Wild Card Thoughts


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Really was the least NFL I have ever played in a season. Through week 8 or soI was prolly about .500 as usual in NFL and pretty happy to be at that number. Since then I have played 0-2 games a week if that on little capping...just instinct. Did very well that way going 7-3 my last 10 games I bet. I haven't played an NFL game since before XMAS though.

Not going to bet these games but I really do like these 3 sides this weekend.

-The line for this game is a bit inflated in my estimation. That basically denotes that Philadelphia would be favored at Meadowlands if that was the site of the game. Now, I understand what happened a few weeks ago and how the Eagles are playing. I also understand Gmen injuries were part of their collapse. NY has the best offensive player in this game and he can carry them for a game. Manning has a lot to prove to himself after last years debacle in playoffs against Carolina. Has he struggled this year at time? Of course. Maybe this is a boit of redemption time for him. For Philadelphia, Garcia is in a system that suites his game. The ole QB still has a little punch left in him. Never a terrific playoff performer we'll have to see how he handles the presure here. I am calling for a FG game either way and like the Under as well.

-Tough venue and recent troubles are the Cowboys main obstacles. I think this is a week where everyone has written them of and they circle the wagons. Now, you say, can't same thing happen with Seattle? Of course it can. I just believe they are not in similar posistion to do so. The only factor in their favor is the comfy confines of Qwest field. Rookie QB in playoffs is scary but something tells me he has one superb playoff outing this year.

-Vegas sets lines for a reason cappers. All you hear is the talk that Larry Johnson will shred these guys. Maybe so, but its hard yto establish a running game when you are down so many points. I expect the Colts to jump out the gate and totally alter the Chief gameplan. Remember back in the middle of the season when KC went to Pittsburgh and was catching a TD? Everyone was so suprised and saw 'value'. Well, I saw through that bullshit and realized the situation. I think this is similar. Colts roll in this one despite their porous defense.

Just one mans thoughts....best of luck this weekend.:cheers:
BIg Al,
I agree about Indy. I think everyone sees Johnson running all over them but Sanders is playing and he is a difference maker. Colts undefeated at home this year. Peyton will have them ready.
Giants fan here and they have a chance, although slim IMO. Having Shockey play is key for Dawkins can't load up in the box and play Tiki. Tiki has not ran real well this year against Philly so if they can establish him, there is a chance but I am sure Johnson will have something in store for the Giants that makes Eli have to beat them and that is not a good thing. Just think the momemtum factor for Philly will carry them.
As your Vegas opinion about Indy, I see the same for the Jets-Pats. Why is that line set that high? Jets beat NE in NE and lose by only 4 in the Meadowlands yet the line is 9? Seems fishy. I think it's because of past history among other things but I think Mangini knows Belichek kinda like Saban new him. I just think NE wins something like 20-16.
I love Dallas this weekend. I know that sounds funny with the way they are playing but I do. I see the samething as last weekend with the Giants. Get the hell out of Dallas and away from the media, concentrate on Football. This is going to be a shootout. Both CB's out for Sea and Dallas sec just plain sucks. I know Qwest is tough on a rookie QB but I really feel Dallas wins this outright. These guys 4 weeks ago were being picked as the NFC representatives in the SB and now they are dawgs? Just what the DR. ordered. GL on whatever you choose to do.
agree on Pats line as well....still looking into that one..not familiar enough with NY Jets team this year

Appreciate the response

I have the same feelings about the Eagles, when did the get good enought to lay 7 points when a few weeks ago everyone was writing them off, I think the Giants are a team that plays well when wmotional levels are high, I think this game will be one woth high emotions, them sneaking into the playoffs and it being Tikis last year I think this team comes to play. It seems that evryone will be all over the trendy eagles. Isnt the playoffs when Vegas makes all that square money? I hope so. I think NY covers easily and might even win, Jeff Garcia is due for a let down game, Hes playing like a starter but hasnt been one for quite some time.

With the Cowboys too, to much offense and enough defense to slow a injury depleted reciever core for Seattle.
i think philly i sthe hottest team and you gotta respect that.nyg want the season to end. i would be shocked with a giants win
Your right Troy they are hot but -7 worth. Just seems like alot of points for them to cover.
The giants play well when emotions are high? Um They were 2 - 6 to end the year. I think Philly rolls here.. But G Luck

There is a letdown in the near future for the iggles. Mediocre teams don't simply rip off win after win indefinitely. I agree that 7 points is a little high, especially against a team that, while playing miserably for the second half of the season, has the ability to show up and put a lot of points on the board. In general, i really like taking a touchdown or more in division rivalry games, especially in the playoffs.

NYJ +9.5 certainly falls under that heading. The one thing that concerns me is that the Jets were basically in the two games with the Pats this season due to turnovers, and I'm not usually very keen on betting that Brady will turn it over in a big game.

As far as the chiefs, they are a miserable road team this season and Indy has never done anything but blow teams out in their dome in the first round. This line should be more like the NE/NYJ game, IMO.

I like all three of BAR's picks.
B.A.R. said:
agree on Pats line as well....still looking into that one..not familiar enough with NY Jets team this year

Appreciate the response

BAR - In Hoops I have learned form you that situations are key and its no different here.

