Well this is interesting

I honestly don’t want to argue with you man, please just try and make an honest effort at reading the interview from start to finish. He makes some really interesting points, it’s more interesting than anything you and I can joust over. He makes some points a lot better than I can.

I did read it. It doesn’t change my stance one bit. Good for him for being the social justice warrior that so many people evidently need in their lives.

That still doesn’t answer how he can say what he says, in the face of actual facts, and then still claim to be a fan and big proponent of “analytics.” Nor does it answer why only 8 of his 22 coaches are black.
I honestly don’t want to argue with you man, please just try and make an honest effort at reading the interview from start to finish. He makes some really interesting points, it’s more interesting than anything you and I can joust over. He makes some points a lot better than I can.

We also aren’t arguing at all. In fact, you haven’t answered one single question I’ve posed...you simply keep referring me to Kyle Shanahan as if his opinion (again, not based in facts but in feelings) is any more meaningful than anyone else’s on the matter.