Will This Year Mark the Death of the BCS?

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
BCS has been on life support for years, constantly adjusting for "unforeseen" circumstances with subsequent rule changes and modifications--only to be confronted with "unforeseen" circumstances.

The only years where the BCS has apparently worked are years where the top 2 are clear cut and even a blind Mouse could pick them (2005 being the most recent example in my mind).

Think about this: Given a Florida win over Bama, the BCS may be looking at as many as 4 1-loss teams after the bowls and as many as 3 undefeated mid-major teams.

1. Florida/OU winner
2. Texas
3. Bama
4. USC

1. Utah
2. Ball St
3. Boise St

This year has split national champ written all over it--the precise thing the BCS was intended to fix.

How can anyone rationalize that the BCS does its' job or is good for college football?
Think about this: Given a Florida win over Bama, the BCS may be looking at as many as 4 1-loss teams after the bowls and as many as 3 undefeated mid-major teams.

1. Florida/OU winner
2. Texas
3. Bama
4. PSU

1. Utah
2. Ball St
3. Boise St

This year has split national champ written all over it--the precise thing the BCS was intended to fix.

How can anyone rationalize that the BCS does its' job or is good for college football?

Fixed that list for ya...

The BCS isnt going anywhere...they just re-upped the TV deal through 2014

Every year someone gets screwed, thats just the way it is...and the way it will be for the foreseeable future
No, the BCS will not be going away just because Texas is not going to play for the Big 12 title and potentially the national championship.
It sucks, but cannot see it going anywhre for awhile. New TV contracts just signed and the process for an overhaul won't happen just likety-split.
No, the BCS will not be going away just because Texas is not going to play for the Big 12 title and potentially the national championship.

It's not just Texas--although that is the example in my mind.

What about USC/PSU winner as well?

If the BCS does not do the one thing it is designed to do (choose the top 2 teams in the country to play each other) well--and we all agree that some team or teams always get screwed--then why keep it around?

Other than money, which is the obvious answer.
It sucks, but cannot see it going anywhre for awhile. New TV contracts just signed and the process for an overhaul won't happen just likety-split.

You don't think ESPN would simply modify their contract if the system changed? Of course they would.
No, the BCS has been a failure in the minds of the fans. But they are making money and couldnt give a fuck about what we think. The BCS is here to stay, like it or not.
You don't think ESPN would simply modify their contract if the system changed? Of course they would.

Perhaps, but then they wouldn't have the weeks and weeks of controversy regarding the BCS to pump up their ratings.

On a sidenote, lets look back to older days and the National Championship. Was there many teams that got screwed back in the day? I mean pre-BCS. I can think of one. That is the 1994 Penn State team offhand. They were a machine. Michigan also had to split the 1997 one when Nebraska was given a gift win at Missouri off a horrendous non-call and had beneifit of playing the last game on New Years day and beating the choker at UT Manning.

I guess I am looking back at like the 80's and early 90's. Were there controversies each year? Is it just the growth of the game and the ESPN's of the world that make this so big now?
Definitely controversy before. BCS was to have fixed that. Obviously it has failed.

It is definitely all about money which then puts us, the fans, in a bad place. The only thing that can change the system is a boycott of money until the system is fixed (playoff). But how do you not buy tickets, buy product, and support your team when it is one of the things that you live for?

I am seriously considering not going to Tempe for the Fiesta Bowl this year or Miami if we're lucky enough to go, just to keep money out of the system. But I'll probably go anyway. Fuck.
Definitely controversy before. BCS was to have fixed that. Obviously it has failed.

It is definitely all about money which then puts us, the fans, in a bad place. The only thing that can change the system is a boycott of money until the system is fixed (playoff). But how do you not buy tickets, buy product, and support your team when it is one of the things that you live for?

I am seriously considering not going to Tempe for the Fiesta Bowl this year or Miami if we're lucky enough to go, just to keep money out of the system. But I'll probably go anyway. Fuck.

Thats the problem. Everybody watches, the major networks bring in the money and pay for it. Honestly I think the best hope is that ESPN is reached b y 70 million people in the US. Unlike Fox and ABC which I believe go to anyone with a TV.
Dude, we have the same issue every year. Yeah, there will be at least 1 team with a loss playing for the MNC. What's different from last year? Or the year before? Shit, you guys aren't even getting it that bad. Think about Auburn from a few years back. Now THAT team had a lot to bitch about.

I'm on your side here and have been since the start. But until the money situation can get straightened out (and it seems like the powers that be have no motivation to do so because every year they pack the stands with people at all the big games), there will be no change. If the fans are smart, they will stop attending these games until a playoff system is established. THEN you will see something happen....
Yep, agreed

this happens EVERY year

Nothings gonna happen...too much money involved in the bowl system for it to go anywhere

You guys shoulda got screwed back in '05 when Penn State woulda been playing USC for the title had Michigan not had Referee Alumni Night and decided the game couldnt end until they won...so just consider yourselves fortunate that it hasnt happened to you guys before

You get used to it after 3 or 4 times
I have said it once and I will say it again.