Pats @ home, with revenge vs a former coach in January.

Pats - the points
abcs said:
The giants play well when emotions are high? Um They were 2 - 6 to end the year. I think Philly rolls here.. But G Luck


Just like you thought they would roll Altanta. I wil not be suprised if Giants win SU.

Do you really wanna lay 7 points in a playoff game with Jeff Garcia.

How similar is this to the Romo story this year? Garcia has won what 4 in a row....I don't see it being 5. Eagles streaked too soon and now they are gonna lose.

Division rivalry playoff game and your getting 7 points....
Austin you make no sense, I thought theyd roll atlanta before they announced Garcia Westbrook and half the team werent playing

Thanks though bud..Im pretty sure Jeff Garcias playoff numbers and winning % are better than Eli's.
abcs said:
Austin you make no sense, I thought theyd roll atlanta before they announced Garcia Westbrook and half the team werent playing

Thanks though bud..Im pretty sure Jeff Garcias playoff numbers and winning % are better than Eli's.

Yeah they might be....in his prime

Garcia is a feel good story. Have fun laying 7 points with a backup qb

Garcia was in Detroit last year, everyone thought he sucked, he was finished. Eagles fans thought the same thing here until they streaked and won 4 in a row.

Also, when was the last time Garcia was in the playoffs?
I am with you on all of these picks. The Gmen and the Boys are making me a little nervous, but if I had to go one way on it, that is where I would lean.
Just Curious what is the record for any starting qb in the last 8 years in detroit? If your blaming those losses on Garcia then good for you. If it wasnt for garcia they wouldnt be in the playoffs. For you to act like the guy is a bum is interesting. I realize Jeff will never be as good as Vince Young but he can play football, the Vet will be jumping for this game and I just dont see much leadership on the giants
I was listening to Colin and he was right on the eagles in all but 2 games all year ( the 2 right after the franchise qb went down) the eagles were in the lead in the 4th quater. This isnt a fluke team, and this definately isnt a fluke coach. Im not sayin the giants cant win or keep it close. But you have an extremly hot and confident team at home vs a team who has no leadership
When did I ever say anything about Vince Young?

I am not basing Garcia solely on Detroit, I am basing my opinion on Garcia's career as an NFL QB.

What you and the majority of the fans do not realize is that winning in the playoffs is about streaking at the right time and the Eagles streaked a bit too soon. Is their a streakier team than the Giants? When the Giants win, they don't put it on Eli's shoulders, it rest primarily on Tiki's. So my thoughts of the Giants winning this game have nothing to do with Eli. He just has to manage the game.

Seriously, your Vince comment was totally uncalled for. I have never touted Vince to be anything great. I hope he succeeds, but thats as far as I go. So please keep your bitter PAC10 bias the fuck out of these threads. If you wanna discuss the Wild Card games like the thread was started, then lets do so. Otherwise, don't say anything at all.
So youd rather have the team who backed into the playoffs vs the team who is playin the best ball currently in the league

Interesting thinking
my plays (leans) k.c. +7 look for green to keep it close, giants su here and +7 too many , seattle _2.5 dallas looking to go home , jets+9 to keep close ml here to kc game every1 saying johnson but i think green will keep it close with johnson ,i look for kc to throw early then mix the run in ,4th qaurter then look for johnson to pound indy , lets not forget indy defense will be looking for run so i think a few deep balls by kc will be made ,also indy pass d is average at best all imo gl and good health
eagles rolling but lets not forget the carolina game eagles won that game but i look at it as a loss last sec pick in end zone by delhome cost carol the game , and by the way carolina suxs bad so imo philly fav here by 1 or 2 here is the line
What's your point? Philly had to make a play, and they did. THAT is why they won the game, because Shephard is a decent cover CB. It's not like there was a bogus call or penalty, they made the play to win. I dunno how you can chalk that up as a loss. And let's not forget that the Carolina game was early in their 5 game win streak, so while it certainly wasn't the most impressive, it gave them the confidence to build towards more quality wins down the road. Lastly, I don't know how you point to 1 game 6 weeks ago as reasoning why the line is inflated by 5-6 points...
john 1 game 6 weeks ago means nothing,but in that game bye the way was a pass inter non call on the play , also if you think carolina runs that pass play again dont think it would be incomplete or td NOT A INTERCEPTION,got lucky by a noncall period ,on a first down i believe .but anyways you take your team and ill take mine ill be back here after saturday will you?
THe funny thing is the Giants beat a washington team who had nothing to play for, and now they are the team with a ton of weapons and a lot of potential again.. rright
Lets get back to the actual discussion and end the pissing contest.

The teams will do the talkin...we will see who is left
abcs said:
I was listening to Colin and he was right on the eagles in all but 2 games all year ( the 2 right after the franchise qb went down) the eagles were in the lead in the 4th quater. This isnt a fluke team, and this definately isnt a fluke coach. Im not sayin the giants cant win or keep it close. But you have an extremly hot and confident team at home vs a team who has no leadership

Cowherd was DEAD WRONG with his assesment of the Eagles. Sure they were "leading" against the Bucs in the 4th quarter, but they were completely out played and shouldn't have been in the game. In New Orleans, they had a lead, but were porous the entire game. They had no shot against Jax, or Tenny, and they were LUCKY the second time around with Washington....they almost blew that one.

