they're consistently getting on the score sheet. I loved Brazil's first half the other day, but their second half was lackluster at best. Not to mention how emotional the game was for them. Granted, their keeper is an emotional guy who likes to cry, but still, that was a gut wrenching win and that takes something out of you. I think they're ripe to get upset here.

Second, I'm a believer in the French. I just am. I've liked them all tourney and I refuse to get off them here, mainly because I think the sides are pretty even and so I'm getting the team I like at a great price.

I'll also be on Belgium +.5. I don't know if they win, but like Brazil, I'm not sold on Argentina. I'm not entirely sure I loved what I saw from Belgium yesterday in some ways, because they gave up some really bad chances for the US. But they weren't a ton of them and their keeper was solid when he needed to be. I think they can get through this thing with the draw.

Which leaves the Dutch. I hate this line, but I get it. I think this is where the Ticos' run ends. I like that team, really fun to watch, but sort of like what happened with the US yesterday, I think this game turns into a shooting gallery for one side in part based on the accumulation of exhaustion. At a certain point there's just nothing left in the tank and I think this game is where we reach that for CR.

So the question is, beyond the sides, what totals and team totals are there. Those I haven't really dove into yet, but those are the sides I like right now. And if I had to guess, France v. Netherlands final. Although Columbia in the finals would be fantastic. If they can get there, Columbia vs. the Dutch might be a 3-2, 4-3 game which would be fun as shit.
For those of you on Colombia I'd like you to give me a reason why I shouldn't play Brasil -0.5 considering this is home turf and I believe teed has pointed out that they have not lost a home turf game in a long long time. So why would this be any different. I don't see how I should consider wagering on Colombia moreso than Brasil. The mistake that most I find are doing they are making the same analysis that of a Champs League game. Just because team A is doing well domestically and Team B is poor domestically therefore Team A will beat Team B.

Colombia played against a Uruguay side who badly needed someone upfront to finish things off, the crosses Cavani delivered should of had him or Suarez to finish it off. Colombia were great the 1h but then became very very suspect, they needed a James wonder goal and a defensive lapse to beat a fairly mediocre Uruguay squad...and that is what is going to get people to beat Colombia?
If you are going to play Colombia +0.5 you might as well play the draw because Brasil has NEVER lost to Colombia in Brasil, infact the last time Colombia beat Brasil was in Copa America 1991.
Also remember "Home Cooking" as silly as it may sound this is still quite apparent, since 1986 every host nation has at least qualified for the knockout stage, 4 have gone to the semi finals and 1 has won the WC that being a France 1998.
Now I"m not saying that it's automatic for Brasil but quite simply put it, there is a lot at stake for Brasil to win this WC.
There is a reason why Colombia are underdogs even with their "impressive" display, they are most likely going to set up a "Not to lose" concept as they've done ok on the road during qualifiers. There was a minor blip against Venezula and Ecuador plus the loss to Uruguay but that situation really needed Uruguay to win while Colombia had already sealed passage.
Nevertheless, I don't believe Colombia are going to go for a win in regulation the best they possibly can do is not to attack Brasil. Teed said it yesterday that Brasil sets up like Real Madrid, you attack them the Brasilians will counter very very quickly and that is how they've always liked to play. The question is can Colombia sit back and absorb? I think they can, this won't be a free for all goal fest even though both teams are capable of scoring. A typical South American game aside from Chile is all about possession. Outside of James and Cuadrado Colombia are OK. If you've noticed throughout this WC they've had a shit load of support in the crowds but now the tides have turned, yes there will be Colombian support but there is no way they will be the dominant factor.
Do Brasil deserve to be -0.5? Yes and no, they've looked pretty crap based on their standards but they just do what they need to do. The interesting stat that someone pointed out was that a team that won a penalty shootout has gone on to be 0-7 the match after I believe since 2002. This is a very very interesting stat, however I noticed that most of those teams ended up being underdogs the next game.
Weather is not a factor for either teams, it could rain, it could be blazing hot these two are use to it.

