Why I'm betting the Gators

It seems quite a few people are betting Florida because "Tim Tebow just refuses to lose".

Sure, Florida might be your pick, but that theory is severely flawed. I assure you as an OU fan that Sam Bradford & the Sooners wana win just as badly as Tebow & the Gators do. Both teams will bring everything they have and may the best team win. I would caution about using motivation as your key to a wager because the motivation will be a wash -- both teams really want this game.
While I agree that OU hasn't seen a team like UF, I would also point out that UF hasn't seen a team like OU. The SEC was WAY down this season. Either way I think this game is bound to be a blowout. Someone is bound to be flat after forty days off. The offenses are too explosive, one early mistake and one side will be up DD+. I would lean UF because I think Urban is the real Manchurian Candidate, the guy ain't human he's so good, but I wouldn't dismiss Oklahoma.

This is exactly right. Nothing in the SEC compares to OU's offense, not even Georgia with Matt Stafford and their weapons. This was one of the worst offensive SEC's that I've ever seen. OU's offense will bring more versatility and weapons on the edge than Florida has seen all season long. Will it be enough for the Sooners? I don't know.
good health on the game Joe.... :shake:

i currently still have a Texas / OU ML parlay still pending, but it's not for very much..... still thinking over the game and whether to let that stand or if i wanna do soemthing different....
For every UF "hasn't seen this type of offense" statement you can say "OU hasn't seen skill players this fast, even if they used their track team as a scout team for the last 40 days"
carefull guys with the tebow angle--

sometimes a player is too pumped up and plays tight although i dont think tebow is that type of player-
I think MEYER is more important than Tebow, gators win when meyer calls a good game--

One thing for sure OU will have not seen a defense like this all year long in Florida who is more athletic and faster than the big 12 defenses they played.


One thing for sure FLorida will have not seen an offense like Oklahoma and a QB like Bradford also this year.

I think the SEC had a down year in qb;s this year and florida did not face any great qb's this season.
guys, i know that the gators have crushed the total way over for the past few years in big games, but i have to lean to the under... These teams, respectively 1st and 2nd place in fewest turnovers will be able to sustain drives and eat some clock. The defenses arent bad either, as i think a lot of people are short changing OU's defensive speed due to the supposedly godly tebow power. I'm sorry but OU is no Ohio State and they will be able to move the ball and play some d, mitigating the damage that florida inflicts. The best teams are never as good as they are perceived to be. Both teams have speed. Speed versus speed leads to a shoot out or a trenched battle. I cant see these two defenses being made a fool of.
O/U on special teams TD's in this game?

OU has the worst kick coverage team I've seen from an "elite" team.

That is the prop I want to see..I would venture to guarantee there will be at least 1 special teams score.
Anybody else think Juaquin Iglesias is best receiver in the country as a frosh? A future Pro Bowler?
Another factor is you've got to look at a coach and teams bowl history. There are 40 days from when the final regular season game ends to the BCS bowls.

You have finals, bowl practices, traveling, and most importantly guys that have their eyes on the NFL (OU players go to OU to get to the NFL not to become doctors more then any big traditional power in college football). OU has each year more JRs declare that have no business declaring then any school I've ever seen.

I don't know what Bob Stoops does during these 40 days but whatever it is it's wrong. OU has been pathetic in the BCS bowl games. They've been huge favorites in everyone except for the USC game and they aren't just getting beat they are getting whipped pretty bad.

This to me is a big reason Florida will win. All of you saying Florida is more talented, team speed, etc is nonsense. OU has NFL players up and down their roster and I promise you they will have more first day draft picks in April then Florida will. Florida is not the head and shoulders more talented team in this match up.

The pressure is on OU to perform and based on past bowl history I just don't think they will.

Couldn't agree more Horn. Stoops' BCS failures compared with the relative domination Meyer has enjoyed are the biggest reasons why I'm on Florida. If you look at it, their BCS pedigree is similar to that of Ohio St, and they're missing the beatdowns of K St and Notre Dame in past Fiesta Bowls. If OSU was in this game, their past failings would be listed front and center as a reason for a play on Florida. The same is obviously true with OU, even moreso in my opinion, as OU's failings are more glaring, given the relative opposition.
and Murray was their prime threat...huge disadvantage for OU.

