Winners Only 0-2 lost $520 Total 13-15-0 down $90


Well-Known Member
Thx to the money management, I'm only down $90 with a losing record so thx for that hell with the system for Friday. I LOVE Det going into Calgary and grabbed it as soon as the lines were posted

Det $1050 to win $1000

If you have a few extra $$s kicking around try Pitt. They have a real shot at upsetting Buf and it's a nice payback. The more I think about it.....just played a $200 parlay on Pitt to Det, pays $870.

Gl to All...
Santa, you're about the only one that ever responds and I'm guessing thats your job. Lots of views, not many responses. Don't see much sense in posting when there are never any responses with some kind of input. Forums are for dialogue aren't they? Think I might just pack it in...not bother...
Red Wings going for a new franchise record in wins tonight(as far as a streak). WQuietly around town turning things around after a shaky start.

GL on the big play bro.

As far as your comment to Santa Capper, I would assume that he likes reading your thoughts and plays. There is no force for him to do anything. He is one of the nicer gentlman;s you will find at any forum. He loves Hockey and I think with his diligence and a few others in this Hockey sub forum our CTG hockey area will only continue to grow. That includes yourself, liquid noose, charvik, cass and popcorn light to name a few.

Everything in life starts with a foundation. You guys are all part of it and will be the core to what in time will be something very special.

Hell, I am up 5 units in hockey this year just playing here and there after reading some of the our great hockey cappers thoughts.

With that being said, I think I'll jump on YOUR play tonight bro.

again, GL tonight
WAS - we have a real niche sport to cap in NHL, a sport in which alot of people dont know well enough to discuss or feel confident in the discussion. Which is what we are trying to create here, an environment where people who dont fully understand the game, or its nuances to ask, and discuss.

As the saying goes 'if you build it they will come' and by the increase in views daily it looks like people are sitting in the corner looking on, and thats a start. IMO its just a matter of time before we start seeing this forum grow.

You are a valuable contributor here and I would hate to see you pack it up:shake:
WAS, always the hurdle for a young forum, and unfortunately Hockey's (US) primetime popularity is reflected in its betting popularity. If I post responses or not, I'm always browsing those who post in this section, but at this stage of the season I'm not into betting much of it at all, so I don't have a lot of insight to add, and I'm not one usually to post unless (I think) its of value.

The key for this forum will be to pull in those who are here, or come here, for the more popular sports, and they see this has a core group of loyal posters, and they join in (if Hockey is on their radar for betting purposes). We can but slog away because if theres nothing to be seen here at all, then theres nothing for any onlooker to join in with anyway.

BOL tonight, and whereever you post, heres to hitting a streak:cheers:
Santacapper said:
WAS - we have a real niche sport to cap in NHL, a sport in which alot of people dont know well enough to discuss or feel confident in the discussion. Which is what we are trying to create here, an environment where people who dont fully understand the game, or its nuances to ask, and discuss.

As the saying goes 'if you build it they will come' and by the increase in views daily it looks like people are sitting in the corner looking on, and thats a start. IMO its just a matter of time before we start seeing this forum grow.

You are a valuable contributor here and I would hate to see you pack it up:shake:

Santa is so true about a niche sport. I will tell you..I bet a lot of playoff hockey. Mostly on instinct and a few close friends of mine do it well in playoffs. It usually works out well. Now, I couldn't carry an intelligent convo with you guys about the regular season. Thats why I browse a bit and if I like what I see I will make a play.
Whatashot - I'm sorry you feel that way and I can understand your frustration. I have quit posting at places in the past because I didn't feel that it is beneficial to myself any longer. I was giving and giving, but getting nothing back. So I see exactly where you're coming from. The question is what can we do about it as we'd like to get more interaction.

The site hasn't been up for that long (less than 4 months) and we're doing our best to get more cappers to participate in hockey. It's hard to get people to stay and cap a sport when their isn't a lot of interaction to start with. The more people that are in a forum, the more likely others will be to join that forum. I'm hoping that with the good group of guys we have here to establish a base with santa, tuck, charvick, eames, yourself and others that we can build on that like we have in our other forums.

As always you need to do what is best for yourself first, but I encourage you to try to help us find other hockey cappers. I can assure you that loyalty and hard work by CTG members doesn't go unnoticed.
i read your picks every day, but most of the time if i would reply with 'GL' and thats about it unless its a day when i agree or disagree...for me i figure its kinda pointless on the average day so id ont say anything but i appreciate the posts either way:cheers: stick around for sure, im new here too
Thx guys. Hope I didn't come across as a wuss and sorry if any of you played the Det game. They got their asses handed to them. BAR, struggled with your pics too but at least the Raptors total came thru. Hope you hit it as big as I did. WAS