End of the day the draw possibility is there, the Colombia win? You'd have to give me higher odds for that. I simply think getting Brasil -0.5 @ 1.80ish presents more value than Colombia +0.5 knowing the factors involved. Won't be surprised if you see a lot of yellows and a red card plus a very very fishy call. After all it is South American football.
Good post mike. I think Columbia has great pace and talent and are dangerous, but I not sure what to think of them in the back. I can't get out of my head how the shitty Greeks were able to create a good bit of chances against them

Kind of wavering on the Germans . The price to advance is too juicy. While I am looking forward to this game, I also think this game could potentially be a snoozer. I get the feeling both teams will play somewhat conservatively. Don't feel we see a very open game , therefore think Germany being stronger in the midfield will be able to create more chances. Agree with apolus and g-Warner now in saying that's a tough game

Leaning towards Belgium to advance at +160ish

Not sure how robben is stopped. I could certainly see Campbell maybe getting something on the counter. Obv be big shock if Netherlands lose
I'll bite.

Brazil should be -.5. They're at home, they've won the games they've needed to win, they should be favored.

However, I could ask almost the same question about them that you're asking about Columbia. In the games they've played so far against good sides, what makes you think Brazil wins this in regulation?

Against the last two quality sides they've played Brazil couldn't manage more than one goal in regulation total. Now, OK, Ohcoa is Ochoa. But still. I think you have to figure Brazil for probably 1 goal here in regulation time at best. Maybe if Columbia scores early you see the game open up a ton, but if it's played like you think it will be with Columbia absorbing and trying to prevent the counter, it's probably going to be low scoring. So if you're betting the -.5 you're really hoping for 1-0 or maybe 2-0. In which case, betting the exact total(s) offers more value.

Meanwhile, Columbia has scored in regulation, consistently. Based on every game they've played so far, Columbia scores here in regulation. So if you're betting against them in regulation what you're really betting is that their offense which has been very consistent to this point dries up and that Brazil's offense—which hasn't been much to write home about outside of the Cameroon game—springs to life for a 2-1 result.

I totally get a bet on Brazil to advance. I would understand a bet on Brazil at a PK. But if you're going to give me the .5, with the team that is arguably playing better, I'm going to take it.

As I think we've seen going from group to knockout, as the competition increases, the offense dries up just a bit for both sides. Right now, Columbia's offense is more consistent than Brazil's, so to my mind you're going to need to get to two goals here to cash that -.5. To me, odd as it seems to say, that's a lot to ask from Brazil right now against a quality side playing well.

I feel like this has 1-1 written all over it.
I'll be on Germany fairly large. At some point you would think the Germans put it all together. I think we will now see Lahm at fullback which makes the Germans better. The French have been good so far, but i'm placing my wagers based on Germany finally putting a full game together. And Klose has to score this tourney, right?

Brazil will be for me as well. Colombia has looked fantastic. But they've only played teams where they can attack and get forward with numbers. That won't/can't happen here for them to have a chance. As much as I have enjoyed Colombia I can't see it winning here. Also factor in no way Brazil doesn't at least make the semi's.

I think Argentina is going to smack Belgium. The US was way too effective on the counter. Argentina will be able to turn those into goals. Also, Belgium has some mids that refuse to defend. Belgium will create some problems going forward but Argies will be too effective going on attack.

Holland should coast but who the fuck knows. They looked like shit with Mexico. Hopefully they start putting it together here and maybe RVP won't look like a lost puppy this time. De Jong injury is huge to this team. I'll be on Holland -1.5.
Leaning towards Belgium to advance at +160ish

This is so tempting to me, too. So very tempting.

Argentina to me has been the least impressive out of the "big faves". Hell Iran had real chances to be up 1-0 in that game. Messi looks to be on a mission and not sure anyone can stop him, but I do think Belgium is strong enough defensively to at least contain him to a degree. I don't know , but think this one could be real enjoyable one to watch
I totally agree. I think Argy can be had. And I feel like Belgium got a lot of their swagger back yesterday even though Howard damn near beat 'em by himself.

A couple of things from that game, I imagine will be overlooked. One is how many of the chances Belgium got came from the US having no idea how to possess the ball for more than one pass. Two is simply how many of Belgium's shots should have been goals. Hell, they should have scored :40 seconds into the game.

Now, again, a lot of those chances came from a US team that simply gave them the ball. But once you start rolling offensively it's contagious. You have to think this Belgium team has all the confidence they need right now and thensome.

I think Brazil is right there, too, in terms of not being very impressive. I really would not be shocked at all to see Columbia beat this Brazil team.
What has "home turf" done thus far for Brazil besides earning them a cheapie penalty they didn't deserve against Croatia?

