Where will Kaepernick end up next season?

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What team could be so desperate for a backup to take someone who:

Hasn‘t taken a hit in a while (your body needs to be conditioned to take the sort of damage that NFL players inflicts) and hasn‘t played in a while
Wants starter-level pay while being a backup
Will divide a team‘s fanbase (and maybe the locker room)
Will be a media distraction
Has an evident attitude problem (as books pointed out)

Yeah, no thanks.

this is the most logical statement and obvious thing I have heard from anyone who remotely understands whats going on here. Only reason you take this guy at this point to to stir the pot and try to make a few bucks off his antics the last few weeks of the season
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A team with a qb who can run it should pick him up, theres a reason why rg3 is Lamar's backup, ravens a smart squad

Team like seattle or buffalo makes a ton of sense
A team with a qb who can run it should pick him up, theres a reason why rg3 is Lamar's backup, ravens a smart squad

Team like seattle or buffalo makes a ton of sense
the fact rgIII is on a roster shows how ridiculous the NFL mindset has become
I just want to point out that before the whole kneeling thing in 2016 he was 1-10 and benched for Blaine fucking Gabbert. The guy was NOT winning. He WON in 2013 (12-4) but he was NOT a winner ever after that.

Considering what is out there he could be a backup, yes. But who wants the CANCER that comes along with him?
I just want to point out that before the whole kneeling thing in 2016 he was 1-10 and benched for Blaine fucking Gabbert. The guy was NOT winning. He WON in 2013 (12-4) but he was NOT a winner ever after that.

Considering what is out there he could be a backup, yes. But who wants the CANCER that comes along with him?

Man, I don‘t think I was even born in 2013
So ridiculous. You don't take on a person as an employee when the baggage he brings along outweighs the benefit you might derive from employing him. It's Business Ownership 101. That applies to football, a grocery store, a carwash operation or any other business. Pretty simple. And you're an idiotic NFL owner if you think otherwise.
Also hue saying today he wanted to draft kaep when he was with the raiders lol

So now its kaep, mahomes, watson who hue all wanted but the teams wouldnt do it

This time he has an alibi tho who can verify it

Al davis...
So ridiculous. You don't take on a person as an employee when the baggage he brings along outweighs the benefit you might derive from employing him. It's Business Ownership 101. That applies to football, a grocery store, a carwash operation or any other business. Pretty simple. And you're an idiotic NFL owner if you think otherwise.
At least in bidness, you train.
This guy had his shot. Fail with some other kids, you might get a diamond in the rough.
Look at Kyle Allen.
Screwed by Sumlin. Benched at Houston. Has done ok with his shot.
The NFL is all retreads.
They didn't give JFF the amount of time they gave Kap and yet they want to make JFF the butt of every joke.
I'm not saying JFF could have saved the world, but no chance under that asshole coach in Cleveland.
I cant help myself... Take the name away.. If you have a QB that leads a team to a Super Bowl, then has a coach who mailed it in and was out the door and ends up with 3 coaches in 3 years, color me shocked that his numbers didn't stay at the level they were at. I am sure it helped that SF also went from being a Top 5 D to bottom 5 per FO in those years as well.

Just say you don't like the guy. But in a structured environment with good coaching and scheme, he set NFL records. With Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly, he shockingly did not. I love everyone here. I don't buy the "he's not good enough" shit. Just say you don't like him, you don't like his politics, etc. It's significantly a better argument.

Again, Eric Reid has knelt every game. Michael Bennett has done his thing every game.. Malcolm Jenkins leads an actual coalition. Wheres the big distraction they bring to their teams? Wheres the alienated fanbase?