Disagree completely. Look at what OU did without Murray against Mizzou...not one step lost. They have two other RB's in Brown and Madu that could start for anyone else.
They have threats in Iglesias, Broyles, Johnsons, Gresham, Brown and Madu.
Both teams have multiple threats...
Anybody else think Juaquin Iglesias is best receiver in the country as a frosh? A future Pro Bowler?

Brewer- He is very good, OU has some size at wideouts, Florida dbs are quick as hell but not super tall. Joe haden and norris used to chase rabbits in teh field are very quick athletes.

THe key that no one is talking about is the matchup OU receivers vs Florida dbs?

OU has Johnson, Iglesias and the Cheetah GRESHAM at tight end, dude is 6'7 and can run fast.

Bradford is a pure timing QB- HE gets rid of the ball very fast, and the size of the OU receivers could pose trouble, as Bradford throws to a spot and patterns that are hard to stop-

It is clear to me that OU has NFL talent at receiver and tight end, I have not seen a team be able to cover these guys. The only chance is disrupting Bradfords timing.

Even vs Florida if they send pressure I dont think Bradford will care, because he is not like Texas qb mccoy who is more of an athlete, Bradford stands tall and delivers the throws. Bradford is very intelligent he knows where to throw the ball very early on in his reads.

TRUEBLUE- I have a hard time taking any bowl game over 70, especiallly one in which 2 top teams are playing. You need more than 10 td's to get this total over. Florida runs a lot killing clock, OU does hurry up though, but I see enough talent on defense to make some stops.

Perhaps why it is 70 trueblue is these games seem to be blowouts and one team gets into the 40's-- Plus OU has played very high scoring games--

I think the key is how the florida dbs handle bigger receivers and a better qb--

not taking anything away from florida, but they have faced no offense even close to OU--

a key in my opinion may be the OU size vs the smaller db's of florida, OU runs a pro style patterns, slants, ins, routes that can use the size mismatch here.
Frankly, some of your guys man love for Tebow is gross. I am actually disgusted by it more than the two girls one cup video. Get over him already. I can't wait for his so called career to come to an end.

OUs D vs Flas O is a stalemate in my opinion.

FLA wins if they can pressure Bradford. Bradford was never touched all season. Anyone can win the heisman if they get all day to throw. The OU line is, if not the best in CFB, definately top 3.

So FLA wins if they can pressure Bradford. Bradford is good if he has time. The real key is the loss of Murray as a blitz pickup - er.

This game will be a lot like the OSU UT game. A real slugfest till the end. The fewest mistakes win. Personally I like the Gators by 3 because it is a home game. If this game is a blowout I think it will be a blowout in favor of OU.

But you homers make me sick. Go gobble tebow's knob or put up a poster of him in you bedrooms right next to your Marissa Miller poster. (most of you faggy gator homers prolly have Grossman posters up too). Just in case you don't know Grossman is another Gator NFL QB bust.
Biggest factor that no one is lookign at is a possibility that the CROWD could be PRO FLORIDA?

IF that is the case FLORIDA wins this game easily-- if they have the support of the crowd also--

OU has never seen a team like FLORIDA speed and plays and A QB like TEBOW--

Florida has seen QB's like Bradford, he does not run, mostly throws from the pocket, they wil attack attack attack BRADFORD and this one is over--

OU offense works vs weaker defenses-- florida can stop their O-

playing in miami is the wildcard for me--

Can anyone find out the crowd support in this game?

I'm certain the crowd will be very pro-Florida. The people walking around Miami Beach in their Florida gear are vastly outnumbering the Oklahoma people from what I've seen.
Also check this article from the Miami Herald