Below average against Mexico, won a game against a team that was shaving, and was 50/50 with Chile who I have slightly below Colombia.

Thru are under the most pressure of anyone and that almost outweighs the HFA.
What has "home turf" done thus far for Brazil besides earning them a cheapie penalty they didn't deserve against Croatia?

Below average against Mexico, won a game against a team that was shaving, and was 50/50 with Chile who I have slightly below Colombia.

Thru are under the most pressure of anyone and that almost outweighs the HFA.

Never said they would play better because they are at home, but you still have to understand how things work when it comes to being a host nation especially when you are the big guy.
Have you seen how refs are treated if the home team doesn't get the calls? It's like Sir Alex Ferguson he pressures the refs to some how give him 7mins of "mystery time" as tipyer likes to call it. You can't measure it but if you know the politics of the game that is how it goes.

Plus how often do you see this price for Brasil at home in a meaningful game? Other than against Argentina you will rarely see that.

I could careless what Brasil has done vs their group opponents I'm focusing on how they match up vs Colombia and right now this is very favorable for them at the odds present. If Brasil were -1.5 then you'd have to be laughing thinking Brasil would cover that. But to just win in regulation vs Colombia I will take it. Please name me the threats Colombia have outside of James and Cuadrado? Why are people so impressed with how Colombia have played when they were clear cut to advance in that cheap group, they played an ultra defensive Greek team that that scoreline doesn't dictate how the match was played, statistically speaking it was very even.
They were outshot again this time by Cote D'Ivoire.
Even though the game vs Japan did not have major significance they were again outshot.
If we looking throughout those 3 games, statistically speaking Colombia played second best
In the Quarter Finals, they were again outshot and to be honest if Suarez was playing a lot of the crosses into the box would of been connected, sure being up 2-0 they chilled a bit but one wonder goal by James really settled it.

I'd rather have David Luiz and Thiago Silva than Yepes and Zapata, only James would even be considered for the Brasilian XI, the quality across the board is with Brasil, the experience is with Brasil, the tactical advantage is with Brasil. Heck the Brasilians have faced different types of teams, one that can't defend, one that will defend, one that will attack and one that will try to play possession. Unlike Colombia who have pressed all their matches, are they even prepared to face a team that can attack properly? That can rotate around James?
This Brasilian team can play on both halves whereas I don't see how the Colombias are just going to sit around and absorb an attack but the other problem is if they do press ther are a ton of gaps that can be filled. Zuniga gets a bit too attack minded and can easily be covered by the Brasilian fullbacks
Brasil will cause a lot of match up problems for Colombia, don't be surprised though if you see Pekerman make some changes to the starting XI. He is well known for doing a lot of tactical changes that are either a touch of brilliance of an absolute disaster.
If you think Brasil has a lot of pressure Pekerman has now set some high standards for Colombians and if he doesn't deliver he's going to get into a shit load of trouble.

So case in point, the last 4 games between the 2 have resulted in draws. In all 4 of those games the Colombians have pretty much set up a "come and break us" type of attitude which of course the Brasilians did not handle well. Now when we look at this Colombian edition, the difference is that they have won their games based on their attack...again if you try to press Brasil you will be in a lot of trouble. Zapata and Yepes will have to play their nuts off and those two are also known to be quite clumsy and make poor decisions.
I'd love to see Hulk up there causing havoc with his size creating more opportunities for Neymar and Oscar behind him. Alves and Marcelo will be crucial here as the Colombian wingbacks aren't necessarily their strongest assets. Contain James, perhaps rotate on him and hit him hard. There will be a ton of hard fouls here, typical South American game.

I think you could also think who is more likely to be able to make a come back from being a goal down? Brasil or Colombia? Who can keep a lead and make it 2-0?
Brasil has been tested, heck they've been on an emotional roller coaster, whereas Colombia haven't had to sweat...but all of a sudden the tides have turned now Colombia are going to face their first real test.
Gerries have lost only 1 game in the last 12 months.....4-3 lost to the US, they are still on a 15 game unbeaten
France have only recently heated up, currently on a 9 game unbeaten streak
One thing you didn't cover in post #24, TM, was being at this stage of the tourney.

