World baseball classic is coming!


Voice of Reason
I’ve never bet on this thing before. I started listening to a podcast the other day after they released the rosters. I only made it thru 3 of the teams in my car ride so I still have a ton of things to look at before I can make any kind of educated guesses on who I think will win. Hell, I don’t even know the format exactly, or the teams in what pools. Sounded to me it was a bit like World Cup with the teams coming out of the 1st stage then it going to a single elimination tourney!

Sounds like the Dominicans are the favs, no
Surprises there, they love their baseball! The lineup sounded stacked w guys we know on a 1st name basis, shouldn’t have any problems scoring runs. The starting pitching appears to lack depth after my guy Alcontera, I have no idea how many starting pitchers you need in this tourney, I can’t imagine these guys gonna be allowed to throw 6-7 innings seeing how they not revved up yet. I dunno, this one the things I really have to investigate in the coming weeks. Sounded like they had a pretty good pen which my initial thought Is that could be really important, odds on favs at 2-1 to win it all.

USA has another stacked lineup, could be argued it every bit as good as the Dominicans. They sounded like they had more depth of quality starters but they were mostly old past their prime guys. Another fairly strong pen, just behind Dominicans at 2.5-1

Only other lineup I heard was Japan, their lineup wasn’t exactly full of familiar names but doesn’t mean they can’t hit, plenty of guys playing in Japan could play in the bigs. What I did notice they had were a couple lock down aces and a idea how they might be able to save them for the knockout rounds, again this gonna require research on my part about how all this tourney works! Forget the odds I heard on the japs but could see a case to play them as they in a weak pool to where they can possibly set up their stud pitching for knockout stages!!

Anyways that all I got right now, we have 2-3 weeks to discuss and try to figure out some future bets and game to game winners. Anyone familiar with the format, teams, have ideas about who they like please feel free to join in to the conversation, I’d like this to be a team effort to hopefully make some money before the main season starts!!
The odds pretty much call this a 3 horse race with the 3 teams mentioned above all being between 2 and 3 to 1 with the next closest (Porto Rico) +900, Cuba +1400 with a few others then it drops off a cliff. Be cool if we could find a dark horse or 2 that capable of at least making it to the knockout rounds, that shouldn’t be that hard with there being 4 groups of 5 teams with 2 from each group advancing after the round robin format (very World Cup). Instantly I wanna look at cuba cause they a baseball factory, should have crazy fan support in Miami, could be they have players we just don’t know cause they stuck in that country!

Lot of players I think of, thought were, or are Americans playing for other countries. Just on cardinals alone we got 2 players that don’t look Asian at all playing for Asian countries and were most def born here! Lars Nootbaar the 1st American born player to play for Japan, I guess maybe one his parents is half jap? He don’t look Asian! Lol. Believe I read almost the entire Italian squad are American born players! Can’t imagine that breads a lot of Love for Country pride!

Think this gonna be tough since we not exactly getting these guys in peak form, I read pitchers have some type of pitch count, appears to me pitching depth be incredibly important as this thing revs up and gets over pretty darn quickly! Once the round robin games start March 8th you have each team playing 4 games in 4 or 5 days, maybe 1 day off before the quarterfinals-semi-finals all get played in 3-4 days. You obviously not gonna be able to ride 1 or 2 stud pitchers, bullpens are gonna be bigger than playoffs! I’d think we would see the best teams try to advance out of their groups without using their best pitchers so they ready for the single elimination stage. Maybe you can use ace on day 1 and day 2 and still bring them back in elimination rounds but then you gotta think bout if you need them in the quarter finals or can save for semi or final since you will only get them once! So I think the 1st things that gotta be researched are pens, what the pitch counts are, starting pitcher depth. Then we move on from there to breaking down individual groups to see the path for teams.
From the looks of that it says the winner of group plays runner up of same group in quarters, that weird, in WC it would be group A winner playing group B runner up and vice versa, that makes more sense to me, better make sure that above is correct. Why would you have the teams from same group play each other in quarters? That dumb.
From the looks of that it says the winner of group plays runner up of same group in quarters, that weird, in WC it would be group A winner playing group B runner up and vice versa, that makes more sense to me, better make sure that above is correct. Why would you have the teams from same group play each other in quarters? That dumb.
Because they are playing in 4 separate regionals, can't have baseball travel and days off between games in Spring. It's the only way to make this feasible.
Because they are playing in 4 separate regionals, can't have baseball travel and days off between games in Spring. It's the only way to make this feasible.

