What have we learned Week 3

My Browns suck, and I can say that without having watched more than five minutes of any of their games this year.

But the Birds, baby. Get well soon, B-West.
NFC East is a BEAST. Heading towards a 3-0 week vs first place teams in the AFC North, NFC West and NFC North. Unbeaten outside the division.
Packers have two great corners, but teams with a good 3rd WR option and good TE will do well.
Actually played OAK last minute once the 10's started popping up everywhere . There are just teams who shouldnt be alying *** numbers because they may not even be able to handle it pyschologically (knowing they are supposed to win easily ) ....

Rams and Det have issues as in they suck...

Pitt has zero offense and really it was obvious Big Ben is killing them ...

NE needs motivation . They probably thought they could just show up today and need some healthy offensive players (ie RBs)

Not suprised my much to be honest ...Browns cant do anything with only 2 underacheiving options in Edwards who I guess was less then 100% and Winslow . They are getting killed because Stallworth cant play ....OL banged up as well.....

Just some questions answered on the bad teams - they either stepped up or got smoked ....
I've learned that the Patriots defense is old, and was protected by a prolific offense last season.

Patriots will not make the postseason, book it.

I've can't believe that people were tripping over each other to lay 9.5 points with Trent Edwards.

The NFC is finally closing the gap.
I've learned that the Patriots defense is old, and was protected by a prolific offense last season.

Patriots will not make the postseason, book it.

I've can't believe that people were tripping over each other to lay 9.5 points with Trent Edwards.

The NFC is finally closing the gap.

I dont really agree though . NE defense played real well last week . While they have to pick there spots would agree with that . That defense faltered down the stretch last season. Today was going to be a terrible spot for them and Miami just took the momentum and ran with it ...

Trent Edwards isnt the problem as much as 1 WR is the issue. Shutdown Lee Evans and who is gonna make a play in the passing game ? :cheers:

There are just so many teams that dont have talent then you look at Dallas and see TO , Barber , Witten , Felix Jones and heck Austin catch 2 bombs ....

I just think its simple there are few suprises . When you dont have good offensive players you arent going to score . Look at NE you take away Brady and I dont mind Cassel at QB but thats a team with 2 studs on offensive and TONS of role players who feed off the studs ......
Oh an once again I should listen to myself....Said Dallas was gonna win 27-20 last week and yet still had the over in a parlay ......
SportsNut, time will tell as the season wears on but I really believe this defense to be fading fast, and the offense can't hide it.

My point about laying 9.5 with Edwards wasn't a knock on him, more of a comment on the "what have you done for me lately" mentality people have when betting the NFL. That will never change, and I will keep making money because of it.
SportsNut, time will tell as the season wears on but I really believe this defense to be fading fast, and the offense can't hide it.

My point about laying 9.5 with Edwards wasn't a knock on him, more of a comment on the "what have you done for me lately" mentality people have when betting the NFL. That will never change, and I will keep making money because of it.

I agree in alot of ways. The NE defense will definetly wear down but the AFC doesnt have many profolic offenses but Den , Indy and SD will certainly give them problems but those teams have flaws as well .....your right though they have to play football game not those lopsided exhibitions versus terrible teams ...

Not saying NE is great or anything just the writing was kinda on the wall for thos one as I thought they probably pured everything into the JETgame and you see Miami limping in and chances are not even NE is ready to play today....and with avg talent its not a switch one can turn on anymore .....

I hear ya with Buffalo...I was staying away because of the injuries to Oak and once it started hitting 10 everywhere figured it was huge square play so faded away....to there credit they did win a game in they were dead in the water .....My point was they just arent a special offense or even a very good team yet ..they feel like a 9-7 talent team when Ilook at them ...

Pitt doesnt have zero offense thats not true at all. Pitt has no line, its terrible. If they had a line they would be great, hell they would win the SB, but they dont, so they suck. Thats why I was critical of our drafting of Mendenhall and Sweed and I had assholes that wont be named on this forum tell me "how could you be upset, you got the best players in the draft". Fucking cock suckers. Anyway just the line sucks, none of the blame should go on Ben. Name me a QB that can win being sacked 9 times
The songs remains the same for Saints fans. I knew this would be the case, but it is settling in for Who Dat nation. Our OL does not run block very well, and our defense still sucks, especially that swiss cheese secondary.
I agree with 3rd and long. NE's defense does suck. No other way to put it.