Deflation has hit college football's championship game.
Hosting Thursday's showdown between the Florida Gators and the Oklahoma Sooners is providing South Florida with a boost amid a soft tourist season. But brokers report tickets are selling for as much as half off compared to last year's title match.
The economy shares some of the blame for the lower prices, which at about $600 apiece for cheap seats are not exactly a post-holiday bargain. The matchup itself has also cut into demand for South Florida's first official BCS championship.
''The Oklahoma side of the game has changed the dynamics dramatically,'' said Sean Pate, public relations director for ticket seller stubhub.com. ``Interest for the game has been limited from the Oklahoma side to a small cross section of people in the Midwest.''
The average price for a BCS ticket on stubhub.com hit $680 this week, compared with the $1,360 average price for last year's BCS championship between Louisiana State and Ohio State in New Orleans.
That game also featured a hometown favorite expected to drive strong ticket demand.
But Oklahoma doesn't seem to be matching Ohio State's ability to draw deep-pocketed fans from across the country.
Only 4 percent of BCS tickets from the stubhub site went to customers in Oklahoma, compared with 57 percent in Florida.
Such dismissive statistics do not sit well with Jerry Sheets and Paul St. John, who donned Oklahoma red for lunch on Ocean Drive Wednesday. Oklahoma fans weren't easy to find -- two college-age women stopped to say how happy they were to see fellow Sooners -- but the two Houston residents weren't worried.
''Oklahoma travels well. You know that,'' Sheets said. Added St. John: ``I talked to a friend who's on a plane that just arrived, and he said it was full of Sooner fans.''
Both were lucky enough to pay the $175 face value for their tickets -- a relative steal for a game where fans often pay three, four or even five times that.
Mark Savidge, a Chicago ticket broker who put his cellphone number on fliers throughout South Beach, said fans are paying between $500 and $2,000 for BCS tickets.
That's about 15 percent less than a year ago in New Orleans. But it's far better than he expected, given Florida and Oklahoma's recent appearances in championship games and the sour economy.
''I would have thought this year would have been $200 to get in,'' he said. ``It's nowhere near that low.''
With a national title at stake and thousands of Gator alumni nearby, ticket brokers promise packed stands for the sold-out game at Dolphin Stadium.
As BCS ticket resale prices dropped, more fans and brokers have jumped in to buy and sell. Pate said the site saw sales volume nearly triple over last year.
But without two pools of fans competing aggressively for tickets, prices have dropped quicker in the resale market than in other big college games this year.
Rose Bowl tickets were selling for 13 percent off 2008 prices on stubhub, and the Sugar Bowl saw a 15 percent decline. The Orange Bowl saw prices plunge 54 percent, Pate said.
Despite tourism taking a beating in the economy, hotel bookings in Miami Beach are up this week compared with a year ago -- a windfall credited to visiting BCS ticket holders.
''Almost every hotel I know of is sold out,'' said Robert Lacle, general manager of the Doubletree Grand in downtown Miami. The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau said a recent survey of Miami Beach hotels showed occupancy spiked this week compared with a year ago.
But by Saturday, occupancy is projected to fall slightly below 2008 levels -- a sign that many Gator fans are heading home as quickly as possible.
''Some are literally coming in on Thursday, and leaving on Friday,'' said Aaron Resnick, a Florida law school graduate hosting a Gator bash at South Beach's Mansion nightclub Wednesday night. ``I'm a little surprised at how many people are doing that.''
The whole world knows Bradford and Tebow will play well

What about all the Freshman and Sophmores on Florida that make up the core of the team? This is new to them...
Disagree completely. Look at what OU did without Murray against Mizzou...not one step lost. They have two other RB's in Brown and Madu that could start for anyone else.
They have threats in Iglesias, Broyles, Johnsons, Gresham, Brown and Madu.
Both teams have multiple threats...
Dude I'm talking about in the return game.
The whole world knows Bradford and Tebow will play well

What about all the Freshman and Sophmores on Florida that make up the core of the team? This is new to them...

Doesn't the entire Florida secondary consist of Sophmores (1 JR.)? That could be big for OU's passing game...just a thought on top of yours...
One point that I haven't seen mentioned is that Bradford this season has been hit (either sacked, knocked down or tackled) an average of only 3-4 times per game. I expect things will be a little different for him tomorrow night. So a big question for me is how will Bradford respond if he is knocked around early? If Florida is smart, and I don't see many people questioning Meyer in this area, they will find a way to hit Bradford early. If Bradford loses comfort in the pocket, this game could get real ugly. I've already placed a medium sized bet on Florida and wil probably add to it closer to kickoff.
Disagree completely. Look at what OU did without Murray against Mizzou...not one step lost. They have two other RB's in Brown and Madu that could start for anyone else.
They have threats in Iglesias, Broyles, Johnsons, Gresham, Brown and Madu.
Both teams have multiple threats...

Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the STs and Defensive units of Mizzou with Florida?
And pointing to OU's production vs. Mizzou as a reason they'll produce vs. UF?
Doesn't the entire Florida secondary consist of Sophmores (1 JR.)? That could be big for OU's passing game...just a thought on top of yours...