Colombia is in a WC QF for the first time ever. If people think Brazil are going to feel pressured/burdened by the situation, no less applies to the visitors. It's hardly unknown for either individuals or teams to freeze on a stage that's unfamiliar to them (inexperience usually pays a price, that's why the notion of having paid your dues counts for as much as it does). I can easily see the scenario where an early Brazilian goal leads to a Colombian implosion, which makes for a blowout. TM mentioned the last 4 games between these 2 have been draws, but he didn't add that Colombia had not conceded a single 1st half goal. Their recent parity with their opponent doesn't include knowing what it's like to get behind before the break, let alone early. A first ever WC QF is a hard place to learn how to navigate such territory should it occur.
Brazil's players are absolutely under the cosh knowing they'll have failed if they don't at least make the semis, but their truly nervous fixture is out of the way. Losing at the QF stage is one thing, losing at the Last 16 stage when hosting the event would've been fucking horrific. That's why I think we saw that ugly 2nd half performance from the blue & golds. Their getting over the potential early exit "humiliation hump" means I have no expectation we'll get a repeat of that kind of out of sorts effort from them (& that's not mentioning that on another day Hulk could easily have had a hattrick. Things just didn't fall for them during that game).

I have to bet Brazil for a range of reasons (44 wins & 18 draws in their last 62 home games being a major one - is Colombia really the team to stop that, or are France/Germany far more likely contenders to do so?). TM's excellent post uncovers others, but concerning the psychological traps that loom for both teams here, Colombia faces the far tougher one imo. The promise land of a


entices their senses, where for Brazil this game is just another step on the road to where they expect themselves to be. Brazil gets a lead inside the first 20 mins, I give them a 50% chance to add 1 or 2 more by half-time. Colombia gets an early lead, I don't believe Brazil's players are any chance to lose their heads (their most recent meeting, a 1-1 draw, Brazil trailed at h/t & tied within 20 mins of 2nd half play).

My choice of who to bet is ultimately sealed by realities that transcend talent or form. No one performs when their head is a mess, when everything is happening too fast for them to process: the kind of head space inexperience finds itself in on a brand new stage.
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Great thread guys--i also agree with toronto and b.c. and have a few different angles--1st off of what b.c. just said--1st time at this time in the w.c.--big disadvantage for colombia and c.r. (i love the ticos but the difference in the inept greek attack to what dutch boys are capable of throwing at ya r enormous, also ticos played with 10 men for 60+ minutes last round)

the ticos have already played 3 great teams in group, but the exact opposite for colombia and uruguay minus suarez isn't much better. this is a huge step up in opponent class AND the homepitch angle toronto referred to are huge. also, like mentioned above, this colombia team has already won over the crowd--but CANNOT on friday, and they have already won over their country--there is no shame in loosing to host brazil in quarters after some of their history (esp. andres escobar 94) and frankly, i think that this team isn't under the narco/commy pressure that those teams had to deal with.

ya brazil played 120 minutes, but that was almost a week ago--6 days rest more than anyone else--hopefully it helps neymar's leg. This will be the only situation where i am not really worried about the 120 minutes (double whammy for ticos playing 60 of 120 with only 10). belgium and argentina both played added extra, so that game may slow down dramatically in 2nd half -- maybe more goals 1st half?)

also with colombia you have to consider their experience--this is a VERY young team jimmy rod is only 23 and if he can go consecutive games scoring goals like he did in the 1st half vs. uruguay (first touch off of chest to foot without even a bounce--hell with cahill, that was #2, but way more level of skill on jimmy's shot, which hit the underside of the bar and pinnballed in the net just to say f-u this shot is the definition of unsavable to the goalie--hitting 3 times across the line before u could blink). so if he can do that, there is still a decent chance brazil can score 2, and i don't think colombia has two in them this round (that quadrado header back to jimmy was almost as dazzling). it's not like colombia is just getting an absolute shitload of chances, they are just converting way better than anyone else. brazil has much more experience.

finally brazil must feel like they have a 2nd chance, almost a double elimination knockout round after almost falling to freaking chile in the 1st knockout round game. i expect them to play like that and take advantage of the chances they get for once (especially hulk and fred for crying out load--maybe less out of neymar (check quad injury i think) but more from those 2 guys.

