Week One CTG $100 League


Time to kick off the season boys. I've posted yahoo's projected spreads for our matchups with total points.

Trash talking is allowed.

Vegaskyle +4 vs SHSUHorn - Score 80-84

Trout +10 vs Seabass - Score 86-96

Believe +8 vs Kramer - Score 76-84

Jump +19 vs Muto - Score 80-99

Tidehigh +3 vs Wearo - Score 94-97

Rookie +6 vs T-dot - Score 82-88
Top 5 players prjected by yahoo

1. Addai (23) - Seabass

2. Tomlinson (22) - muto

3. LJ (21) - wearo

4. Manning (19) - t-dot

5. 3 way tie with 16 points

Romo - SHSUHorn
S. Jackson - Tidehigh
Westbrook - T-dot
If I am favored by 19 points, has Jump filled out his entire lineup? :whip:

Too bad it is against a fellow Buckeye :smiley_abve:
"i've coached my guys up real hard... i truly appreciate the effort these kids have put into preseason this year. as you know we have a really tough game upcoming vs shsuhorn and i just hope that we apply everything that we have been doing in practice into the game this sunday. any questions ? "

someone asks a question.

"I have no comment about the michael vick situation at this time. any other questions ? ................ ok, that's it for this press conference"
Time to kick off the season boys. I've posted yahoo's projected spreads for our matchups with total points.

Trash talking is allowed.

Vegaskyle +4 vs SHSUHorn - Score 80-84

Trout +10 vs Seabass - Score 86-96

Believe +8 vs Kramer - Score 76-84

Jump +19 vs Muto - Score 80-99

Tidehigh +3 vs Wearo - Score 94-97

Rookie +6 vs T-dot - Score 82-88

Which book is covering these matchups? :pillow:
Reggie bush did nothing for me...... if the pros follow the lead of college that means he had an mvp like performance and gets the nod over peyton manning for offensive player of the night..
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Seabass really hurt me with Addai, I hope Gore goes off like that...If not i will just cry like a little girl.:down2:
pretty good showing from Harrison, and a great one from Vinatieri. I think I have a good chance though, since Brees did nothing. I thought this one was over before it started, until Brees shit the bed
pretty good showing from Harrison, and a great one from Vinatieri. I think I have a good chance though, since Brees did nothing. I thought this one was over before it started, until Brees shit the bed

Brees could be my rally killer. Who would of thunk it?

Jesus t-dot had Wayne, Manning, and Johnson. All 3 had solid games.

They did well, but I was never concerned about those 3. My concerns are my weak backfield and flex position. All I need now is for Portis and D.Williams to get injured in the opener.
They did well, but I was never concerned about those 3. My concerns are my weak backfield and flex position. All I need now is for Portis and D.Williams to get injured in the opener.

I have a feeling Portis will be on your squad in a few weeks...
It's going to be a long season if I have to look at those stupid Avatar's.
How do we change them out to something easier on the eyes?
right on. i don't know if branch was on the field. no catches, anyway. this one looks to be over. looks like not trading down for addai was a mistake, so far.
with a quickness. i didn't know we could make moves on the weekend. my cbs league doesn't allow any moves from friday to monday.
I didn't know either. My other league I saw guys grab Chris Brown and Ronald Curry and I thought WTF?

So I went and tried to grab Ward and it let me.
...not one close game going into monday night, even with 2 games tonight. lame

i know one thing, if i win tonight, itll be exciting. lets see a vernon davis coming out party!
fuuuck im short a total of 7 yards for the tie right now.

zona had the ball inside the 5 and went play action on 1st down for the TD - bastids
wow i was drunk last night!

to be honest, i do agree with trout. its lame that we can make moves on the weekend. it'd be different if we were charging $ per transaction, i guess. Also, in all of my other leagues, the players are all on waivers, and we have a waiver order. it does suck that one guy can sit on his computer and go grab every player he wants throughout gameday.
The Waiver setting is set. I don't know why certain guys go to waivers, and certain guys don't. For example, I have a claim right now on Pat Crayton. I couldn't grab him right away. There is an option to set personal waiver settings for EACH player, but there is no way I'm going to monitor each player every Sunday.
If a guy hasn't been played by any team or claimed by any team then he is free game since he's been sitting there untouched.

But if a player is played and then dropped then he goes through the waiver process for two days and if noone claims him then he's free game whenever.

Its yahoo's settings and their isn't anyway to change them. Just means you need to be on your toes a little more and watch the games.
I mind, since he's backing up my starter, why didnt he go through waivers, doesn't seem right.....

trout, I would've gotten him ahead of you anyway since I have a better waiver position since you got a higher draft status.

9 other teams in our league would've been able to get him before you if he went to waivers.

tidehigh, your last in the waiver position if anything you should like being able to do this.