I think you're UNDERESTIMATING the Gators secondary:

Florida's Pass D is #2 in pass efficiency rating and also secured the 2nd most INTs in the entire country.

Pressure on Bradford = INTs.......................:tiphat:
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Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the STs and Defensive units of Mizzou with Florida?
And pointing to OU's production vs. Mizzou as a reason they'll produce vs. UF?

No. The original poster stated that "Murray was OU's prime threat. Huge Disadvantage for OU."

If that capper is betting on UF because Murray is out and not playing, he hasn't fully capped the game. That is what I was saying.
IMO, it comes down to one Q:

Gators are FORMIDABLE in all 3 phases of the game and DO NOT turn the ball over...can the same be said of OU?

Mully :cheers:
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No. The original poster stated that "Murray was OU's prime threat. Huge Disadvantage for OU."

If that capper is betting on UF because Murray is out and not playing, he hasn't fully capped the game. That is what I was saying.

I think that poster was talking about UF's DECIDED advantage on Special Teams...and pointed to the fact of Murray being out as hurting OU's return game even more.

You pointed to their production vs. Mizzou as fact that their return game didn't miss a beat without Murray.

My point is that Mizzou is far from UF when it comes to coverage and defensive units...and IMO, Murray's unique skills would give OU a better chance of success both on KRs and offense (same as the original poster).

Mully :cheers:
The big 12 had some very bad defenses--

Floridas biggest advantage is coaching- Meyer will be prepared--

Stoops apparently is talking to PELINI to prepare for this game, is that even allowed talking to another coach?
(Underrated)GATOR D: #2, #2, #5, #6, #9, #13






1st Down D

Average rating of D's faced by OU in Big 12 play?
I will preface this by saying I am a Gator.

I have looked at this long and hard as I am sure most of you have as well.Must admit I am nervous that so many in this forum are betting on Florida. Thats seldom been the case around here.

I cant shake a couple of things. I keep having Visions of how Massaquoi and Jones tore up our Dbs. Of course in Jones case it was a missed tackle that led to a huge gain, but yards are yards and points are points. These guys had such big games because Florida sold out to stop the run in both cases. Ahmad Black was playing on the line of scrimmage as a SS. SO my Gators managed to stop the run but putting an extra guy in the box. it worked against LSU and that stud RB as well. I dont think anyone sees the Gators putting 7 or 8 in the box to slow the run in this one.

Thats Why I expect OU to run the ball. THAT is my biggest fear here.
Our secondary has some young guys who can play. They don't get discouraged when things go wrong. They Keep their heads up and continue to battle. No Doubt Bradford and Company will get their yards. No one expects either team to shut down the other in this one. It will come down to stops. Who can make enough.

I like Florida's Special teams in this one. ALthough I wont buy the concept that OU is bad on Special teams. They have had some broken on them , but that usually happens when they are up big and its natural to let up some in such spots.They have outstanding speed on their coverage units.We will see how disciplined they can be against James.
I think The world will get to know LB Dustin Doe who draws the task of covering that Stud TE of OU's. He's an outstanding coverage LB.

I am not too concerned with who played who or how much common opponents got beat or any of that. This isnt a game between the Big 12 and the SEC. Its Gators vs Sooners

Comparing who played who or how much common opponents got beat or any of that is
Just more Useless banter of matchups and past results. If you have not noticed That hasnt work Much if AT ALL DURING THE BOWL SEASON. The week in - week out grind of a season is TOTALLY different that what we will see Thursday.

This isn't just a hugely-hyped and pressure-packed event; it's a football game played after a five week layoff. All the ingredients exist for one team to mentally fold in the face of this spectacle's fierce forces. There's pressure. Then there are high expectations. Add some massive adrenaline surges, sprinkle in enormous possibilities for a plethora of pregame distractions, and factor in a lot of rust. It's a recipe for a big-game disaster, which can be loosely but accurately defined as a woefully insufficient and generally underachieving performance. Eight out of Nine times, then, disaster has befallen one team in a BCS title game.

Here's the reason why Oklahoma versus Florida--like any other college football championship game--is best put in perspective when matchup keys or strategic dimensions are placed on the back burner: simply stated, psychology rules in this sport--always does, always will. (Ask Utah and Alabama about this )
Oklahoma would be Bucking a trend if the Crimson and Cream can avoid a major mistake for 60 whole minutes of action. And if adversity hits Bobby Stoops team in Miami, one has to admit that the Gators--unlike some other teams--have the defense and, even more specifically, the secondary that could potentially frustrate OU's passing attack. One mistake could negate a whole host of advantages that the Sooners possess on paper.