I'm in the minority here and I legitimately respect each one of you and your viewpoints but I disagree with a lot that has been said. He might be a colossal douche. No clue. And I don't see where he has made any demands for $ or a starter's role. Teams take back far worse dudes who commit actual crimes without concern for distraction or locker room divide. That's all. GL to all this weekend except the Chargers.
I cant help myself... Take the name away.. If you have a QB that leads a team to a Super Bowl, then has a coach who mailed it in and was out the door and ends up with 3 coaches in 3 years, color me shocked that his numbers didn't stay at the level they were at. I am sure it helped that SF also went from being a Top 5 D to bottom 5 per FO in those years as well.

Just say you don't like the guy. But in a structured environment with good coaching and scheme, he set NFL records. With Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly, he shockingly did not. I love everyone here. I don't buy the "he's not good enough" shit. Just say you don't like him, you don't like his politics, etc. It's significantly a better argument.

Again, Eric Reid has knelt every game. Michael Bennett has done his thing every game.. Malcolm Jenkins leads an actual coalition. Wheres the big distraction they bring to their teams? Wheres the alienated fanbase?

I'm in the minority here and I legitimately respect each one of you and your viewpoints but I disagree with a lot that has been said. He might be a colossal douche. No clue. And I don't see where he has made any demands for $ or a starter's role. Teams take back far worse dudes who commit actual crimes without concern for distraction or locker room divide. That's all. GL to all this weekend except the Chargers.

There are teams that believe in standing - as a team - for the anthem. There are teams that don't want a division between players with some people standing, some sitting, some kneeling or whatever. Bennett is now standing in Dallas because his teammates asked him to (he stayed in the locker room in NE because... well no kneeling there). If he didn't, please don't tell me it wouldn't be an issue between the TEAM players.

There are people out there (I am one of them) who believe in standing for the anthem. He can peacefully protest whenever he wants, but I don't have to like him when he does something I don't respect. I also highly disagree with some of the things he supports (helping pay for the legal defense of the guy who killed a police officer).

I can also look and realize he had ONE GOOD YEAR playing football. I feel he would have been done in the league by now anyways. He had offers from several teams (the Bronco's being one, the Seahawks another) if he would stand for the anthem and he refused. He could peacefully protest during the remaining 8,759 hours of the year and respect many teammates and owners and fans.

I hope that KC signs him and you can have an amazing team member and QB. I don't want him on the Bronco's.
Dude showed up to his workout wearing a T shirt that said Kunta Kinte across the front. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. He can say all he wants that he’s ready and willing to play but his actions say otherwise. He’s doing all of this for publicity.
Holy hell. The guy SAYS he wants to play in the league and pulls this shit today? He moved the workout? He wanted it to be filmed for a commercial? He wouldn't sign a standard liability waiver? Why does he think he's so special? He expected everyone to cater to him when HE is the one looking for a job? GTFO.

Are people here really still in his corner?
Holy hell. The guy SAYS he wants to play in the league and pulls this shit today? He moved the workout? He wanted it to be filmed for a commercial? He wouldn't sign a standard liability waiver? Why does he think he's so special? He expected everyone to cater to him when HE is the one looking for a job? GTFO.

Are people here really still in his corner?

He clearly doesn’t want to play. He wants to play the martyr. This was a publicity stunt plain and simple.
This whole thing is so confusing To me .
Whose idea was it to set this up in the first place ?
That "workout" today tells us absolutely nothing other than he still has a fairly decent arm in those conditions. That's about it.
That "workout" today tells us absolutely nothing other than he still has a fairly decent arm in those conditions. That's about it.

Hey man, give him credit. He faced a top-notch defense today and defensive linemen were putting him under massive pressure. But the throws he was making...amazing
Just love how he calls out the league and all 32 owners by telling them “they can stop running”. This is why you don’t have a job. Stop running your damn mouth.

right it’s just a total shock that a guy who shits on the league and hates the owners isn’t being asked to work for them .. I’m just at a loss why he is not employed
This love of feeling oppressed and wanting to feel like a martyr is a hideous byproduct of a society that rewards groups (affirmative action, changing school curricula, scholarship opportunities, etc) that succeed in casting themselves as victims. These are the people who do the most to keep racism alive by trying so hard to keep up the oppression narrative. Sorry Kaep, nobody gives a fuck what race you are. In 2019 we are happily color-blind if you’ll let us. You‘re simply an egotistical and obnoxious douchebag.
He'll end up where he is now--droning on about his political beliefs and if he's lucky, getting interviewed on TV every now and then.