brazil-colombia percieved value for me: brazil -1/2. (goalscorer props hulk, fred-if jo doesn't start over him). if you like colombia, which i don't, you might as well look at jimmy rod's odds of winning the golden boot--i was so close to getting action on that before last round and brainfarted).
not any particular game, but trend wise--brazil chile was 1-1 at half, colombia-uruguay 1-0 thanks to the new king james--then 6 games of absolute nils. that's 7 draws and only 3 goals(2 in one game) by my count. we gotta get some 1st half goals, don't we? but how much value is there in over 1 total goal? maybe some value in say fra-fra, nether-nether and especially belgium-belgium 1st half-game prop's unless it's a national law that you cannot score before the 71st minute in this world cup.

also, more of this later, but i think argentina is the most easily had favorite, they look straight out impotent for all but a few moment's this tournament and there coach has basically screamed we go as messi goes--and that is a hell of a player to hitch your wagon's to, but defenses inferior to belgiums (iran, swiss) have shut down argentina for long periods of time. messi has played too many minutes this tourney and his lack of supporting cast will catch up with him. also, it looked like lukaku the sleeping giant finally awoke (no bentecke yet, but soon will be) origi is talented too, but 19 is too young to start a w.c. match at this stage with lukaku on their roster. let's face it--without this guy the belgians were up a creek, they would not have scored, even if that meant julian green never enters the game i don't think real madrid would have beat tim howard in p.k.s on that day. dude was straight up psyching out the red devils on intensity alone. i hate the saying, but he was fierce.

also with argentina, i have a cavanni sized melon and i know i could have knocked in that far post equalizer that swiss guy missed at the final whistle. and i am sick of everyone saying if wondo would have knocked in that gimme at the end we would have won 1st because the 1st touch made it way more than a gimme and it got away from him. 2nd and absolutely most importantly : THE FLAG WAS UP. so what everyone should be saying is that is wondo knocked in that hail mary at the end the entire good ole u.s. of a would be ready to go pablo-m-fing-escobar on that idiot linesman who missed that offsides by a country mile and cost us a shot at advancement. That would be the story.

in that brazil - chile game the one thing i forgot to mention was how chile got their equalizer, that was prolly the biggest gimme/gaffe of the knockout round. combined with going to p.k.s, i think we see a different animal from brazil this round--way more focus to eliminate those kind of unforced errors.

anyways, worse case scenario i c a 1-1 draw here. worse case scenario never means i put any action on a 1-1 draw, it means i bet brazil in regulation then go ingame to double up on brazil in added extra and loose twice as much.
one last play i like parlay netherlands -1/2, brazil to qualify -250 -- 100 to win 110. brazil and netherlands to qual 100 to win 65.
...last thing, i don't think mirallas is capable of beating tim howard again, even in practice, even with 1000 chances. i don't think jose mourhino will ever play eden hazard against everton with howard, even if he somehow gets out of the doghouse and into the penthouse. same goes for mertins and origi. he owned those dudes.

also, the wondo shot wasn't the u.s.'s best chance at the end, and not just because the flag was up., it was the tic-tac-toe set piece to dempsey--he had at least a 2 in 3 chance of burying that shot, but the red devil goalie matched tim howard on that one. if dempsey scores on that set piece he is right up there with tim howard 1 and 1a--best u.s. soccer players ever and nation heroes--maybe athleete of the year type stuff. and alll those critics about klinsman--especially about loewe being the master tactician and klinnsman only being a motivater would disappear forever. 90% of youth soccer coaches including morons like me who never played the game as a kid would draw up that set piece every year. ...but on the bright side, we didn't get any of that (though we got to c that play and should learn from it) but we did get to c julian greene. the future is bright and the german-american pipeline is so full of young talent it might even eclipse the german-homegrown young talent pool.

--and after they posted the 120 minute stopping time as 1 minute we wouldn't have gotten to hear klinnsman, with that german accent scream "how do you get 1 fucking minute" on national t.v. that scream-fest itself gives him to w.c. 2020 as long as we qualify twice as far as i'm concerned,
I loved Brazil's first half the other day, but their second half was lackluster at best.

The 1-0 lead was at least arguably an own goal and they gave away the equalizer on a silver platter? Obviously I'm on Colombia, but I think Brazil has been the least impressive team still alive today besides CRC

Aside from that, I agree with all your leans
For those of you on Colombia I'd like you to give me a reason why I shouldn't play Brasil -0.5 considering this is home turf and I believe teed has pointed out that they have not lost a home turf game in a long long time. So why would this be any different. I don't see how I should consider wagering on Colombia moreso than Brasil. The mistake that most I find are doing they are making the same analysis that of a Champs League game. Just because team A is doing well domestically and Team B is poor domestically therefore Team A will beat Team B.

