what an ending to the year

Too late, Santa, I've already filed this evening. But me being me, you can always blame the 'liberal media' if it's wrong.


I like getting aggressive during the shootout, it's definitely a strategic choice, and there are times when it's not such a good idea. But in that last spot he really had nothing to lose.

Contrast that with Clemonson who looked like he had a 2x4 up his *ss as he waited for the next guy to beat him.

Seriously, I think the only reason Smyth didn't end it was because he missed, not because Clemonson made a great save.
Nothing beats a sudden death OT in the 7th game

That's the truth.

On Ottawa, I wish Pittsburgh wasn't playing them because I have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for them, too. Both the Ontario teams, I just like 'em a bit. I know that's sort of blasphemy north of the border, but I do. Though I like this year's Sens far less than previous versions.

That said, I think Pittsburgh matches up well with them. I think that series is going to be much harder than both teams expect and I do feel the Pens get through. But I think they blow their wad in this series and then it all comes apart for 'em in round two.

Based on those numbers, though, there might be some real value in the Devils in round one.
Imagine my frustration having an annual golf tournament in Ottawa this year...

Joe, if Pens can get the split in the opening 2, they win. Real tough to go back home down that, and I think they have a real good shot of getting the split.

I personally cannot chear for the Sens, its the only Canadian team I cant bring myself to
Oh, I understand it, Santa.

The Pens have played well in Ottawa this year, they'll split there. I think they actually win game one. I agree, if they drop the opening two they're in it deep, but I think they'll get the split.

The Sens team from a couple of years back would have worried me more, because they could get out and run you to death. This one, however, seems to pick their spots.

It's a homer call, but I like Pittsburgh here.