One of the most common stories around--a guy without a political thought in his head meets a good looking gal who is a political activist and he falls in love and in order to get anywhere with her adopts whatever political theory she is pushing.

Happens all the time.
He'll end up where he is now--droning on about his political beliefs and if he's lucky, getting interviewed on TV every now and then.

One of the most common stories around--a guy without a political thought in his head meets a good looking gal who is a political activist and he falls in love and in order to get anywhere with her adopts whatever political theory she is pushing.

Happens all the time.

Notice though Colin doesn't do too much talking himself.

Colin Kaepernick has morphed into more of a character than an actual person. The more he talks the more he sort of discredits himself. So he's behind the scenes trying to build up this unicorn like persona. Where the media builds him up as some Ali type revolutionary despite the fact that he's done very little.

He doesn't want to play football. He sucked 3 years ago and sucked on Saturday.
I cant help myself... Take the name away.. If you have a QB that leads a team to a Super Bowl, then has a coach who mailed it in and was out the door and ends up with 3 coaches in 3 years, color me shocked that his numbers didn't stay at the level they were at. I am sure it helped that SF also went from being a Top 5 D to bottom 5 per FO in those years as well.

Just say you don't like the guy. But in a structured environment with good coaching and scheme, he set NFL records. With Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly, he shockingly did not. I love everyone here. I don't buy the "he's not good enough" shit. Just say you don't like him, you don't like his politics, etc. It's significantly a better argument.

Again, Eric Reid has knelt every game. Michael Bennett has done his thing every game.. Malcolm Jenkins leads an actual coalition. Wheres the big distraction they bring to their teams? Wheres the alienated fanbase?

I'm in the minority here and I legitimately respect each one of you and your viewpoints but I disagree with a lot that has been said. He might be a colossal douche. No clue. And I don't see where he has made any demands for $ or a starter's role. Teams take back far worse dudes who commit actual crimes without concern for distraction or locker room divide. That's all. GL to all this weekend except the Chargers.

I'm a 49ers fan and I don't agree with much of this. And I was a huge CK fan at first before my eyes told me I was very, very wrong.

What records did he set? The post-season rushing record for a QB? Ok. That was impressive. The 49ers were also an all-time defense led by several HOFers in Willis, Bowman, Justin Smith, etc. They ranked last in red-zone efficiency with CK/Harbaugh.

Once the read option wasn't new his gig was up. He lacks the ability to throw to the various levels of the defense. He's got one speed and it's a fastball. Watching Jimmy G now drop it into windows vs. Kap try to throw through a wall is night and day in terms of accuracy talent.

He lacked love for the game and when his GF changed him into a social justice warrior and vegan there was not enough time left in the day to succeed at the toughest position in all of sports. He was already tending downwards fast. Do you think Chip Kelly would have played Blaine Gabbert over him for fun?

Kap is not a top 100 QB in this league now. And he was a fringe top 30 when he left 3 years ago.
Saw someone say it on twitter, might have been deleted after, but the move would have been, do the nfl workout and his own personal workout if hes worried about transparency

Shows the nfl hes willing to play, but also that hes a bit worried about getting fucked over

Nothing wrong with throwing like 100 passes over a 4 or 5 hour period
The last thing he wants to do, is come back and play. Ive been saying this for a couple years. Better to talk about how the NFL is black ballin ya, then come back and suck and hear the public say. "THAT'S Why No One Wanted Ya!"
One of the most common stories around--a guy without a political thought in his head meets a good looking gal who is a political activist and he falls in love and in order to get anywhere with her adopts whatever political theory she is pushing.
Hello to the 1960's.