What happened to the TTech line?

Cullen Harper has played miserable games all season, except during the little 3 game winning streak to end the season. He was not needed to play well during those games because the O-line and the running game were clicking. When the running game was shut down and the game depended on him he played poorly. Why would this game be any different?

Exactly. Was anyone surprised that the NU DLine completely dominated the Clemson OLine? I said for three weeks that Spiller and Davis would not do anything on the ground just like they hadn't done anything all year b/c of that putrid OLine Clemson runs out there.
You guys dont ever take into account the context though . Lets say they did manhandle them in the 1st Half . Didnt almost everyone think OU was going to smoke them so is it fair say maybe OU believed the hype a bit ? What about the 1st Half ? OU had 3 scoring srives where they went right down the field ..22plays 227 yds for 21 pts , they had 2 1st Quarter three and INTs , then the badly timed Bradford INT with less then 3 minutes before half . Texas went 10 plays 57 yds kicked a FG , had 2 punts so basically 14-3 OU after 3 possessions , Texas got a kickoff return down 14-3 and then OU got the ball back and scored again so 21-10 but 3 TDs by the offense vs a FG for the Texas offense . So the 1st 20 minutes OU dominated them but again Texas gets credit for coming right back and scoring a TD on another long and grinding drive to make it 21-17 . Then Bradford throws a pick inisde 3 minutes on 3rd and 4 at the OU 34 down in Texas territory . MCoy hits a big play on 1st down to the OU 35 and again this to me is the momentum swinging helping Texas make plays. After a sack OU gets hit with a 15 yd penalty on 2nd and 14 from the OU 35. Texas ball in the red zone they settle for 3 pts but that 21-10 game is now 21-20. So momentum on Texas side and thats why I am sure they went into the half confident while OU goes into half complacent telling themselves just play like we did the 1st 20 minutes and erase the mistakes (penalties and turnovers) and its going to be okay .

Thats what I feel is overlooked . OU had a chance to hang them out twice with 11 point leads and didnt . Credit Texas for fighting but given that situation 100 times even if it works out wel for Texas 50 % of the time we are still weighing the instince it did happen . What does Texas look like if they didnt make a key play to keep in that game ?

So if Texas manhandled OU in the 2nd H how did they get stopped when they had the ball to open the half and all the momentum with 10 straight points and INT that produced a FG to end the half ? OU got the ball at midfield and Bradford made 2 big 3rd down plays and scored again ...so 7 possessions and 4 TDs ..compared to 6 Texas possessions which produced 2 Fgs and TD ...

Next possession again Texas makes a key play to their credit . Backed up after Crosby only gets to the 11 yd line the OU defense fails to make a key play on 3rd and 6 at the Tex 15 . I remarked in another thread when a team converts a long 3 rd down backed up it like an automatic sign they will score on that drive . Well guess what Texas scored a TD on this drive. Its like gold when that long 3 rd down conversion happens in football. The defense fails to get off the field and sudenly the offense is full of momentum. So true to form the texas offense suddenlt had life getting 7 straight plays of at least 5 yds for a team who was showing little consistency on offense to that point . Texas gets the conversion and like I said its automatic they will get points and they do . What game I said that about on New Years I cant remember .

So again momentum squarely back on Texas . Not sure if that TD drive is also where Reynolds the OU MLB and leader went out but that is a pretty significant loss . A team who was possibly weak at LB and just discovering what a player Lewis might be have been a little lost when this happened . Seems fair to me that the injury is overlooked when reviewing the game . So is this also why it appeared that OU was manhandled ?

Here is where the game turned . OU known for their special teams aleady was down in the dept that day allowing the 96 yd TD return by Texas after scoring a TD to go up 21-10 .

So 28-27 OU lead still , 4th and 6th at OU 48 , as texas finally stopped the OU offense which had scored TDs on 3 of the four previous possessions , comes the twist . OU goes for the fake punt on 4th and 6 at their 48 and picks up 5 yards . Double killer they have the wind sucked out of them by failing but also muliplied by the fact it was only a yard short. Not to leave out its now Texas ball down 1 pt at their own 47 essentially 15-20 yards away from taking the lead. Again like Texas did seemingly everytime after OU misstep they had a big 1st down as McCoy scrambled for 16 yds and OU tacked on 15 more with a penalty . So their they are at the OU 20 already after 1 play rather then possible being inside their own 15 yd line . Anyway OU defense held but still Texas kicked the go ahead FG with 1 minute to play the 3rd Quarter .

So down 30-27 OU ball and they move it near midfield but on 4th and 4 Texas finally makes a mistake and extends the drive on a 5 yd penalty .OU moved the ball and after a holding penalty on offense making it 3rd and 14 Bradford hit Ileglas for 25 yards then scored on the next play. Again the momentum factor .. now 34-30 11:30 to play ...

To me no sign of Texas dominanting or manhandling OU at any point in nearly 50 minutes . So now the question does playing Cincy (solid vet defense), traveling out to Wash(almost 1600 miles) , playing TCU (solid vet defense) , traveling to Waco for Baylor (good 250 mile trip) and then short trip to Dallas ,coupled with losing Reynolds possibly enough to maybe slow down OU bit a crunch time ? Especially when Texas had played FAU , @ UTEP , Rice , young Arkansas team and @ Colorado in comparision(only 800 mile trip) ? Who was more likely to have a little more left in the tank at this point ? Think its fair and valid to say Texas was the frsher of the teams thanks to a softer schedule which didnt have any physical defenses and just one trip of note to COL and alone OU had traveled 3x in the last 4 games starting with a long 1600 trip ......and magnif the Reynolds injury with that in mind..

So with less then 9 minutes left 3rd and 8 on the OU 38 again Texas made a play with McCoy finding SHipley for 37 yards and putting it on the doorstep. They punch it and convert the 2 pt conversion with 7:40 to play and lead 35-31.

OU ball at their own 38 , gain 7 on a pass , 1yd on a run and then INC on 3rd and 2 at the 46. OU had been unsuccessful running the ball and gained just 1 yard but have to question the playcalling on 2nd and 3rd down . If you gain 1 yard and make it 3rd and 2 at the 46 isnt already predetermined that your are going for it 4th and short ? So why not throw on 2nd down OR run again on 3rd down and if its 4th and 1 go for it ? So have to question that sequence in some regards . The OU defense had not registered many stops still since the 21-10 lead and OU needed some momentum back. They played scared and punted not using the aggression they would vs an inferior opponent . So they changed their philosophy in some manner .

Again Texas ball and on 3rd and 4 at the Tex 26 OU failed to get off the field and that 27% 3rd conversion rate coming in wasnt showing in the 2n dH..Fatigue and loss of Reynolds possibly ? Next play after the conversion which isnt the same as a 3rd and long inside the 20 but definetly momentum building .....62 yd run ...longest play from scrimmage all day ...not suprising is it ? That basically seals it 4 minutes ...now OU is just dropping back to pass ...

In my opinion Texas did a great job limiting mistakes and never quitting . They won but they didnt beat OU IMO and I would agree had the game last ed 5 minutes longer Texas would have won by more because OU was gassed and Texas had all the momentum ...so that valid but manhandling OU ? maybe over the last 10 minutes but hard to agree with that ant any point previous to that as OU was scoring every drive from the end of the 1st Q ...minus a fake punt and INT until Texas took the 4 pt lead ..

OU threw an INt which lead to 3 Texas points and came at a terrible time . They also lost the ST battle which they ar known for obviously . Allowing a kick TD and a fake punt which gave Texas a short field settling for 3 points ..

Texas did what OU didnt and that was not beat themselves .....

Just my take on the game what people see and actual understand happened are 2 different things to me. Not knocking Texas but rather saying how good OU is . Just because Texas to be still 6 pts worse on a neutral field isnt a bad thing . Bama was 10 pts worse then Bama on neutral field minus Harvin ...and Texas lost to OU the previous year adding further motivational edge for a team no one gave a ral chance to beat OU .....:shake:

When my hangover goes away, I will read this and respond. It may have to be on Monday.
All I know is that "Terrible Gauntlet" of teams that Texas faced looks more like a bunch of girls with water pistols.

OOOHHHH TEXAS TECH is # 2 Beat down by a WEAK ASS Ole Miss squad.

OOOOHHHH OKIE STATE took us to the limit. Beat down by the "terrible" Pac 10.

As I said in the previous thread dicsussing the Big 12 champion, The Big 12 played NO ONE this year.

I hope that don't see the apologists try to spin the TU and OU losses. I've already seen some early volleys out there concerning Texas. "They don't look right" "Saw a bunch of teammates out enjoying themselves"

If TU and OU get beatdown, the BIG 12 should automatically be considered the Big 10 Version 2.0 Big name schools who play Sister Mary of the Staircase and Idaho A&M to beef their schedules.


USC and Utah co-national champions
USC and Utah co-national champions

I understand Utah, but who did USC play, if the Big 12 played nobody? Notre Dame, Virginia? Their best win was against a team without their best player, and their now star QB was a true freshman playing in his second game. I understand that they dominated teams, but shouldn't they have dominated against the Pac-10 this year?
They did schedule Ohio State They didn't schedule them this year knowing that O-State was going to be in a down year. It happens. But at least they scheduled a BCS quality school that has been in the top 10 the last decade or so.

And the supposed WEAK Pac - 10 is undefeated in bowl play and spanked a Big 12 power.

USC certainly has pooped the bed in conference games. There is no excuse for that.

But the fact that the Big 12 schools lost and stayed ahead of USC was wrong.

Oklahoma may prove me wrong. I expect Florida to win by 20 or more.

Just enjoying the discussion :cheers:
If you think Ole Miss is weak golferjoe you didn't pay attention to the season at all. We beat the future national champion and will contend for the West next year - just watch.

The Ole Miss "weak ass" comments are just getting laughable as we've proved ourselves time and again.
All I know is that "Terrible Gauntlet" of teams that Texas faced looks more like a bunch of girls with water pistols.

OOOHHHH TEXAS TECH is # 2 Beat down by a WEAK ASS Ole Miss squad.

OOOOHHHH OKIE STATE took us to the limit. Beat down by the "terrible" Pac 10.

As I said in the previous thread dicsussing the Big 12 champion, The Big 12 played NO ONE this year.

I hope that don't see the apologists try to spin the TU and OU losses. I've already seen some early volleys out there concerning Texas. "They don't look right" "Saw a bunch of teammates out enjoying themselves"

If TU and OU get beatdown, the BIG 12 should automatically be considered the Big 10 Version 2.0 Big name schools who play Sister Mary of the Staircase and Idaho A&M to beef their schedules.


USC and Utah co-national champions

Some of the dumbest comments I've ever read on this forum.

Considering the PAC-10 is undefeated in Bowl Games this year, I beg to differ.

And, Ole Miss is anything but a weak-ass team. In fact, Ole Miss was quite possibly one of the hottest teams heading into the bowl season.

I understand Utah, but who did USC play, if the Big 12 played nobody? Notre Dame, Virginia? Their best win was against a team without their best player, and their now star QB was a true freshman playing in his second game. I understand that they dominated teams, but shouldn't they have dominated against the Pac-10 this year?

No. Pac-10 was underrated this year, to say the least. And USC did dominate most of those games, on the defensive side of the ball. Scoreboard doesn't always indicate that.
Clearly sarcasm doesn't fly here.

The Big 12 proponents on this forum when dissing Fla loss earlier this year were quick to dismiss Ole Miss as a unworthy foe.

Did you see the quotation marks surrounding terrible.

I had Ole Miss in Cotton Bowl. You can check my bowl thread. I also had Alabama beating the Utes in one of my largest plays of the year. The Utes had not impressed me in the 4 prior games that I watched them play. They certainly did on Friday nite and I praised them in the In Game thread.

I plan to make the same size bet against Okie so long as the line doesn't get too crazy.
We need a sarcastic emoticon or somethin, golferjoe.

My bad.

In that case, I agree with you 100%.

golferjoe, So you base everything off of bowls? The Pac 10 is 5-0 so that makes them the best conference all of a sudden even though they've been shit outside of the conference all year except for USC. They were 13-17 OOC before the bowl season.

Let's switch the Pac 10 and Big 12 for just a second this bowl season:

1. Rose Bowl - OU vs Penn St. Who wins?
2. Holiday Bowl - Texas vs the 4th best team in the Pac 10 which would be Cal. Who wins?
3. Sun Bowl - Texas Tech vs Pitt. Who wins?
4. Emerald Bowl - Oklahoma St. vs Miami. Who wins?
5. Las Vegas Bowl - Missouri vs BYU. Who wins?

Looks like 5-0 to me.

Now lets switch it the other way around....

1. MNC Game - USC vs Florida. Who wins?
2. Feista Bowl - Oregon vs Ohio St. Who wins?
3. Cotton Bowl - Oregon St. vs Ole Miss. Who wins?
4. Holiday Bowl - Cal vs Texas. Who wins?
5. Alamo Bowl - Arizona vs Northwestern. Who wins?
6. Gator Bowl - Arizona St. (even at 5 and freakin 7) vs Clemson. Who wins?

See how easy that is?

Or better yet instead of Oregon the second best team in the Pac 10 playing the 4th best team from the Big 12 in Oklahoma St...how about they play Texas (second best Big 12 team) in the Holiday Bowl instead. Who wins?

I wouldn't base the entire season on the bowl games. If you don't think motivation is a big factor in these games when the games are played a month after the season ends then you haven't been paying attention to college football the last 10 years.

As far as the Big 12 OOC games scheduled please tell me again who the Pac 10 has beaten OOC this year again?

The signature win AT HOME you speak so highly of for USC..well not sure if you looked at the starters for Ohio St. on Monday but the QB and RB didn't start vs USC earlier in the season...

And I'm with you on Florida...probably one of the biggest bets I've ever made. I hope they beat the absolute shit out of OU.

Unlike all you Pac 10 and SEC homers we don't cheer for our conference rivals to win during the bowl season and OOC. We hope they lose every game.

If your going to hate on the Big 12 wait for next year to do it cause the conference is going to be CONSIDERABLY weak except for one team (sound familiar Pac 10 guys?) which is Texas do to the huge amount of talent graduating especially at QB.

This year though the conference has been very, very solid and most NFL teams are going to agree with me come April when you see the number of guys that will get drafted early from this conference.
Oh and USC lost to Oregon St.

An Oregon St. team that just took college football back 40 years by winning their bowl game 3-0.

The national champion should be the winner of Thursdays game. Not Utah or USC.
joe, I expect Texas to win just not as confident on the cover as I initially was. The motivation just doesn't seem to be there. I expect a pretty close game.
Fair enough. Frankly I hope they blow 'em out, but if they can just cover the teasers I have them in, I'll be fine with that.
The SPINNERS and APOLOGISTS are coming out in full force.

Why can't a fan of a team ADMIT that maybe, just maybe, their team is and or conference is over valued. I see what a GREAT QB your god VY has turned out to be. I see how strong a runner Cedric is. Maybe running from the cops. How did the great Ricky Williams turn out? I've had this continuing argument with fellow Big Ten alums for years. The Big Ten is not that good either. Too many slow white guys at key positions. Anyone who follows college football (not just one team or conference) knew that PSU was vulnerable through the air. Their safety Sciorotto SP? is a coach favorite. he's terrible but Joe hangs with him. It's the reason I don't blame Devlin for transferring. Darryl Clark is Jay Paterno's recruit, Devlin never had a shot.

If UT smashes OSU tomorrow I'll be here commending them on a great game. If UT loses, the apologists will be here with lame arguments.

The Big 12 was over rated all year. An outside obersver knows it and the talking heads at ESPN are beginning to echo the same sentiments.

Sam Braddford and Graham Harrell (sp) will be lucky to be accomplished clip board holders in the NFL They'll join the great winged GOD of QBs VY on the sidelines.

The bowl games: the three teams that I listened to UT fans crow about what a difficult gauntlet turned out to be FRAUDS.

TT manhandled OSU manhandled Missouri lucky to win in OT over a horrible NW team from a worse conference than the Big 12
You mean like Matt Leinart, Akili Smith, Todd Marinovich, Ryan Leaf, Joey Harrington, Kyle Boller, Cade Mcnown, etc...? QB smack talk from a Pac 10 fan is pretty funny especially since the passing game is what they pride themselves on. Outside of Vincent Chase (still not sold on him) who exactly is going to the NFL?

As far as the gauntlet goes...rattle off USC toughest 4 game stretch this year please?

And as far as you ragging on the Big 10 can you name the last good team your Trojans have beaten OOC that wasn't from the Big 10 (please don't say Notre Dame)? Seems they have built a solid reputation by only beating teams from the Big 10 at the end of the year.

You should probably ease up on that conference since they help the Trojans get their annual preseason hype due to the previous year Rose Bowl performance (Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and PSU).

Of course we know they'll end up choking to some crap Pac 10 team in mid season but then start whining at the end of the year that they should be #1 after winning the Rose Bowl vs an over matched Big 10 team.
Why do you assume that I am a Trojan fan? I'm not. I think that Pete Carroll and the administration should be roasted due to the fact that their academics requirements for players have dropped off a cliff. have you seen their graduation rates?
T52. LSU 54
T52. Tennessee 54
T52. USC 54
T55. Cal 53
T55. Oregon 53
T55. Kansas 53
58. Ohio State 52
T58. Arkansas 52
T60. Minnesota 51
T60. Michigan State 51
62. Texas 50
T63. Georgia 48
T63. Georgia Tech 48
65. Oklahoma 46
66. Arizona 41

That's anemeic for a school with higher academic traditions. Just in 2003 they were ranked considerably higher.

They should've been on probation for the Reggie Bush scandal. Just because I toot their horn this year does not make me their fan.

I squawked about the BCS with Auburn getting shafted. I'm a fan and former player of college football and enjoy discussing the wrongs as I see them. I look for stimulating and engaging conversation. I don't respond with internet tough guy talk. Too old for that shit.

Every conference has their flops. But you inferred that the NFL going to be so much better when the great Big 12 players get there. I just pointed out the fallacy of the hype machines.

I maintain that the BIG 12 was over rated this year and wait for the bowl results to prove it.

If the BIG 12 was the supposed gauntlet of fire that many on here claimed it to be, shouldn't they have manhandled their opponents in their bowl games? I forgot, they weren't playing each other or PODUNK U. They had to play real teams with players just as big and just as fast. (Except the Big 10 foes) They don't count
Oh I thought you were a USC fan...

Those graduation rates are flawed though. Transfers and players who turn pro hurt the teams academic rate. Teams that recruit really well usually have a ton of players transfer. USC for instance has a ton of guys turn pro each year which also hurts them.

And most OOC games were made years before. When Texas scheduled Arkansas they were one of the best teams in the SEC. USC to their credit does try to schedule the best games possible it seems every year.

ESPN is trying to get Wisconsin to play Texas in the opener next year but I wouldn't mind Texas scheduling another Ohio St. type series with a powerhouse school.
I am anything but a USC fan/Pac 10 homer. I'm just sick and tired of seeing Big 10, Big 12, and SEC homers smash on the conference. The Pac 10 is a solid conference this year. That's all I'm saying.
And the Mike Leach interview tonight on 60 Minutes again underscored what a massive failure that bowl game was. At the end of it he admits the interview was itself a recruiting tool, that he hoped the next Crabtree and Harrell might watch it and think more about Tech.

Unfortunately right now any next Crabtree or Harrell watched that interview and thought, 'yeah, I might think about Texas Tech, if they didn't consistently get their ass handed to them in every bowl game they play and s**t all over their players draft potential on primetime TV.'
Crabtree didn't want to be in that football game and it might have been just more then his ankle he was thinking about. Rumors are he might be in some trouble with his roommate drug bust thing.

I'm sure the tech guys on here know more about it then me.

They also caught lightning in a bottle with Crabtree. He was a QB in HS and most recruited him as a DB. Texas didn't even offer him a schollie. One of the biggest recruiting mistakes ever.

But if your a top QB in Texas it would be ridiculous not to look at playing for TT.
I am anything but a USC fan/Pac 10 homer. I'm just sick and tired of seeing Big 10, Big 12, and SEC homers smash on the conference. The Pac 10 is a solid conference this year. That's all I'm saying.

If OU and Texas lose you won't be hearing much from the Big 12 guys for awhile.
what was the collective mileage for bowl games for the PAC-10. Seems to me that if one values travel as a major handicapping tool, then one would use it in this arguement.
You can go around in circles with this conference stuff.

The media praised the B12 South all season because of their offenses. Then Ok St goes down to Oregon, TT goes down to Ole Miss, and say OU loses and Texas wins, the so-called best division in football just went 1-3 in bowl games displaying no defense at all.

Then you have the SEC which is top heavy and their #2 rated team just lost in a bowl game to Utah from the MWC. It goes UF-Bama-Ole Miss-UGA-LSU, after that, everyone else sucks.

The P10 is 5-0 in bowls, they are also 0-6 against the MWC this year. The bottom half of their conference (Wazz/Wash) shouldn't even be D1 teams this yr. They define the word "top heavy"

B10 is likely on pace to win 1 bowl game. Its possible their top 2 teams lose convincingly.

The BE Champ went down to the ACC Champ but their overall bowl record is going to look pretty good on paper.

The ACC is looking at a 4-6 bowl record.

The problem is that you don't know how good each conference is because teams rarely leave their conference for OOC games and if they do, its a select few. There are a lot of factors that go into these bowl games too and having a month to prepare for a team is totally different than a week. Motivation, coaching changes, travel, you just can't measure a conference by their bowl record. Did the #1 team play the other conference #1? Usually they don't get seeded with equal matchups. There is no B12/SEC challenege or B10/ACC challenge in football so we can argue all day and none of us are right/wrong.
You also have to consider teams get alot more fired up to play their conference opponents then someone in say the Holiday Bowl.

Unless your playing for the MNC where is the motivation.

Also that one month off is pretty crucial. Andre Smith was already getting his agent ready, Michael Crabtree was rumored to not want to play in the Cotton Bowl and it showed (his worst performance ever), plus tons of other SRs or JRs who are looking to make the jump to the NFL not get another win in the Emerald Bowl.
Then why during the season, did all the Big 12 proponents squawk about how good their conference was and they would kill USC, OSU FLA, GA et al. Now when push comes to shove, it's all about "motivation". BS the conference was over valued. If Oklahoma gets spanked like a little girl on Thursday there is no excuse. Or will it be that Sam had #1 QB money clouding his brain. The Big 12 this year was a SOFT conference.

Best of luck to both teams tonight. hopefully no one is injured and the teams perform to the best of their ability.:cheers:

Looking forward to a NEW conference for me to HATE on next year.