I agree with BAR the line is inflated.
I did not hear Cowherd's assessment of the eagles this morning, but I have to disagree with what you said about the eagles against TB, NO and Was.

1. McNabb threw 2 INTs for TDs and failed to get a FG at the first half when he threw over the middle to LJ Smith and time ran out before they could stop the clock. This is certainly their fault, but I would hardly say they were outplayed and shouldn't have been in the game. If anything, they should have won the game but gave it away with silly mistakes and were unlucky one final time on a 62-yd FG.

2. Against New Orleans, they came in flat following their big win against Dallas the previous week and let the saints race out to a 17-3 lead at the half. They then got it together and took the lead by scoring three straight touchdowns. After that, they gave up a 48 yd TD to Joe Horn and let the saints eat the last 8:30 of the game on a 85yd+ drive that ended with the winning FG at the gun.

3. In washington, they nearly blew the lead, but I would hardly characterize jumping out to a 21-0 lead and then winning 21-19 lucky.

This is all what i didn't say with my earlier point about the eagles defense. Sure, they've won 5 games in a row, but they have been giving up 17+ points to the likes of Carolina, NYG, WAS and Atlanta over this winning streak. In fact, this is really not all that unusual for this defense, they've been giving up points all season. The 7 points against Dallas was an aberration.

I agree with you that the line is inflated, but I just wanted to make sure nobody got the wrong idea about those games.
BeASaint said:
I did not hear Cowherd's assessment of the eagles this morning, but I have to disagree with what you said about the eagles against TB, NO and Was.

1. McNabb threw 2 INTs for TDs and failed to get a FG at the first half when he threw over the middle to LJ Smith and time ran out before they could stop the clock. This is certainly their fault, but I would hardly say they were outplayed and shouldn't have been in the game. If anything, they should have won the game but gave it away with silly mistakes and were unlucky one final time on a 62-yd FG.

2. Against New Orleans, they came in flat following their big win against Dallas the previous week and let the saints race out to a 17-3 lead at the half. They then got it together and took the lead by scoring three straight touchdowns. After that, they gave up a 48 yd TD to Joe Horn and let the saints eat the last 8:30 of the game on a 85yd+ drive that ended with the winning FG at the gun.

3. In washington, they nearly blew the lead, but I would hardly characterize jumping out to a 21-0 lead and then winning 21-19 lucky.

This is all what i didn't say with my earlier point about the eagles defense. Sure, they've won 5 games in a row, but they have been giving up 17+ points to the likes of Carolina, NYG, WAS and Atlanta over this winning streak. In fact, this is really not all that unusual for this defense, they've been giving up points all season. The 7 points against Dallas was an aberration.

I agree with you that the line is inflated, but I just wanted to make sure nobody got the wrong idea about those games.

You made points on 2 games. What about Tampa, Tenny and Jax? That's three right there.

I hope they face the Saints again....we owe them one.
Well....shoulda played NFL this week...lol..woulda been 3-0

Good job guys...good thread...we'll start another on Monday
chiefs still in?

anyways, last season i recall the dogs covering like crazy. and it seems the faves are off to a great start......get what im sayin?
abcs said:
One day people will give Garcia credit...

I give him credit for playing very good, sound football. The fact remains the correct side in this game was Giants. I wish Garcia well. He is in a system that helps him. Any other system and he looks like the dog he has last few years. He couldn't throw the ball more than 15 yards downfield last year. I think thats biggest suprise.
True BAR but i dont think it was all his fault in detroit judging by their record before him and after him. I think there were other problems like the wide outs
I didnt say he is still a pro bowl qb.. but without him the eagles would be at home. Giants were down 10 and suprisingly they didnt fold up shop.. I thought this game was gonna end in a push.
btw bar..florida ML..

No way in hell. I already played that game a month ago....its solid.

Notice I loved LSU, WMU and layed off all week....this one cashes.

Osu 34-17
I was shocked to see that line at 9.5 and the over under only like 38
This isnt the same bears defense .. way too many injuries

The eagles vs saints will be an interesting game. The atmosphere will be electric in the dome. Fuckin crazy! The saints owned the eagles division..

As far as the chargers game.. phillip rivers isnt that great just yet. Hes been brutal lately. NE shuts down the run against everyone. Lights out will have to get pressure on tom or else we could have an upset.
B.A.R. said:
No way in hell. I already played that game a month ago....its solid.

Notice I loved LSU, WMU and layed off all week....this one cashes.

Osu 34-17
I think florida keeps it close early just becuz of rust..

But Ohio St wins this one, not becuz they are that much better becuz they arent and not becuz they have more team speed becuz they dont .. they win it because they will score td's and florida will settle for missed fgs :drink:
have i ever mentioned my pure hatred for cfb? i wont even be watching it....try to have a 3 hour long masterbation session or soemthing
KK..I just got a porno and will be having a session tonight that will make my dick limp for a week.