What Happened To Gary Andersen?

Frank Costanza

Co-Inventor of the Man's Bra
There was that 3-year period from '12 to '14 at Utah State and Wisconsin where he won 30 games and seemingly covered every game while at it. But in the last 5 years he has fallen off the map at Oregon State and back at Utah State winning just 14 games (total) before being fired this season.

What happened to him?
Sounds like he is a strange dude with big personality swings or something. Remember when he quit Oregon State? Was like throwing everyone under the bus. Think he quit again at Utah State. Not sure if they said they fired him or if it was mutual. Guy just quits when it gets tough. Must've lost his "stuff" he used to have to get guys to buy in and win.
The 59-0 beatdown he took in the 2014 Big Ten Championship game, when Wisconsin was a 4 or so pt favorite seemed to tip the sled down the hill....and it appears that was a very long hill, as the sled may have just reached the bottom.
he no longer had good players
Exactly. And there's a huge difference of getting good players at what's probably an upper tier WAC/Mountain West school vs getting good players at a consistently bottom tier PAC 12 school.....and obviously competing against the other PAC 12 schools.
Cory Hall was fun for a minute. But I love Jonathan Smith there.

Utah State is in a rough spot now. Gary Andersen part ll ruined any carryover from the Wells years and now it's a total salvage and rebuild job. Blake Anderson is a strange hire, that might not work. And after what the President and players did, it's a total clusterfuck now.