All the quarters played in Tokyo or Miami it says so wouldn’t matter
Although I see that they're doing the quarters in separate places.

Where did you see that the same group A and B matchup? I don't take it as that other than they're just listed that way.
Looks to me like they'll do a two day round robin with group winner and runner up moving to the semis
Although I see that they're doing the quarters in separate places.

Where did you see that the same group A and B matchup? I don't take it as that other than they're just listed that way.
You right they might just be listed like that, doesn’t really show a bracket form for those games, guess I just assumed it was cause of order they wrote down. I Could very well be wrong. I’m sure there a better bracket, I just grabbed 1st one I saw, that doesn’t even list the last teams that qualified it so old, lol
That's about as late as it can possibly go and still give the players time to get back for a week of Spring Training though
Sucks to do all that travelling to play in a single elimination game, yeesh

Well, C and D going to Miami where rest the tourney played so not much a issue for them. Group D actually doesn’t move at all from beginning to end, slight edge maybe? Cuba got fucked, I thought they might be in Miami the entire time with big home field but they sent to Taiwan group, lol.
Sweet, that what I expected it to be.

Italy has had a US heavy representation in the past as well. Anthony Rizzo played for them, also Francisco Cervelli and Chris Colabello. The last time this was played is way back in 2017 though, and Rizzo ended up skipping the event (may have been injured).
Italy has had a US heavy representation in the past as well. Anthony Rizzo played for them, also Francisco Cervelli and Chris Colabello. The last time this was played is way back in 2017 though, and Rizzo ended up skipping the event (may have been injured).

Seems like Italy just takes every player with a vowel at end of name! Lol
Well, C and D going to Miami where rest the tourney played so not much a issue for them. Group D actually doesn’t move at all from beginning to end, slight edge maybe? Cuba got fucked, I thought they might be in Miami the entire time with big home field but they sent to Taiwan group, lol.
Think Cuba's been in Miami the last couple times. Not even sure how many of these they've played w/o looking it up but pretty sure they've been in Miami. Think the finals of the first one were at Petco if I recall but playing in Miami and Phx for most of the major league guys certainly helps
So we still 3 weeks out. Guys should get some spring training work in before it starts at least. No huge rush but I’ll try to carve out some time to work on bullpens and pitching depth sometime this week, I’m sure I’ll have a night or 2 I can’t sleep! Lol
Think Cuba's been in Miami the last couple times. Not even sure how many of these they've played w/o looking it up but pretty sure they've been in Miami. Think the finals of the first one were at Petco if I recall but playing in Miami and Phx for most of the major league guys certainly helps

I dunno either, 3 or 4 I think is it. Only one I know for sure happened (result) was USA winning in ‘17. Hasn’t been any sense cause all the covid shit. Pretty sure Japs have won it.
I dunno either, 3 or 4 I think is it. Only one I know for sure happened (result) was USA winning in ‘17. Hasn’t been any sense cause all the covid shit. Pretty sure Japs have won it.
Italy were here in 2013, Mexico/USA was the big first night game. Can't remember the 4th team, coulda been Cannucks
Yadi is coaching Puerto Rico. Catchers always make great managers, will be interesting to see if Yadi wants to make a career out of it…
2006, 2009, 2013, and 2017.

Japan has won twice.

Im gonna go out on a limb and say the other winner besides USA and Japan was def a South American team. Feel like yadi was part of one, I read he managing one the teams this year, I dunno if he Porto Rican or Mexican tho? We talk about not being able to tell Asians apart, I have no clue how to distinguish Dominican, Porto rican, Cuban, Mexican! Hopefully that not considered racist; lol
Im gonna go out on a limb and say the other winner besides USA and Japan was def a South American team. Feel like yadi was part of one, I read he managing one the teams this year, I dunno if he Porto Rican or Mexican tho? We talk about not being able to tell Asians apart, I have no clue how to distinguish Dominican, Porto rican, Cuban, Mexican! Hopefully that not considered racist; lol

The Dominicans won the other title.

