World Cup Monday, and suppose I will put up Delaware and Finger pick 5's


Pretty much a regular
Not really been betting too many games lately, so not been posting much. Did bet USA yesterday +.5, whoa good thing I did that. I almost did USA money line +375 that would have sucked ass. Guess it wasn't for much anyway just 100 bucks. The big money is on the horses. The World Cup is kids stuff ha, but they do always put the games on one tv out at the track so sometimes I put a little down on em, something to watch between races anyway. Fuck this is really great not working I'm enjoying it. Well here's the soccer pick.

Spain -.5 at -214 vs Australia

Mexico vs Croatia under 2.5 at -136

2 team parlay risking 100 to win 154.62

I just figure Spain will win one here for pride I guess. Plus Australia is without their big goal scorer Cahill he has two of their 3 goals in the Cup. Australia isn't exactly on lock down on defense either. I bet Netherlands last time against em, by a -1.5, and I was watching like what the hell, how can Netherlands not get another goal. Chances everywhere, but no.

Mexico should just try and play defense and pack it in. A draw gets em to move on, and the goalie for Mexico is on fire so probably pretty low scoring. I was figuring at most it would end up a 1-1 draw probably.

Guess that bet doesn't matter anyway ha. I'm used to betting 1 k on games this just feels unimportant.

Will probably put up the Delaware and Finger Lakes pick 5's. The Delaware pick 5 today should pay a lot. Been looking it over, and whoa, it could be you know 5 k or something. You never really know for sure though on that. I even see a 20-1 shot I like. Gotta see who scratches and check the weather first though, track conditions, all that.
It is kind of too bad 5 dimes doesn't have pick 5's on their menu for the horses. Cuz when I hit one at the track then I have to sign tax papers, fuck that is gonna suck at the end of the year. Just don't want to have all that crap really that is all signed off on. Oh well, keep the losing tickets for sure, and then deduct those.
Ghana is gonna beat Portugal I think. Portugal just doesn't look right, they got lucky to tie with USA for sure. Don't think they get that lucky vs Ghana. Well Ronaldo has his head up his ass constantly, that guy he is offside all the fucking time.

Still waiting for the scratches on Delaware and Finger Lakes. Weather looks fine, gotta make sure with stupid ass Delaware ha. That was the biggest fucking dick in the ass when they took those races off the turf in mid sequence.
I'm afraid USA is gonna get knocked out. Ghana wins big by 2 goals or 3. Then USA gets trucked by Germany, too bad. Would like to see USA move on, but no, had their shot blew it.
Yeah just added Ghana

Portugal vs Ghana +206, risking 100 wins 206

Hopefully it isn't fixed ha. Think that's the way I would lose. Fuck with these shady African teams you never know if any game is on the level or not.
Watching the highlights of the USA game, and I was thinking if that was Ronaldo for Portugal in that situation Dempsey was in for USA, when USA went up 2-1, Ronaldo would have been stupid and been offside ha. Dempsey was watching and waiting smart. Ronaldo hell no he would be running in there like an idiot. He did make a play late though.
Got some pick 5's it was good luck last time I put one up it won for 1878 last Thursday at Belmont. So hope that happens again. We'll see.

Delaware race 3

.50 pick 5, 2,4,5,6/2,3,6,7,9/1,2,3,5,6/1,2,6,7,10,11/4 so it's 300 bucks on that hopefully to win 2 k or more

Should be alive to the final leg, and then it get's to be nervous time at that point. Well the 4 has never been in for a tag yet, so hopefully he can clean up against these bum claimers. Well all these other horses just run claimers all the time usually. The 3 horse is the enemy for sure, just gotta keep him in sight then gun him down late.

Finger Lakes race 3

.50 pick 5, 1,3,4,6,8/1,2,4,5,7,9/4,5,6,8/4,8/2,7,9 so this one is a bit more 360 bucks

Didn't see a great single here. Guess the big race will be that one with the 4 and 8 only. Should be okay there unless the 6 bones me. Just hope a few prices come in, ya know a couple decent ones. Otherwise we may cash for 500 bucks ha, which would kind of suck. Delaware probably has more potential to pay a big one.
Forgot to take the bold off ha. Oh well, gonna head out to the track now. It's still about an hour til they go, the pick 5's.
Well that Mexico game sucked, 0-0 with 20 minutes to go loser lol, however winner on the horses oh yeah. Not a huge day, but a winner anyway.

Delaware pick 5 paid 1054, well it did since I got the buck pick 5 since the 3 got scratched in the 3rd leg, transfers you to 1 buck on the fav, nice

So lost 360 on Finger oh well, made a profit today, all that matters.
Taking a look at Mountaineer pick 4 now, fuck it, I'm up a bit, not a bunch. Well won 394 on the horses, but lost 100 on soccer. Ha that soccer debacle was fucking a serious dick in the ass. 0-0 with less than 20 minutes to play, lol, nope sorry 4 goals in fucking 15 minutes or so.
See how the fuck this goes. Early Mountaineer pick 4

Mountaineer race 2, starts the early pick 4

$1 pick 4, 1,3,4,5,7/1,2,5,7/1,2,3,5,6/5 so 100 bucks on that ticket

Think that 5 is gonna roll last leg she has speed the others don't. That 7 could get upset early in the 1st leg I think, the 2nd race. We'll see I guess, gotta head out to the track. Gonna get mine bitch. Get the 100's Russ, ha, he had to earlier the teller, gonna get em again.
Fuck the Mountaineer went how it usually goes fucking terrible ha, I don't know why I keep doing it. Yg another member here I talk to, well younggun he says to quit doing it, but I can't damn it. The 6 in the 1st leg, well shit, if I had that I think yeah I would have won, I don't I left and quit following. Oh the fuck well, it was a profitable day anyway, despite the soccer loss and Mountaineer late loss. Finger Lakes tomorrow so hope I crack heads on that. There aren't really any other pick 5's tomorrow, I don't think. Well besides Mountaineer, yeah don't think I want any of that action.
Yeah Finger tomorrow oh yeah, hit that on Tuesday last week for 482, off a 180 buck ticket. It is probably not a good idea to throw a huge 300+ ticket on Finger, I did today and paid for it, but Delaware I caught a break as the 3 got scratched, transferred me to a buck on the favorite, lucked out got 1054 then on that win.
Cuz if a horse you have scratches then you get a buck ticket on the favorite in that race, guess just explaining my win, since a lot don't know. Caught a lucky break there.
Shit Finger is the money tomorrow ha, the Finger Lakes. I know on Tuesday's they typically pay well for some reason. Last week I just won 482, but they will pay, oh yeah.