Last and far from least Florida has been in a bunch of close games and shown the ability to overcome adversity. Oklahoma has yet to be challenged. And please save me the drivel about texas and Ole MIss where NEITHER team stood up to the challenge.

In BCS title games, mindset always trumps masculinity. The mentally tough team that overcomes adversity and minimizes mistakes will walk away with a national championship. Put this game within a regular-season grind, and big plays would become ever more necessary for both teams. But in a single game played FIVE WEEKS after the end of the regular season, the key becomes psychological more than anything else. Focus will foil ferocity. Serenity will surmount the speed of specimens. These are the time-tested truths of BCS championship games.
Good Luck JP and the rest of you guys ...

Going to play Oklahoma here . I just was not impressed with the FLA defense vs Alabama and the only 2 QBs that Florida faced were Stafford and Snead and both did well IMO . Especially how when you look at the Georgia game the Bulldawg offense played well early especially Stafford then it sort of unraveled after continued mistakes. Georgia had the ball 2nd and 3 at the UF 10 and came away with a missed FG thanks to consecutive Stafford sacks (remember the OL issues they had this season) and then a 37 yd missed FG then another time they were 1st and goal at the UF 6 and missed the FG as well ..plus settled for a FG in the red zone and they had just 4 touches in the 1st Half anyway . UF had 2 TDs one after a missed FG and the other on a short field and worse is still down just 14-3 then Stafford was picked 1st and 10 at the UF 30 to begin the 2nd H and it was taken to the 1 yd line and scored ..simple execution and GA struggled with that all season and the Bulldawg defense was a TREMENDOUS disappointment this year ....think Kentucky and GaTech games ....Really those were the two teams that could have given UF trouble and they did ...FSU , Miami ,SCar , Hawaii , Tenny , LSU , Kentucky , Vandy teams with issues at QB all season so much so they all had at least 2 different starters due to poor play ....

OU's defense didnt impress me all that much until the TT game ..might be interested in OU and Over teaser but the few possessions and plays ran in the Bama game are a concern .....:cheers:
I think you're UNDERESTIMATING the Gators secondary:

Florida's Pass D is #2 in pass efficiency rating and also secured the 2nd most INTs in the entire country.

Pressure on Bradford = INTs.......................:tiphat:
Easy to be the pass efficiency leader in the SEC. There isn't a QB in the whole conference. And yes I am looking at you Georgia.
Good Luck JP and the rest of you guys ...

Going to play Oklahoma here . I just was not impressed with the FLA defense vs Alabama and the only 2 QBs that Florida faced were Stafford and Snead and both did well IMO . Especially how when you look at the Georgia game the Bulldawg offense played well early especially Stafford then it sort of unraveled after continued mistakes. Georgia had the ball 2nd and 3 at the UF 10 and came away with a missed FG thanks to consecutive Stafford sacks (remember the OL issues they had this season) and then a 37 yd missed FG then another time they were 1st and goal at the UF 6 and missed the FG as well ..plus settled for a FG in the red zone and they had just 4 touches in the 1st Half anyway . UF had 2 TDs one after a missed FG and the other on a short field and worse is still down just 14-3 then Stafford was picked 1st and 10 at the UF 30 to begin the 2nd H and it was taken to the 1 yd line and scored ..simple execution and GA struggled with that all season and the Bulldawg defense was a TREMENDOUS disappointment this year ....think Kentucky and GaTech games ....Really those were the two teams that could have given UF trouble and they did ...FSU , Miami ,SCar , Hawaii , Tenny , LSU , Kentucky , Vandy teams with issues at QB all season so much so they all had at least 2 different starters due to poor play ....