And I can't pick who's the worse team in the league, KC Chiefs or St Louis Rams? Detroit Lions come in 3rd.
The Pitt OL is bad but it wasnt just that . Leftwich came in and I understand less blitzing but he did a much better job delivering the ball to the WRs . Big Ben has the shoulder issue that you know they are downplaying and his mobility sucks . Well O'Sullivan won getting sacked 8 times on the road last week @ Seattle ....

I dont see Sweed and Mendenhall as ready to be serious contributors . In fact I backed up by drafting Willie Parker in fantasy because I knew he wouldnt cut into his carries ....

Pitt as of this moment doesnt have any offensive players other Willie Parker who interests me .

Just to many teams who cant play offense or defense ...
I think we're gonna see Brady Quinn sooner then later. The only reason why we haven't yet is because Derek Anderson saved Romeo Crennel's job last year and I think he's loyal to Derek. But it can only last for so long because the Browns are 0-3 now with NO offense.

Other qb's who need to look over their shoulder is Matt Schaub. It's still early for a qb change there but Sage Rosenfels has put up numbers when called upon.

Marc Bulger too. He needs to be worried. He seems like he doesn't even care out there.
I guess will find out about NE defense next game ...just shows what I said earlier in the season there is less space bewteen these teams then ever . NE has an off day and they can get ass raped by the Dolphins who were like 1-19 L20 before today or something like that ....I am not saying there good or they arent old but today is not the day to be judging them...credit Miami for inserting Ronnie Brown into the starting lineup somehow its lost how good this kid was supposed to be ....

KC is terrible but what are they supposed to be ? They starting WRs are Bowe and Devard Darling . There QB is named Thigpen and it aint Bobby ....LJ once ran behind an awesome OL now he doesnt and isnt the same after the injury ...defense ? lost Jared Allen ...Surtain a decling but steady vet was lost to injury last week....talentless .......the Rams we get excited about because they have some name players but there OL sucks , Holt is clearly not the player he was 2-3 seasons ago and worse gets double teamed or faces the best DB ..leaving exactly who to beat you .....? If you cant block then you cant run the ball or break long runs and you cant pass protect ........another broken team.....

Det is the one suprise cause they have a decent amount of talent ......

The AFC East outside of NE has sucked for awhile now ...was when the last real good Miami , Buffalo or Jets teams and I mean real good ........??

I think what we have learned is that most teams are medicore and that depth is a HUGE ISSUE in the NFL as teams cant replace 2-3 injuries .....

The question should be where has all the talent gone ? The young talent has produced way to many busts and underperformers IMO.....

The Cowboys are hands down the best team IMO and they had 2 terrible turnovers inside the red ZONE and another where they had the ball at the 5 and wound upkicking a 38yd FG ...or what about when they had it at midfield and lost about 30 yards only to punt .......they just fuck up to much but because are the so much better then the next team they dont suffer in Loss column.....
best 5
1. dallas
2. denver
3. tenn
4. tampa
5. phil

worst 5
32. stl
31. kc
30. ne
29. det
28. nyj
Texans had some terrible play calling today when they were moving it and then Schaub eventually added to it ....Derek Anderson isnt the problem in CLe another banged up OL with a slow plodding RB in Jamal Lewis . The NFL is built on speed and CLE has none at the RB position . Winslow and Edwards are always fucking up ......and Stallworth hasnt played yet ...JJ is hurt again...Cribbs was hurt .....
The Pitt OL is bad but it wasnt just that . Leftwich came in and I understand less blitzing but he did a much better job delivering the ball to the WRs . Big Ben has the shoulder issue that you know they are downplaying and his mobility sucks . Well O'Sullivan won getting sacked 8 times on the road last week @ Seattle ....

I dont see Sweed and Mendenhall as ready to be serious contributors . In fact I backed up by drafting Willie Parker in fantasy because I knew he wouldnt cut into his carries ....

Pitt as of this moment doesnt have any offensive players other Willie Parker who interests me .

Just to many teams who cant play offense or defense ...

Thats crazy, it was just the O-line, straight up, thats the only problem. Hes had no trouble delivering to the WR's. How can you see his mobility sucks when rather then being sacked 8 times (not 9, Leftwhich was with 1), he would have been sacked 11 times. He is one the best QB's in the league avoiding the sack. For the size that he is, he can run. Im amazed, im honestly blown away that you just said his mobility sucks when thats one of the X-factors of his game.

You must have not watched a minute of this game, Ben is a good player. Willie Parker is average. The O-line is the problem, its really that cut in try. I might love the Steelers and be a homer at times but I can tell when this team is sucking and the only ones that deserve blame is the O-line. Big Ben might be having shoulder problems but hes throwing just fine. Hes throwing bullets. Once again, name me a QB thats been sacked 8 times, hit 5 more times, that has a good game. Also they stopped blitzing Leftwich, for some reason. They did blitz twice, one time, he got drilled and incomplete pass, and the second, yeah you guessed a sack.

Here are problems of the Steelers

1. O-line, how can anyone pass or run behind them?
2. WR dropping balls, Holmes dropped 3 today, 3 last week, Ward dropped 1 this week, and FIVE last week. Im not talking about balls that were just thrown to them, im talking about balls that were in their hands and they didnt catch. Not to mention Parker letting a floater drop right through his hands in the Cleveland game. Also Davis today drops a wide open simple screen pass and then a dump off pass. In fact Ben has been right on the money. Seriously did you watch this game today or last week?

I suggest you go take another look at the team.
best 5

worst 5

Thats really sad when those are the tops in the NFL . I think TB is medicore and I know Denver cant stop anyone ....tenny has just benefited from playing teams with more problems then them ...philly is philly but healthy ....until today ..
NYJ and seattle in your bottom 5?

you are in-SANE

MIAMI, in an obvious rebuilding year, is better then NYJ and seattle? LMAO i dont think so

cleveland and miami would make that list WAY before those two teams you mentioned would
ah ur right, Cleveland bumps of NYJ, forgot about them

dude they were PATHETIC today in bmore

10-7 lead at half

first 3 possesions of the 3q- Two pick 6's, and a fumble inside their own 20 leads to a bmore TD

21 points given to bmore without offense really even toucihng the field:36_11_6:
they were playing at home, had a bye week and cleveland was hurting in mutliple spots
Flacco had trouble vs a Delware zone blitz in Div2AA College or whatever they call it now. I think he's in for a long day vs pittsburgh's.
JT O'Sullivan last week sacked 8 times ......

You have your opinion and I am not saying its wrong . Throwing bullits doesnt help the WR catch the ball . It was injured players do to try and prove to themselves and everyone around them they are okay . I watched what I could of that game as it wa spretty obvious neither team was gonna score in the 2nd H . Big Ben was mobile he aint right now ...I'll eat my words if I have to but regardless of OL Big Ben aint gonna get done ...he was crappy @ Cle and got a pass because of the wind but everyone wants to sit Derek Anderson and he did more then Ben.....

Not to mention I said Pitt had no playmakers then you rattle off every play they didnt make. Only proving what I said.....When was the last good Pitt performance vs a solid defense on offense ? Whether its the OL , the WRs the Qb dont expect Pitt to anything on offense in the near future ...Pitt hasnt done much the past few years but beat bad teams at home ...

To each his own....Pitt has issues beyond the OL..IMO
maybe baltimore is good?

no way in hell

just because they have a good defense, and can keep football games close... does not mean they have a good team

and they have billick who can blow any game at any time, hes an idiot

they may be 2-0 but they won at home against 2 of the worst teams in the NFL

gimme pitt -8 or less and im all over them.

you will see how bad this ravens team is once they go on the road next week and play a good team

you will also see how BAD flacco is. he may be a mobile QB but his accuracy and arm is terrible
Top 5
5. Denver

No one else is worthy yet ...6. SD 7. NYG

Bottom 5
1. STL
2 KC
3 Det
4 Houston

Cle hasnt been as bad as it looks Dal , Pitt and Balt 3 teams who can play defense . Dont know how anyone could have rationalized CLE winning today other then Flacco throwing pick6 s ...I said after the MNF game DAL DEF is getting overlooked by 2 many . What did GB do today ??