The only way there will be change is if people who are anti-BCS and pro-playoff will get organized and boycott the games so there is a financial impact to conferences all around the country, namely the BCS conferences. Stop watching and attending regular season games, and stop watching and attending bowl games. That is the only way, IMHO, that you can get the attention of the people that matter the most in this: The college presidents and conference commissioners of the 6 BCS conferences.

Stand up and say, "We're not gonna take it any more!", just like the old rock song says.

This necessary "boycott" will never happen because we love college football too much. We are deferent to the game we have so much passion for, all of us.

TV ratings for the BCS bowls go up every single year, so revenue does as well. They have everyone by the balls. We are addicted to college football so even though 85% of the fans (according to polls) prefer a playoff, those same fans continue to turn on the TV and watch the big games including the New Year's Day and post New Year's bowls. The revenue coming in is insane, which is why ESPN outbid Fox by a significant number of millions just to secure the next BCS TV deal. The next deal signed after that will be even bigger.

All of the BCS conferences are splitting tremendous amounts of revenue, and they know that with any kind of legitimate playoff (which I agree with VegasKyle would
have to include ALL 11 conference champions to be fully legit and fair) would mean splitting the profits with ALL of the conferences. This will hit the BCS conferences where it hurts the most - the pocketbooks.

They will NEVER agree to it. Just as in the real world, MONEY TALKS in college football, and the studies the NCAA has done re: a playoff has shown that the BCS conferences will make LESS MONEY if they have one.

Hate me for saying it if you want, but a playoff is not coming any time soon. Bank on that, because the BCS conferences are sure banking on the system as we speak.

Mostly thanks to all of you who scream playoff and how much you hate the BCS, but continue to turn on your TV to watch every big game and attend games whenever you want. You are the ones supporting and validating the system that you hate you so much.

Me? I look at the positives that the BCS brings, which is that it has nationalized a game that was once only regional. To me, college football is college football, and I love having every Saturday from Week 1 to Week 15 where teams have to play their butts off, win or lose, to make sure they have a high standing in the BCS rankings.

Oh yeah, the BCS values SOS and encourages teams to "schedule up". I love this component in the system.
The PSU / TEXAS 1969 debate There are many in the east who didn't understand and were extremely upset. An "EAST COAST" bias was lobbied about for years.

On Nov. 17, 1969, the Penn State football team called a team meeting to discuss its postseason bowl opportunities. A day earlier the Lions had pounded Maryland, 48-0, and upped their record to 8-0 with games remaining against North Carolina State and Pitt.
With representatives of the Orange, Cotton and Sugar Bowls waiting, Penn State's players tried to decide where to spend the holiday bowl season. The post-game meeting proved fruitless, however, and Coach Joe Paterno met again with his squad the following evening.
A decision was reached almost immediately.
"It's a wonderful honor to be invited back to the Orange Bowl," Paterno said in a statement after the meeting. "Our players thoroughly enjoyed it last year and are looking forward to playing a really great team."
At the time, Penn State was ranked fourth in the Associated Press's poll. Missouri, the Lions' opponent in the Jan. 1 contest, ranked seventh. Defending national champion Ohio State held the top spot in the poll with Texas No. 2.
The Buckeyes would not attend a bowl because of a Big Ten rule stating that no team could repeat as the conference's representative to the Rose Bowl. Their only remaining game, against Michigan (Nov. 22), seemed a sure victory for the squad which was atop the polls all season long. If so, Woody Hayes' team would have posted a 9-0 mark and gained the national title again.
Texas still had games with Texas A&M and No. 3 Arkansas remaining on its schedule. Those matchups would decide the Southwest Conference champion and a berth in the Cotton Bowl.
So, here in Happy Valley on Nov. 17, 1969, the Lions had two choices:
-- Hope that Ohio State would lose to Michigan and vote to play the Longhorns or Razorbacks in the Cotton Bowl for the National Championship, or
-- Opt for a return trip to Miami and face Big Eight champ Missouri in the Orange Bowl.
Penn State Athletic Director Jim Tarman, then the University's public relations director, said Paterno had a definite preference, but allowed the team to make the decision.
"I don't think he ever expressed his opinion to the team. He wanted them to make the decision," Tarman explained. "But I had talked to Joe and I know he wanted to go to Dallas. He liked the way the team was treated the previous year in Miami, but he always thought you should play the best team you could.
"That means the highest ranked team and that would have been either Texas or Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl."
Many different factors played key roles in the squad's decision to play in the Orange Bowl, though.
Only five years earlier President John F. Kennedy had been killed in Dallas and many team members were worried about traveling to Texas, especially black players.
"Some of the players, like (Charlie) Pittman and (Lydell) Mitchell felt they wouldn't be able to have as good of a time in Texas because they were black," Onkotz said. "We had a good time in Miami (in 1968), but it was a stupid decision (to go again in 1969). It was a mistake. It was dumb and I think Joe regrets the fact that he let us vote."
Onkotz's statements sound harsh, but Tarman and Pittman agree expected racism was an important consideration.
"I still think some players were worried about those problems even when we finally did go to the Cotton Bowl in 1972," Tarman said.
Along with expected racial problems, the team had also heard rumors about the manner in which visiting teams were treated at the Cotton Bowl.
"We were told that a game with Texas in Dallas is just like an away game," an unidentified Lion player told the Daily Collegian on Nov. 19, 1969. "It's not like a bowl trip -- they give everything to Texas and nothing to the other team."
Of course, many players were convinced that Ohio State was invincible and assumed the Buckeyes would never lose to Michign. If so, a Penn State matchup against Texas or Arkansas would have been a game for number two and several team members felt if the Lions were going to be number two they should at least enjoy themselves in Miami.
"Writers were proclaiming Ohio State as the team of the century," Pittman explained. "The feeling of the players as the time was that if we had no chance of being No. 1, why go and play Texas on its home field?"
All those possibilities, opinions and rumors changed in the ensuing weeks, though.
Michigan upset OSU, 24-12, a week later and Texas jumped to No. 1 in the polls with Arkansas and Penn State moving to second and third, respectively. Then, on Dec. 9, with a national television audience watching and President Richard M. Nixon in the stands, the Longhorns and Razorbaks met.
Arkansas grabbed a 14-0 halftime lead, but Texas rallied and eventually won the game, 15-14.
Nixon attended the game at the request of an ABC executive to celebrate the 100th anniversary of college football. In accordance with that theme, he was to crown the winner of the game as National Champions. He did just that, thereby losing the votes of many people in Central Pennsylvania.
"I always wondered how Nixon could know so much about college football in 1969 and so little about Watergate in 1973," Paterno has quipped often since then.
Penn State moved up to No. 2 in the following week's poll while Texas stayed at No. 1 and Missouri moved to fourth.