OU's defense didnt impress me all that much until the TT game ..might be interested in OU and Over teaser but the few possessions and plays ran in the Bama game are a concern .....:cheers:
Ofcoarse I'm sure you didn't overlook UF's injuries against Bama but that's ok. ;)

By Matt Hayes -

10 Reasons Florida will win BY MATT HAYES mhayes@sportingnews.com
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD>A healthy Percy Harvin could be the difference for Florida in the BCS title game. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[SIZE=+0]1. The Tebow factor[/SIZE] If you have to start somewhere, start at the top. Florida's junior quarterback has played flawlessly since the Gators' loss to Ole Miss in September. It's more than just running and throwing and directing the offense, Florida feeds of his inner strength and will to win. Call it corny and contrived, but it's as real as anything about this team.
[SIZE=+0]2. Dictating tempo[/SIZE] Forget what you thought you knew about the spread option offense. It's not all quick score and big plays; it's imposing your will on your opponent by dictating tempo. Lost in the hoopla of the Florida offense: The system is similar to many of the old-school option offenses of the 1970s and 1980s, only it begins with the quarterback in the shotgun--and uses two quick tailbacks instead of one. There is too much balance and too many options--speedy options--for Oklahoma to contain in the run and pass games.
[SIZE=+0]3. Game-changers on special teams[/SIZE] It starts with kick/punt returner Brandon James, who gives the team what essentially amounts to a free play on offense with any return. The fact that OU covers poorly on kick returns (Sooners have given up four touchdowns this fall) compounds the problems. But the more significant edge is Florida's ability to block kicks (eight this season: five punts, two field goals, one conversion), and use field position in the punt game. Only six of 13 opponents have started a drive in Florida territory, and the Gators are giving up only 4.8 yards per punt return. Those numbers aren't sexy for television, but they win games.
[SIZE=+0]4. The setup on defense [/SIZE]The Sooners' no-huddle system sets up so quickly, many teams aren't prepared for the quick plays--much less the talent that executes the plays. There are times when defenses are still looking to the sidelines for play calls. To combat this, Florida used two scout teams in bowl preparations and rotated them on and off the field every other play--as soon as the play ended--to simulate the speed of the setup. The scout teams can't simulate OU's talent, but that's not what scout teams are about. This move by Meyer and his staff was as important as any in bowl preparation.
[SIZE=+0]5. Strength on the corner[/SIZE] Florida rotates everywhere on defense with the exception of three spots: middle linebacker and both cornerbacks. Joe Haden and Janoris Jenkins, both underclassmen, developed into the best cornerback combination in the SEC this fall with their aggressive style and confident play. Haden said he has noticed from film study that teams don't try to get physical with Oklahoma receivers. That will change tonight. Florida plays a mixture of coverages, but Jenkins and Haden routinely play near the line of scrimmage and challenge receivers to win individual battles.
[SIZE=+0]6. A healthy Harvin[/SIZE] This is a different team when dynamic wideout/tailback Percy Harvin is healthy. He plays faster than anyone on the field, and gives the Gators a physical threat in the backfield in run packages. In pass situations, he allows Florida to have deep speed on either side of the formation (including wideout Louis Murphy) to force safeties to choose in coverage. That scenario usually opens the middle for a slot receiver or tight end to find speed mismatches in the secondary.
[SIZE=+0]7. Getting pressure[/SIZE] Florida players and coaches have been saying all week that they must get pressure with the front four to have success against OU's four- and five-wide sets. While that's true, defensive coordinator Charlie Strong is one of the best in the game at designing blitz-specific schemes and coverages to confuse quarterbacks. Whether it's overloading off the edge or a variety of zone blitzes, the Gators will get after OU quarterback Sam Bradford.
[SIZE=+0]8. Linebackers in coverage[/SIZE] OU tight end Jermaine Gresham (6-6, 260 pounds) has been a matchup nightmare for teams. He'll get catches against Florida, but he won't run away from speedy linebackers Brandon Spikes and Brandon Hicks--two 230-pound-plus guys who can run and disrupt Gresham's comfortable, effective seam patterns.
[SIZE=+0]9. The other tight end[/SIZE] Tight end Aaron Hernandez is Florida's most underrated player--and Tebow's most indispensable target. Third and short? Find Hernandez on the field; that's where Tebow is headed. Big target, sure hands, dangerous runner after the catch. The Gators also like to use Hernandez on shuttle passes out of the shotgun to slow down defensive pursuit.
[SIZE=+0]10. The motivator. [/SIZE]Two years ago during Florida's last national title run, Meyer had a 20-foot wall built and had every quote or negative story written or said about the Gators pinned to it. This time around, he says he's still looking for the motivation. Don't believe it. He's already telling his defense that Oklahoma says it will hang 60 on Florida like it has the five teams before it, and telling his offense that Oklahoma thinks it has seen better players in the Big 12. Mind games may be overrated, but done correctly, it keeps teams focused on a common goal throughout four quarters--and not just the first few minutes.
Someone commented that the only two good QB's UF faced were Stafford and Snead and they hurt UF? Stafford who will be top 3 in draft was 18/33 for 265 yards with int;s and no TD's. Snead was 9/20 185 yards 2td's and a int. My point these QB's didn't hurt UF at all georgia only scored 10 points and Ole Miss beat UF because of uncharacteristic fumbles.
OU may win this game as UF defense is very young, not a single senior and only 2 juniors, but UF will hit them lik ethey never been hit before
Ofcoarse I'm sure you didn't overlook UF's injuries against Bama but that's ok. ;)