Colombia played against a Uruguay side who badly needed someone upfront to finish things off, the crosses Cavani delivered should of had him or Suarez to finish it off. Colombia were great the 1h but then became very very suspect, they needed a James wonder goal and a defensive lapse to beat a fairly mediocre Uruguay squad...and that is what is going to get people to beat Colombia?
If you are going to play Colombia +0.5 you might as well play the draw because Brasil has NEVER lost to Colombia in Brasil, infact the last time Colombia beat Brasil was in Copa America 1991.
Also remember "Home Cooking" as silly as it may sound this is still quite apparent, since 1986 every host nation has at least qualified for the knockout stage, 4 have gone to the semi finals and 1 has won the WC that being a France 1998.
Now I"m not saying that it's automatic for Brasil but quite simply put it, there is a lot at stake for Brasil to win this WC.
There is a reason why Colombia are underdogs even with their "impressive" display, they are most likely going to set up a "Not to lose" concept as they've done ok on the road during qualifiers. There was a minor blip against Venezula and Ecuador plus the loss to Uruguay but that situation really needed Uruguay to win while Colombia had already sealed passage.
Nevertheless, I don't believe Colombia are going to go for a win in regulation the best they possibly can do is not to attack Brasil. Teed said it yesterday that Brasil sets up like Real Madrid, you attack them the Brasilians will counter very very quickly and that is how they've always liked to play. The question is can Colombia sit back and absorb? I think they can, this won't be a free for all goal fest even though both teams are capable of scoring. A typical South American game aside from Chile is all about possession. Outside of James and Cuadrado Colombia are OK. If you've noticed throughout this WC they've had a shit load of support in the crowds but now the tides have turned, yes there will be Colombian support but there is no way they will be the dominant factor.
Do Brasil deserve to be -0.5? Yes and no, they've looked pretty crap based on their standards but they just do what they need to do. The interesting stat that someone pointed out was that a team that won a penalty shootout has gone on to be 0-7 the match after I believe since 2002. This is a very very interesting stat, however I noticed that most of those teams ended up being underdogs the next game.
Weather is not a factor for either teams, it could rain, it could be blazing hot these two are use to it.

End of the day the draw possibility is there, the Colombia win? You'd have to give me higher odds for that. I simply think getting Brasil -0.5 @ 1.80ish presents more value than Colombia +0.5 knowing the factors involved. Won't be surprised if you see a lot of yellows and a red card plus a very very fishy call. After all it is South American football.

this seems like a jekyll and hyde post where you don't like Colombia in the first part and then you do like them in the 2nd part. I took +0.5 because BRA's offense is stagnant with only Neymar able to reliably create unless Hulk somehow carries his unheard of effort vs Chile to this next match (can't hate on him, he was great)

The one thing I know is that Colombia's offense is clinical and I expect them to get on the board. That means BRA's joke of an offense needs to get 2 to beat me and I like my chances of it reaching ET. Playing draw isn't a better play than the +108 I have winning if they draw or win in regulation
this seems like a jekyll and hyde post where you don't like Colombia in the first part and then you do like them in the 2nd part. I took +0.5 because BRA's offense is stagnant with only Neymar able to reliably create unless Hulk somehow carries his unheard of effort vs Chile to this next match (can't hate on him, he was great)

The one thing I know is that Colombia's offense is clinical and I expect them to get on the board. That means BRA's joke of an offense needs to get 2 to beat me and I like my chances of it reaching ET. Playing draw isn't a better play than the +108 I have winning if they draw or win in regulation

