Will the Oakland Raiders Have 6 Sellouts This Year? You can actually bet on this...


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I say no way in hell they get there...smaller limit prop but free money is free money...they've only had 3 SELLOUTS IN THE PAST 3 SEASONS...good enough for me...I bet this here...

Just trying to share the info, gang...
You don’t think they more likely to sell out more being last season in oak? I don’t know? Personally I wouldn’t buy a ticket if I’m in Oakland but they have some die hard fans.
You don’t think they more likely to sell out more being last season in oak? I don’t know? Personally I wouldn’t buy a ticket if I’m in Oakland but they have some die hard fans.

For a City that wouldn’t give them a new stadium OR a franchise who has yanked the team now for the 2nd time? No chance IMO.

They’ve only sold the place out 3 times the last 3 years. Now as a lame-duck City, they’ve earned my money if they sell out at least 6 of 8 games.
I would definitely take UNDER. The only game they might sell out is opening day and the last game of the season there so people can say they went to the last game in Oakland.

The Raiders have the toughest schedule and when they start losing, fans won't be going to the game. Not that we won't watch them, we'll definitely watch them, but on TV or if it's not televised, online somewhere.