Western Conference Semi-Final: Rockets vs Spurs Discussion

A few charges were called blocks and a few drives weren't called both ways. Zach Zarba made his usual f-up's but nothing completely bias.

Meanwhile Kawhi said he's gonna play.
Officials for Rockets-Spurs Game 6 tonight: Scott Foster, James Capers and Ron Garretson. Alternate: David Guthrie.
Just to reiterate: Spurs are 5-0 for 2h totals in the playoffs so far (one of them OT assisted).

If SA's star scorer is out, it's almost impossible to believe that Over run ends in G6. Simply how the Nefarious Bullshit Association works. KL being out would also screw the Elim. fg Under angle: every Mouse with a bag of peanuts & an organ grinder would be on it.
We'll see Dekker tonight in Houston. Harrell is shithouse and dead weight in this series.

Mikey D got cute with the short as shit rotation in the Alamo.

Too bad Mikey shaved off the mo or we could call him Pringles again. He wore that name well.
Game just dropped off the board and came back at 6. News coming? Maybe its just confirmation on Kawhi playing
This series is over emkee. The whole reason I wanted Kawhi to sit is because I knew the mental midget rockets would shoot like shit if he did. Dantoni knows nothing else but what he knows. And this is how the NBA works. Gotta have good coaching to overcome it
This is the league.

Rather than come out like men with honor and heart, these dudes come out sulking with no belief.

Bunch of little girls.
rockets lost this game as soon as Kawhi was announced out. Mental midgets

There's lots of mental midgets around who won't give up without putting up a fight...this doesn't make sense. Maybe Harden has some kind of secret debilitating injury and the team knows about it and basically gave up any hope of winning before the opening tip.
Harden 1-2 FG's with 5 turnovers.

He hasn't done that all season.

This is all about effort.

Spurs aren't owning this game, the Rockets are giving it to them and it all rests on Jimmy's shoulders.
There's lots of mental midgets around who won't give up without putting up a fight...this doesn't make sense. Maybe Harden has some kind of secret debilitating injury and the team knows about it and basically gave up any hope of winning before the opening tip.

They came into the game thinking they'd have it easy. You could just tell early on. It was quite obvious they weren't prepared for what the spurs would do
...or, they knew their chance to win this series was win G5 then close it out here, and the moment they fucked up what looked like a sure thing in G5 their belief in winning this series collapsed, and thus that emotional letdown/lethargy has manifested through tonight. Now the counter to that assertion might be, well they could always carry belief that they could repeat their G5 effort in G7, thus still believe the series was there to be won thus show up tonight, but imo that's not how it works. They thought they had G5 won and they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. That failure has 'knocked them for 6' psychologically (a few readers will understand that saying) and thus left them with nothing for tonight. This is hindsight on my part, I failed to anticipate this beforehand, but the star player being out angle was enough for me to keep clear of any side or total pre-game bets. If there's one thing this league has taught me, stay the fuck away from trying to anticipate what will happen in playoff games/series missing star players for the first time.
This kind of reminds me of that Rockets/Clippers playoff game a few years ago where Harden had to be taken out of the game before the Rockets were able to come back against the Clippers. But this year the offense is so Harden-centric the Rockets can't function even with Harden taken out of the game
And the fact being the Spurs aren't the Clippers. No way they choke a 30 point lead away.