Not at all and did the line react at all ? Look at that FLA game they executed extremely well small thinsg change who knows what happens. The 1st TD alone when the WR catches it falling down on 3rd down is probably a play made 1 out of 4 times ...again who is alabama and who did they beat ? :shake:
Someone commented that the only two good QB's UF faced were Stafford and Snead and they hurt UF? Stafford who will be top 3 in draft was 18/33 for 265 yards with int;s and no TD's. Snead was 9/20 185 yards 2td's and a int. My point these QB's didn't hurt UF at all georgia only scored 10 points and Ole Miss beat UF because of uncharacteristic fumbles.
OU may win this game as UF defense is very young, not a single senior and only 2 juniors, but UF will hit them lik ethey never been hit before

Overall stats are useless to me ...

Especially how when you look at the Georgia game the Bulldawg offense played well early especially Stafford then it sort of unraveled after continued mistakes. Georgia had the ball 2nd and 3 at the UF 10 and came away with a missed FG thanks to consecutive Stafford sacks (remember the OL issues they had this season) and then a 37 yd missed FG then another time they were 1st and goal at the UF 6 and missed the FG as well ..plus settled for a FG in the red zone and they had just 4 touches in the 1st Half anyway . UF had 2 TDs one after a missed FG and the other on a short field and worse is still down just 14-3 then Stafford was picked 1st and 10 at the UF 30 to begin the 2nd H and it was taken to the 1 yd line and scored ..simple execution and GA struggled with that all season and the Bulldawg defense was a TREMENDOUS disappointment this year ...

This is the stat that matters to me --Stafford was9/15 166 yds until that INT early 3rd Q..they had 5 possessions a punt , inside the 10 settled for a FG and missed , made a short FG , had 1st goal at the 6 but missed a FG and then Stafford threw his 1st pick on a play starting at the UF 30 and was inside the red zone .....so UF did not stop the offense of Georgia nor did it Stafford IMO..

How about not looking at how many passes Snead completed and realize he made plays in what his 5th career start ?..which by the way you can say what you want about the Ole Miss game but that Texas Tech team Ole Miss beat didnt OU beat them by 5 or 6 TDs at home late in the year ?? No it was by 7 TDS ....so the fact it was @ UF should hold a tremendous amount of weight ....

Just my take but those 2 performances dont exactly scream the defenses ability to slow those teams ...if a kicker cant hit from 27 and 37 yds then what are you going to do ...

Just my take I think the UF defense is better tthen OUs but I also think this is a major test for them ....OU doesnt score many garbage points when you look at their games ..alot of those 60+s are legit even vs bad defenses..
For the record I put in a little to try for the middle/side shot.

Because the line got to +5, I bought some to +6.

So now I have the ML/-2.5 and a little of OU +6.

So a three or four point win would make me extremely happy. But if Florida could find a way to blow 'em out, I'd be fine with that, too.
just forget the ole miss game; the Gators and esp Tebow are a completely different team now. That game was...you know...3 months ago.
just forget the ole miss game; the Gators and esp Tebow are a completely different team now. That game was...you know...3 months ago.

I agree but Bama was not ...I think the UF has OU clearly beaten in 2 of 3 spots except offense ...not a huge fan of Tebow wasnt impressed by anything he did vs Bama and naturally Harvin's absence does play a role but they played such a easy schedule ...

just should be fun to watch IMO ..I just think UFs offense and defense are overrated ..Miss gave them a game , Georgia was destroyed by fumbles but I think looking at the play by play Georgia outplayed them offensively until the 1st INT and Bama hung with them ....everyone else they played was basically garabge and Bama and Georgia were not impressive to me and the Ole Miss game same could be said for them it was 3 months ago they are much better now not just UF ....:cheers:

GL all ...