Think you've missed the point here G. I'm playing a bit of devils advocate here, trying to see where playing Colombia holds more value than playing Brasil ML.
I still haven't seen a convincing argument for playing Colombia. Statistically speaking there's nothing there either, it's based off 4 games as oppose to the current match up. I've already stated how h2h matchup wise this is the ideal team for Brasil to play. There is no Falcao to disrupt the backline there's really only 2 players on Colombia that would pose a serious threat.
So really why should I play Colombia?
Saying Brasil's joke of an offense is a bit far fetched considering you haven't seen a team actually play into their strengths. Teams are smarter they know how to set up shop vs Brasil. The problem with Colombia is that they've been more attack minded and if you do that vs Brasil you will open up and most likely lose. So from being favs in all the matches all of a sudden Colombia are underdogs, what approach will they take? Is Pekerman going to switch things up again or will they continue to play like they've had so far?
All signs are pointing to Brasil ML as a value play, if Real Madrid are 1.80 at the Bernabeau vs any team other than Barcelona or Atl Madrid that is extreme value. This is how I see it, Colombia are no Germany/Dutch/Argies so a fairly cheap Brasil ML is more enticing.
I keep asking outside of James and Cuadrado what attacking threat does Colombia have? Jackson Martinez? Well if you think the Brasilian offence is pretty bad you take away James that Colombia O is useless.
Back from a 5 day bender and ready to talk/bet some soccer. Initially I like colombia IF the value was there. Playing the +.5 at +100, for me, isn't enough. Brazil at -120 actually looks like the value play here. Again the conspiracy theorists cannot fathom how Brazil could possibly lose on Friday. There would be mass chaos and riots and the WC would have some serious issues. It's a matter of HOW to play Brazil.

For me, price on France is laughable. I don't think either of these teams have a shot to advance. Way too much hype and no bight. But riddle me this? Who the fuck has Germany beat all tournament? the team is a fraud, and plus money with France is a no brainer. PK is probably the play. But the +200 is absolutely laughable.

Rex Im sure can testify to this price...
Argentina is the pick against Belgium. I thought BEL would fuck the US like a $5 hooker but they somehow allowed our boys to take them to extra time. I was highly unimpressed with BEL. Again, so much potential but just way too inexperience and outclassed here. Messi at plus money vs. a team who has no true scorer? Sign me up!
Costa Rica getting a full goal cracked me up. NED arguably shouldn't have advanced. MEX received simply, a false call. Am I wrong here, but is Costa perhaps quicker on the attack against this team? Maybe it's just me. Costa wins this match, taking the +1 is stealing.
Argentina vs. Brazil/Colombia winner will be playing in the finals. I don't care about ARG's defense because they are in the bad side of the bracket. Messi is a pimp who will slap your sister if he could after he rolls her ass in the backseat of your mid-2000's sedan.
Anyone else have a semi-boner for the July 4th soccer line up? Both matches will be epic. I can see heading into overtime and perhaps 1 or both in shoot out play.
Think you've missed the point here G. I'm playing a bit of devils advocate here, trying to see where playing Colombia holds more value than playing Brasil ML.
I still haven't seen a convincing argument for playing Colombia. Statistically speaking there's nothing there either, it's based off 4 games as oppose to the current match up. I've already stated how h2h matchup wise this is the ideal team for Brasil to play. There is no Falcao to disrupt the backline there's really only 2 players on Colombia that would pose a serious threat.
So really why should I play Colombia?
Saying Brasil's joke of an offense is a bit far fetched considering you haven't seen a team actually play into their strengths. Teams are smarter they know how to set up shop vs Brasil. The problem with Colombia is that they've been more attack minded and if you do that vs Brasil you will open up and most likely lose. So from being favs in all the matches all of a sudden Colombia are underdogs, what approach will they take? Is Pekerman going to switch things up again or will they continue to play like they've had so far?
All signs are pointing to Brasil ML as a value play, if Real Madrid are 1.80 at the Bernabeau vs any team other than Barcelona or Atl Madrid that is extreme value. This is how I see it, Colombia are no Germany/Dutch/Argies so a fairly cheap Brasil ML is more enticing.

the way i bet sports is with the theory that it's difficult to win a game and even more difficult to cover a spread. I picked Brazil to win in my brackets and every game I've been nervous they were going to lose and this one is no different. I was against COL when they played the Greeks and Uruguay, which clearly didn't do well for me, but I haven't seen anything from Brazil that makes me think they can win this tournament so asking them to take it in regulation is asking too much. I thought COL had a very easy draw and that made them look better than they are, which may be true, but I love the firepower getting 1/2 and think if they score I win this one. Need a big game from Yepes in the back, but Neymar being banged up can do nothing but help me as the rest of the squad is average relying on him to do all the heavy lifting. Can't see Hulk playing like he did vs Chile, though that was a great effort

and gorg i disagree with you on pretty much everything so one of us will have a nice two days :shake: