Week of Saturday, October 25th Plays and Analysis Thread...


CTG Partner
Staff member
39-24-4 +14.69 units

I ended up a small winner(1.15 units posted) on a 5-5 week. I had an unposted half unit lil guy Thursday but thats only 2 all year I haven't posted so we are in rare territory for the past 5 years in College Football, lol.

Plays Recap:

The Boise team total on Friday is one I would prolly do again. Each team had a long-ass drive(16 and 17 plays) that was just killer as far as clock goes. It happens. We even had a cocktease at the very end with the long-gainer and a first and goal situation but got a FG instead.

Iowa was a weird one. They got up early, then got steamrolled a bit. They came back to within 3 and then threw a pick 6. They again rallied and even got an onside but kicked a FG down 10(proper call, you rarely see). I liked the play, they simply got gashed on defense. Oh well on that one.

Mise well get this one outta the way. The Baylor game. I went 1 and two on bets and had predicted 42 for WVU with 350 yards for Trickett and was close to both. The rest of the game was puzzling. The weird play-calling in RZ both ways. Baylor absolutely forcing the run again and again. Wvu defense resembling the '85 Bears at times(jk). Baylor down 14 and punting with 4 minutes left. Then their was the officiating....32 penalties for 353 yards. I did have the hangover fear and I think that was part of it. Some other situational as well I guess. Oh well here...

Hunt had that Tennessee under capped perfectly. He has a great read on Ole Miss. My only fear watching first qtr was Tenny defense was real good too and getting field position but the Rebels woke up in time and dominated.

Ohio State just steamrolling these bad defensive teams. Few more bets left for them wrt to team totals...

Sparty as well, so they average like 45 ppg and are playing Indiana, albeit in a light drizzle and the first half line is 20.5 for team total? Thanks linesmakers...the gift that keeps on giving...That defense though, gonna be interesting come OSU week and if they play Wisky in title game.

Marshall. Not gonna lie, I had it circled as a loss with 17 points and 5 mins left in third. All I can say is thank you. Another gift that keeps on giving...

General thoughts on this week:

I am still looking through boxes and I worked all night so catching up on some stuff as we speak but a few things...

Overall, this is going to be a fun month+ with the new playoff format to see which one or even a two-loss team gets into that final four. I think it will be very exciting.

I think Mizzou is absolute hot garbage right now. I am looking at scores on my phone tonight just shocked. Now, not that I woulda bet Florida but still that is a lot of points. Then I get home and see that box. Wow. Poor Muschamp, that seat is fire now(Dan Mulllen?).


Did Purdue and Minny really score more than WVU and Baylor?

Nice win K-State, I wanted you and never got line I wanted. Okie really shit the bed there in 4th quarter though.

Impressive by Georgia...I kinda leaned Hogs there but a nagging thought in my head all week was my pre-season thought of them and VK's mention in SEC thread that they are best team in either division.

Great bounce-back TCU. That s good coaching right there.

Look forward to watching the ND-FSU replay. Nice adjustments by FSU but ND put up some yards on them. Looks like it was a great game overall.

Next Week:

Initial games I will be looking at...

Not to many and think it will be a light week. I have a lot of NBA work to do this week to so gonna be light looks like...

Oregon at California
Rutgers at Nebraska
FAU at Marshall
Michigan at Michigan State
Arizona at Washington State

Thoughts, goodlucks, screw-you's are appreciated as always...


Can't wait to hear some thoughts on that Sparty play. Offense is a whole lot better than I thought coming into season. Cook controls the game so well.
Some quick thoughts...

Regardless of how the stature of these teams has flip-flopped over the last several years this is still the biggest game on Sparty's schedule and they will tell you that in unison. Now, the November 8th affair with Ohio State at night will likely determine so much more for them this year but that is in a few weeks. They get UM this week and should have a relatively easy win...

Last week was a bit different for Sparty. They struggled early and had a near flawless 2nd half. It has been the opposite this year as they have started like gangbusters and kinda let up in the 2nd half.

This is a different Sparty team. They have a legit offense and not as dominant of a defense. The defensive issues seem to be little things that can be fixed. The lucky part is that they are playing a team that will not be able to take advantage of these small issues because they are un-creative in their offensive gameplans and literally take no chances down the field.

Michigan has a solid defense. If not for injuries, I would say they would be a very good defense. The issues for them is that they wear down. I am not saying physically but when your offense isn't scoring it becomes a mental thing at times. We saw that versus Utah, Minnesota etc. The offense meanwhile has had injuries and just isn't explosive. Funchess is great but has been hobbled. Devin gets a lot of shit and he should. Kid is tough as nails though. He just takes his beating lol.

What I see here, this could be a bit like last years game where a slow start will keep game somewhat close for awhile. I cannot see more than 2 scores for UM, lets say 10-14 points. Sparty will slowly wear down the UM defense and should be able to get 34-42 points when it is all said and done. They will be a god 2nd half team again like last week and unlike the first half of the season. Devin is already hobbled and will be a sitting duck back there. If he makes it through the game, I will be suprised although like i said he is tough. He will have 2 turnovers, one fumble and one pick.

One thing to remember, Michigan doesn't make adjustments at halftime. They have had some awful 3rd quarters the past few years.

I am not done betting this game fwiw...
Another thing too, the moods of these teams going into this game are polar opposites. Just the mindsets in general. Shit, I don't think Hoke has even come out with his 'We've had a great week of practice' yet this week. That would be a first.
Oregon 1h tt o26 -130 1.25 units
Oregon tt o 48 -110 1.75 units

Also on Oregon tonight - I think they have righted the ship with the offensive line issues (obviously getting some key guys back healthy helps). I know CAL has been scoring points this year but they have historically let up a TON of points to Oregon year in and year out. I look for some of the same tonight.
Also on Oregon tonight - I think they have righted the ship with the offensive line issues (obviously getting some key guys back healthy helps). I know CAL has been scoring points this year but they have historically let up a TON of points to Oregon year in and year out. I look for some of the same tonight.

Yes, and a good factor in any team total situation is the other team scoring enough to kinda keep the pressure on...
Thanks gents...

7-1-1 +9.70 units

46-25-5 +24.39 units

Crushed the Paul Bunyan Trophy game, lol, it played out perfectly. I shoulda played 2nd half bigger tbh. Oh well, very happy.

Talk more in next weeks thread...