Which player irritates you the most?


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Hands down, lock the door, throw away the key, and call it a lock...

Gilbert "Agent Zero" Arena's

Arrogant, overrated, ball hog. Thinks hes better then he is. Thinks hes like the 2nd best player in the league. Who comes into the season and tells a team that he wont be coming back next year? Fuck that.
that whining, floppin bitch Ginobili

good player...

but man, is he auditioning for those Argentine novellas? way toooo much acting...
Arenas? Atleast he plays hard and is honest with the fans and media.

This question is easy and its Vince Carter. I don't think we've ever seen a player with more talent just not give a shit about anything, never plays hard, and is a total dick to everyone around him. Ask any Toronto Raptors fan how they'll feel about him (I'm not one of them).

that whining, floppin bitch Ginobili

good player...

but man, is he auditioning for those Argentine novellas? way toooo much acting...

I was about to write the same thing, seeing him screaming and acting every time he goes for a layup makes me sick. :hang:
that whining, floppin bitch Ginobili

good player...

but man, is he auditioning for those Argentine novellas? way toooo much acting...

damn you ret. beat me to it. i absolutely fucking hate ginobili. then bruce bowen. then tim duncan and the rest of the spurs.
Bruce Bowen. I still don't understand why he never got 2 - 3 years suspension for all the shit he does. That isn't basketball, that is to say, I can't beat you fair, so I will fuck you up and get away with that. The fact that other Spurs players defend this, makes them pretty shitty humans, but not like Bowen himself...
im a pistons season ticket holder and i even am sick and tired of their whining about every call game in and game out

gotta love sheed though
Tim Duncan when he commits a foul and has that stupid ass look like he's never fouled anybody in his life. Then that cocksucker Flopnobili.
Any player that wont take a charge. Especially star players. Alot of them are big time pussies.
How can you hate Jesus BAR. Favorite player in the NBA right there
so much Spurs hate in here. That's fine.

One thing though. Raja Bell flops as much as Ginobili does. Which doesn't make Ginobili's flopping right of course, it makes a lot of other players go unnoticed because Manu has been there and won the championships so he gets all the shit.

Similar with Bowen. Over the line? Yes. Anything special compared to the rest of the league? Definitely not. But I got used to all this by now

Manu is a flopper
Bowen should be in jail
Duncan is dumb

etc, etc

4 championships. You pick up haters along the way.
ridiculous to believe bowen is nothing out of the ordinary. dude inches forward on opposing shooters jump shots to make em nervous about landing on his feet. it doesn't get much dirtier than that.

and the way he kneed CP3 in the head when CP3 was on the floor a few weeks back pretty much summed his game up. or the time he nearly tore Amare's calf when Amare went up for a dunk.

I don't have any problems with the spurs and consider Timmay one of, if not THE greatest BIG of all time, but Bowen is inexcusable.
I never tried to say Bowen isn't a dirty player. He is. I do not support that. I'm just saying, people tend to mention him too much, there is a lot of dirty stuff in the NBA by others, goes...not as noticed.
you tube clips are no relevance to the subject. There are clips out there with Scalabrine looking like Michael Jordan.

Never said Bowen doesn't overreact, nor that I approve of such game, all I'm saying is, other players being dirty goes unnoticed. Or at least not as emphasized.
Good one on Raja Satyr, he's the most irritating guy in the league probably.

And agree with all about Bowen, he is maybe the dirtiest player I've ever seen in any sport.
:smiley_abve: :smiley_abve: :smiley_abve:

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hate him.
ENTIRE SPURS TEAM (Mainly Bowen, Duncan, and Ginobli)

Baron Davis/Jameeka Mashburn - faked/prolonged injuries to spit in the Hornets face and force trades/bargaining power

BAR - He listed quality guys when the whole team he supports sucks.
They are old and outdated and still think they shat dont smell.