Japan, Japan, Dominican Republic, US.
While it appears the 3 favs are certainly deserving I still would like to find a dark horse. Pretty sure if we liked USA, Dominicans, or Japs there be more value just rolling over their bets in the quarters thru final than taking some bs 2-1 number. Obviously when those teams play each other we not gonna see lines bigger than -120/-130 I wouldn’t think unless someone gets a huge starting pitcher mismatch due to circumstance.
Anyways I think that enough for today. As mentioned I will start looking into pitching depth and pens later this week. Time to waste a few hours finding some nba props losers! I should either start fading myself or quit that shit, sad, lol.
Anyways I think that enough for today. As mentioned I will start looking into pitching depth and pens later this week. Time to waste a few hours finding some nba props losers! I should either start fading myself or quit that shit, sad, lol.
Can always step back in to Champions League, knockouts just started 10 minutes ago
World Baseball Classic Odds
(March 8th) ⚾

Dominican Republic +200
USA +230
Japan +275
Puerto Rico +900
Venezuela +1400
Korea +1400
Cuba +1400
Mexico +3500
Netherlands +5000
Canada +5000
Israel +5000
Chinese Taipei +5000
Panama +6500
Australia +6500
Columbia +10000
Italy +13000
Yeah reading a lot and everyone is concerned (and pissed, mainly old schoolers) about the rule changes and how it impacts capping/betting. obviously new rules intended to make faster with more scoring.
Yeah reading a lot and everyone is concerned (and pissed, mainly old schoolers) about the rule changes and how it impacts capping/betting. obviously new rules intended to make faster with more scoring.

I already did all the venting I’m gonna do about them in my nba thread but yes it sucks. Just a off top my head guess I’d say at least 3-4 more hits a game curtesy of no shift, surely a stolen base if they can get pitcher to throw over a 2nd time then it basically a free base as runner can lead far as he wants (shit stupid), not to mention gonna have a few more meatballs thrown a game with pitcher having to pitch before he ready. These morons in charge of baseball just don’t get it, nothing they can do is gonna bring in new younger audiences, they making plenty of money and draw crazy good the places baseball is loved, don’t be retarded and try to alienate the fans you have in a wild goose chase for fans who not coming,
Havnt really had time to deal w this. I watched a few the Japan games and my god they get some world class pitchers playing in Japan who could easily be big leaguers. I like USA -1.5 tonight even tho could argue slight starting pitcher edge for Mexico. Think the pens be the difference plus USA bats. -1.5 a reasonable -165.
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Havnt really had time to deal w this. I watched a few the Japan games and my god they get some world class pitchers playing in Japan who could easily be big leaguers. I like USA -1.5 tonight even tho could argue slight starting pitcher edge for Mexico. Think the pens be the difference plus USA bats. -1.5 a reasonable -165.
Only way to play it imo and I hate -1.5 with last bats. I don't even know if US are home or away in this one.
Anyone catch the Japan game last night!/this morning? What a atmosphere! Ohtani didn’t disappoint, he hammered a straight up 3 run bomb in the 1st which was all japs nasty pitchers needed.
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Only way to play it imo and I hate -1.5 with last bats. I don't even know if US are home or away in this one.
They in Miami right? I dunno if Mexico gets the support of Miami like sone the other Dominican teams. The atmosphere in Japan was fantastic. That now on my bucket list, I’d love to go see a game in the Tokoyo dome!
They in Miami right? I dunno if Mexico gets the support of Miami like sone the other Dominican teams. The atmosphere in Japan was fantastic. That now on my bucket list, I’d love to go see a game in the Tokoyo dome!
They're here!
They in Miami right? I dunno if Mexico gets the support of Miami like sone the other Dominican teams. The atmosphere in Japan was fantastic. That now on my bucket list, I’d love to go see a game in the Tokoyo dome!
Would love the fan sticks they jam with in Japan

Not sure if they still do it but that was incredible when they all beat those sticks together
Australia despite the loss to Japan in prime spot to advance for 1st time ever. They just have to beat the Czech Republic to advance to knockout rounds. Dunno what price be but I’ll be all over the aussies!