Who can I get for Adrian Peterson?


Two-Shot Foul
I've been thinking about trading Adrian Peterson for the last couple weeks because of the time share he's involved in, and the fact that the Vikings don't want to overwork him this year. Now I think I have to try and trade him since his value can't possibly get higher ... I'd think.

Who do you guys think I could get/who would you accept for him?
Depends on what the rest of your roster looks like.

but there's no better time to trade him than right now. aim the for starts, and see if any counteroffers are worthwhile.
well, I'm 6-0 in a division with a 4-2, 2-4, 2-4, 1-5. 2 go to the playoffs. I have AP, and i think next week (or even this week with APs value before next Sunday) is the time to start picking up playoff matchup players. I might consider trading AP for a stud RB that isnt in the divisional lead(real NFL) that has a cake last 4 games.
I'm first in the league, and I've been killing people. The league is awful. So, I'm not worried about making it to the playoffs which are weeks 14 and 15 in this league. Here's what I've got:
QB- Romo, Anderson
WR- C johnson, A Johnson, holmes, edwards
RB- jackson, jacobs, peterson, morris

It's 1qb, 2 wr, 2 rb, 1 flex .. te, k, def

I've been getting by with a receiver at flex with Jackson out, and I think I'll be fine for the playoffs .. even though I've been getting screwed with injuries.

I'm thinking LT is out thanks to last week. I'm thinking about Addai, Westbrook, Willie Parker, and Gore (he's playing Minny/Cincy in my playoffs). Do you think AP is going to get all the carries now? I don't, I think he'll get a few more, but they're still worried about wearing him out.
AP is like crack, you want to save some for later but you just cant help yourself...I say hold on the rest of your lineup is solid.
I don't think we have the same feelings on crack, but if you replace crack with Oreos, I guess I agree. I probably shouldn't mess with it.
I'm first in the league, and I've been killing people. The league is awful. So, I'm not worried about making it to the playoffs which are weeks 14 and 15 in this league. Here's what I've got:
QB- Romo, Anderson
WR- C johnson, A Johnson, holmes, edwards
RB- jackson, jacobs, peterson, morris

It's 1qb, 2 wr, 2 rb, 1 flex .. te, k, def

I've been getting by with a receiver at flex with Jackson out, and I think I'll be fine for the playoffs .. even though I've been getting screwed with injuries.

I'm thinking LT is out thanks to last week. I'm thinking about Addai, Westbrook, Willie Parker, and Gore (he's playing Minny/Cincy in my playoffs). Do you think AP is going to get all the carries now? I don't, I think he'll get a few more, but they're still worried about wearing him out.

There's no way you get Addai in a 1-for-1.

Westbrook might be a decent deal, but injury concerns are the red flags.

Parker is nice, but no guarantee of goal-line carries. Arians is letting Rothlisberger open up the offense this year.

I'd stay away from Gore, and I've got him on a team. That offense is in big trouble. Also, Minny's run D is phenomenal... I wouldn't count on facing them (especially with an offense led by Dilfer) as a positive.

Basically, you've got a nice team, and RB appears to be your weakest spot. I doubt you'd find the value you're looking for.
Just kidding trout ... thanks Rolub, I thought Addai might be possible with his injury concerns. The goalline carries worry me about Parker also. Screw it, I'm just gonna hold on to him unless someone blows me away. Thanks guys.
nah no way u can get addai. after debating it last night, i dont think there's anyone out there i want that i can get.
Just kidding trout ... thanks Rolub, I thought Addai might be possible with his injury concerns. The goalline carries worry me about Parker also. Screw it, I'm just gonna hold on to him unless someone blows me away. Thanks guys.

i think that's your best bet. Maybe make it known that he's available, but let any offers come to you. See if anyone's desperate to get him.

in my only team worth managing right now, i've got a different RB problem. Start 2, and it's LJ, Parker, and Adrian P. It's a nice problem to have, but can you believe I'll be benching AP this week in favor of LJ (going against 28th run defense OAK) and Fast Willie (up against the NFL's worst run D in DEN)?
This is why I want to get rid of him ... I'm really starting to hate Brad Childress: "Head coach Brad Childress has said that Peterson and Chester Taylor will continue to split carries, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reports.
Spin: The Vikings will be keeping track of the touches that each running back gets for the next few weeks and this will determine who eventually gets the starting job. "We were ballparking the first few games," Childress said. Last game Peterson had 25 touches to Taylor's 22 touches and Childress said that this ratio will be the one he sticks with for the next couple of weeks."
im still debating the same thing. at 6-0 i really have to look for playoff matchups. there is no bye week in our league, so nothing matters except week 14-17 matchups. AP goes to Mile High for week 17. so its probably worth hanging onto him just for that. cold ass weather against a terrible run D and a great pass D. he could put up 30 and win the league for you. I think im keeping him.
well uve got SF and chicago. even tho AD ran all over chicago, i would think those are two tough matchups. that defense will be fired up to stop him, who knows if they can though
Yea, he does have Peyton ... I didn't realize the date of the playoffs until after, which is my fault, but I just assumed it was normal. Week 15 is obviously out of the ordinary.

I'd like to hear what you guys think, but I am very close to pulling the trigger on this trade ... Bush and Edge for AP and andre johnson.

Reasoning: I need RBs just to get to the playoffs with Steven Jackson, Brandon Jacobs, and Morris all injured. Bush plays Atl and Ari in the playoffs. Edge has Sea and NO. Johnson is hurt, who knows how that will effect him, and I've already got Chad johnson and braylon .. and Santonio and Calvin johnson. If my RBs come back strong, I should be able to trade Bush or Edge for a WR even better than Johnson. Any thoughts?
start 2RB 2WR and flex? How long do you have to accept? Its not going through this week anyway, right? If not, I would try to postpone until Tuesday/Wednesday to see the status on AJ and SJax. Also, 1 your players can't get hurt this week (if they don't play - as expected). Both of his can. It would suck to accept only to see one of the guys go down this weekend. if it goes through this week, i'd make the move. I love AJ, but shaub has been slinging it around since he left. I don't think he'll have many 15 look games like he did before the injury
Good to hear Tide, I just accepted it and it goes through this Saturday. I am very confident going through the rest of the season with bush, edge, jacobs, steven jackson, and morris filling up my 2 RB and 1 flex spot. if everything goes perfectly, i can trade someone for a WR 1 ... and my team will be awesome. worst case, I've got:
QB: Romo
Flex: jackson, jacobs ... whoevers healthy .. or morris
WR: chad johnson
WR: Braylon or santonio holmes

I like it better than AP at one of the RBs and hoping jackson or jacobs comes back 100% to fill an RB spot. I thought people wouldn't like it though, glad to see you approve.
nice, that lineup will be tough to beat. and if everyone gets healthy before the deadline, you def can get a good wr if you think you need it.
damn, if you look at it preseason... you basically have 2 round 1s and 2 round 2s at RB. hopefully their scores will play out that way for you.
Thanks Tide ... look at Edge's schedule from week 10 on: Detroit, Cincy, San Francisco, Cleveland, Seattle, New Orleans. Damn that's easy ... gotta be the best schedule of any RB from week 10-15 (my championship). Love it