teams like NE , INDY , Pitt , Philly , Minny , Tenny and GB are all on the same level slightly above average ...NO , Wash , Arizona , Jax, Buff , Car , TB , Chi and SF are medicore ...the rest are bewteen bad and medicore .....
of course flacco is gonna have a bad game he cant read zone blitz. scouts say he has one of best arms. so i doubt thats gonna change. his decision making is gonna be brutal tho.
I learned that I play too many of my leans and deviation came and bit me

I still think Houston will be undervalued (even though I had them today and twice in the 4th they got to the 1 yrd line- 1 TD would get me a cover, and neither times came up with any points- the latter getting a pick 6). However, Houston was able to move the ball against Tennessee- something thats just not too easy to do. If they were playing an average defense, I can def see Houston's offense putting up tremendous numbers, esp with slaton back there. I mean 3 times Houston went into within Tennessee's 10 and got nothing- because they needed TD. In different circumstances/against a weaker red zone defense, those trips will turn into points
IMO the problem for people liking Pitt over Baltimore is this - they met in primetime last season and Pitt had everything go their way (mostly TO wise) in a 38-7 win (35-7 at the half, jebus).

That is going to be refreshed in the minds of the masses before the game begins.
dalllas has an O line as good as the emmitt smith days-- GBAY took away OWENS AND dallas played smash mouth football, they can push Dlines off the ball and barber is the most physical running back in this league-

As I said before betting on prime time games is as simple as betting on the better QB. Did anyone really expect Rodgers to outplay ROMO. That was the difference here in that game QB play experience, Rodgers only reads half the field lol sounds like MIKE VICK, ROMO surveys the whole field.

Denver QB Cutler has a cannon and really eye balls Brandon Marshall on offense. This kid Marshall looks so big and has really good hands. He is like a player that you create in a video game, has size, speed, hands, moves, hence the 18 catches last week and great catch in endzone today vs Orleans-

Denver D is not good vs pass-

New Orleans- Sean PAYTONS style is not going to win in the NFL- way too many finesse players- Can anyone tell me why Jason DAVID is starting in the NFL as a corner. He looks about 5 foot 4 inches tall, he looked like a midget trying to cover Marshall- Saints are all finesse, good QB in brees, Bush is good and fast, but the D is garbage vs the pass-

Derek Anderson is a joke, he could barely start in college, the tandem of edwards and winslow is overrated. What have they done in the NFL. ALso it seems everyone wants winslow and edwards to be stars even if their play does not warrant it.

Pitts has a good D. They will figure it out on O, but Rothyberger IMO is regressing, with or without the O line, you BLITZ and pressure BEN he cannot move the ball, he is one of the worst pocket passers in the NFL-
BIG BEN lead the league last year in QB rating outside the pocket, he is lethal on the run and scrambling, a good team takes his scrambling away and the result is today vs Philly-

The Bears will not recover from this debacle, 2 blowouts in a row-The bears have been figured out, spread them out, they cannot stop the pass, a good smart team can score all day on the bears, bears are going to have a 7-9 season at best, they just are not a smart football team hence 2 losses in a row with big leads in the 4th for a so called great defensive team
Dolphins blowout was one of the biggest upsets in the nfl in a long time-
Pats are not great on D, are avg on O, they can beat the crap teams but that it is it--

Jaxonville always plays INDY well, they seem to pick off Manning quite a bit and taylor and Drew can run on INDY-

Jax late field goal saved their season, they can go on a run and start playing like they did last year and start winning some games-

The rams and detroit are crap------ they are just the worst in tihs league-

giants at home recently have not been blowing out crap teams, they somehow always play down to the level of the opponent

Kc is pretty crap for sure-

Looks like GRIESE has found a home in TBAY- Antonio Bryant played well, GRUDEN just outcoached Bears who have had no answers in the 4th qtr-
This isnt so important but every week I play the state lotto here where you have to pick all the winners SU and this week I thought would be the week where the road teams win less than 4 games SU but no...Every week it seems at least 4 road teams have to win SU.

And usually its around 5 or 6 games. And that really makes me ponder about taking Jets ML
NYJ and seattle in your bottom 5?

you are in-SANE

MIAMI, in an obvious rebuilding year, is better then NYJ and seattle? LMAO i dont think so

cleveland and miami would make that list WAY before those two teams you mentioned would

hahaha..didn't New England kill the Jets? And who just torched NE ? :tiphat: