Whatta you think?


Live. Breathe. Blue.
Had to auto-pick, draft was on a Saturday night in the heart of March Madness (who does that???)...

Anyway, I got both Cano and Pedroia...put Pedroia on the trading block. I could use another outfielder

Got an offer today and I kinda like it, even though I'm probably not getting equal value, I kinda like the off.

Trading: Pedroia

Receiving: Chris Davis, Hanley Ramirez

I like being able to put Davis in the outfield over Alex Gordon (currently my #3 outfielder) and throwing him at 1B when needed as well. I think Hanley should have a solid year once he returns next month. I also like his versatility at SS and 3B as well.

I know Chris Davis isn't gonna continue to do what he did the first 10 days of the season, but, whatta u guys think about him the rest of the way?
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perceived value no... would I do it? I think yes. depends on what categories you count. HRs Davis will be a huge +

chris davis was a hot prospect not long ago and wasnt getting as much love coming into the year as he shouldve have been. not a huge fan of hanley but think youll be better off doing the trade.
if you need HRs and RBIs then I think its worth it. otherwise no.

the ctg 2 league does OBP and TB. Gordon is underrated there.
What Gordon will lack in HR he will make up in Sb and avg. and Renew is right, if its an OBP league he's much more valuable
Pedroia can play for my real baseball team any time he wants, but he's an overrated fantasy player since his MVP year. He's above average at his position in all categories, which is nice, but not nice enough for his ADP. You have Cano, Chris Davis' power is legit, Hanley might outproduce Pedroia in bombs and steals after his return. I might do it even if I didn't have Cano, but I'd definitely do it with Cano already on my team. Of course, I'd also try to squeeze a pitcher out of him.
^ Not taking OBP into account at all, I don't play newfangled style.
What Gordon will lack in HR he will make up in Sb and avg. and Renew is right, if its an OBP league he's much more valuable

Not an OBP league...

U seem pretty high on Gordon, orange. I just don't see it. Avg, yes. Everything else, no. He only had 10 SB all year 2012 and has none yet this year. Avg is good right now, .294 last year, .271 career. And no HR yet this year, only 14 last year. I guess the big thing you mention is the SB but I don't see much there.
perceived value no... would I do it? I think yes. depends on what categories you count. HRs Davis will be a huge +

chris davis was a hot prospect not long ago and wasnt getting as much love coming into the year as he shouldve have been. not a huge fan of hanley but think youll be better off doing the trade.

Thank for the input, renew.
It's a long season, guys get hurt, etc. You'll find room for both Gordon and Davis, even in the same line-up. It'll be a good problem to have, kind of like having Pedroia and Cano.
Pedroia can play for my real baseball team any time he wants, but he's an overrated fantasy player since his MVP year. He's above average at his position in all categories, which is nice, but not nice enough for his ADP. You have Cano, Chris Davis' power is legit, Hanley might outproduce Pedroia in bombs and steals after his return. I might do it even if I didn't have Cano, but I'd definitely do it with Cano already on my team. Of course, I'd also try to squeeze a pitcher out of him.

I agree, tip. I really like Pedroia, but, with Cano already I just think it makes much more sense to get something else for him and improve at other spots.

I think I'm gonna go ahead and accept this offer. I'd like to try and squeeze a pitcher out of him, like you said, but I don't wanna risk losing out on this original offer if the guy just says screw it when I counter.
Yes, squeezing can be delicate. If it's an e-mail volley between friends, it can be done, but if it's just a yahoo offer in your inbox ... little tougher to negotiate.
It's a long season, guys get hurt, etc. You'll find room for both Gordon and Davis, even in the same line-up. It'll be a good problem to have, kind of like having Pedroia and Cano.

Most definitely...I'm really gonna like having Davis/Gordon to go with my two every day guys, Bautista/Holliday.

Lol and Cano hits a 3-run bomb as I'm typing.
Yes, squeezing can be delicate. If it's an e-mail volley between friends, it can be done, but if it's just a yahoo offer in your inbox ... little tougher to negotiate.

Exactly...I don't know this guy, just a yahoo offer. I put Pedroia on the block yesterday, got this offer this morning. Was actually surprised it was such a good offer. U know guys always tryin to get somethin for nothin.
Good luck with it! May Chris Davis' hot streaks be long and toasty and cold spells be short and mild (not likely), I have him in a couple leagues too.
speaking of surprises. Last year I offered Tito Broxton for Anibal Sanchez and getting countered Broxton for Chris Sale.
Then Broxton got traded and Sales arm didnt fall off. :D

havent seen tito around in a while
I don't think Davis is much of an upgrade if any over Gordon

Gordon will have better stats at the end of the year (and more fantasy points) than Davis. Agree that Davis isn't an upgrade, and I wouldn't be eager to trade for a guy when he's at his highest value.

It definitely depends on what type of league you are in, and just personal preference I guess. Good luck in whatever you decide.
Gordon will have better stats at the end of the year (and more fantasy points) than Davis. Agree that Davis isn't an upgrade, and I wouldn't be eager to trade for a guy when he's at his highest value.

It definitely depends on what type of league you are in, and just personal preference I guess. Good luck in whatever you decide.

But, I'm curious, why so high on Gordon? I like Gordon, I still have Gordon, I'm not trading Gordon, but... Orange mentioned steals with him. He had only 10 all last year and none yet this year. As for homers, only 14 last year and none this year. So why so high on him? When is he gonna finally step up and produce like you and orange and many others I've heard expect him to?
I do agree about not getting a guy at his highest value, I don't like that either...but, I'm also getting Hanley and only losing a guy (Pedroia) that I really don't have a position for.
Gordon's pretty much a lock to hit 25-to-50 points higher than Davis, score more runs, and swipe a few bags, so I get where that's coming from. But you're not trading Gordon away. I also think guys with elite, "light tower" power are pretty hard to come by in this era. Davis is one of a handful of guys who can hit 40 bombs and lap the field. He's better at one category vs. the field, just one, but better at one category than Gordon is at any one category vs. the field. That means something to me, especially if the rest of my hitting team is fairly balanced. And, again, you're not trading Gordon, you're trading Pedroia.
You can't point out that Gordon's career average is .270 and ignore Davis's career up to this year. if you aggregate Gordon's last two years you're getting a .300 hitter with 15-20 HR, 15 swipes, 80 RBI and 100 runs. With Davis you're getting considersbly less of all of those categories except HR. and again, you're trading for a guy at the peak of his value. Since you already have good OFers you're going to play Davis over Gordon, which I don't think is an upgrade, unless you are specifically looking for HR while wiling to give up other cats.
I was only pointing out Gordon's career avg to really kinda complete that thought...but, since u bring it up, seems everybody thinks Davis has a horrible career avg. His career avg is .260, hit .270 last year and .276 in 2011. And, of course it won't hold up, but, .349 this year. Now back to Gordon's steals. 17 in 2011, 10 in 2012, and none in 2013...so let's just generously say he's averaging 13 steals per season, and, the numbers are dropping. 10 steals in a 162 game season is nothing special, imo. Again, I do like Gordon, but, when is this guy gonna finally have a season that lives up to the hype? I hope its this year, not a good start though...
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Pretty damn nicely, tip. (although I haven't checked Pedroia's numbers)

Now if Hanley can stay in the lineup and keep it going, this may end up being the best trade I've ever made.
Ironically, I traded him away in a dynasty league for Howie Kendrick (I had almost zero production at 2B, and nothing in the pipeline) and promising pitchers with live, young arms ... stings a bit every time he hits a bomb.
Pedroia's having a good Pedroia year, but I still like your end ... especially if Hanley can stay on the field.
I'm stupid. You're smart. I was wrong. You were right. You're the best. I'm the worst. You're very good-looking. I'm not attractive.
Ironically, I traded him away in a dynasty league for Howie Kendrick (I had almost zero production at 2B, and nothing in the pipeline) and promising pitchers with live, young arms ... stings a bit every time he hits a bomb.

Ouch... Howie Kendrick? At least he's given you some decent production at 2B. I picked him up myself as a FA on one squad about a month ago. That's gotta hurt though.
Well, it's a dynasty format, the main piece coming back for him was Archie Bradley, who's in AA right now. And I have some good options at 1B/OF in that league, so I decided to pull the trigger. I'm in contention for this year though, so I am suffering some remorse over this deal (I think he had two bombs and five steaks like one or two days after he was off my team). Obviously, my power's taking a hit. And Archie's a couple years away.