On Jan. 1, 1970, the Lions put on a defensive display unequaled in Penn State history as it held Missouri's high-powered offense to just three points and won the Orange Bowl, 10-3.
As it had throughout the regular season, the Lion defense dominated. While the Penn State rushing game garnered only 55 yards against the Tigers' defense, Penn State forced nine turnovers, including seven interceptions (which still stands as a major bowl record).
Onkotz, Neal Smith and George Landis each had two interceptions while Gary Hull pulled in one. The defense also refused to allow Tiger quarterback Terry McMillan and his favorite receiver, Mel Gray, connect on even one single pass play.
All of Penn State points came late in the first quarter. Mike Reitz kicked a 29-yard field goal with 3:44 remaining in the period and, after Mike Reid caused a fumble, quarterback Chuck Burkhart threw his only touchdown pass of the season, a 28-yarder to Mitchell.
After that, the game became a defensive struggle. Missouri continually moved the ball into Lion territory, but was stopped every time except for one drive late in the first half when they settled for a 33-yard field goal.
Both teams were scoreless throughout the second half and with just minutes remaining the Lions got the ball and were ready to run out the clock. Missouri's defense held again, though, so McMillan and Gray had one more chance to win the game.
Penn State's veteran defense was not about to surrender.
"We were in and out of the game a lot and after a while it seemed like we had been out there a long time," Landis recalled. "I do remember the last time we were on the field Mike Reid was not a happy person. What he said still echoes in my mind.
"Paraphrasing a little, he said, 'This is the last time we're going on the field tonight and we're going to bust our butts and stop them again and get this game over.' "
They did just that, seemingly proving themselves worthy of consideration as the nation's best college football team.
Earlier in the day, though, Texas beat Notre Dame, 21-17, and later that week the football writers agreed with Nixon as they voted the Longhorns as National Champions.
Despite the disappointment of being voted No. 2 for the second consecutive season, the former players said they tried to keep things in perspective.
"We didn't worry about too many things we couldn't control. We were told by Joe Paterno to never look back and never worry about any more than we could do ourselves," Pittman said. "Actually I think we worry about it more now than we did then. It's kind of a shame, but that's the way it is.
"We did the best we could and came up number two seasons in a row. No matter what, though, I believe that no matter who we would've played then, we would've won. The team was just that way -- we didn't lose. It was a great bunch of players."

One of my golfing friends is an extremely successful Black gentleman. We played golf together in Houston and Dallas a few years ago. It was amazing to me how obvious many locals were about not wanting to be near blacks. We were treading on many mostly white venues and there is certainly not much love for the black man. A familyin a restaurant asked to be moved after we sat down near them. We could overhear the conversation and we just shook our heads.

I joked with him that if he took any white women home from the nightclubs that I wasn't responsible for him.

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Nice read...

So then I blame Texas for being racists and Ohio State for choking

Either way Penn State got screwed out of what was rightfully theirs
