Week 9 tout/service/Walters release in-game...


CTG Regular
Sorry I've been a bit behind this week. It's been relatively slow to this point. Billy had my head on a swivel all of last week, so take these moves for the grains of salt that they're worth. I was going to bypass doing it because of how bad i'm running, how much other shit i've got going on (yes, i'm doing the Nuba this year full time) and how time consuming some of this other stuff is in addition to trying to keep this thread worth reading.

The only play by movers so far today is 135 Temple.

Last night, billy's guys mauled the OVER but i also had him on Arky State, though there was good opposition.

107 Miami Florida seems like a service release Monday from the way it moved.

114 Boise was all sharp guys, same movers who bet 135 earlier today.

movers on 127 Akron yesterday after they announced the QB was playing.

129 C Mich got hit by a tout follower, not sure who that is but someone released as a service play.

138 Virginia the same guy bet as well as a group of guys on 191 West By God Virginia.

Suspect account on 188 Monrow.

The last game, 199-200, they have been betting both sides like it's cinch to fall 3. All Reno money to take it up through 3 and to 4 and even beyond, then a big Hawaii surge to drop it back inside of 3, then some more Reno to get it back to 3. Easily the biggest volume game in the three offshore spots I was monitoring as of this morning.

I'll chime back in periodically throughout the week, but won't be "in-gaming" it like prior weeks. More like 1-2 time per day updates from here through Saturday.

Great news that you'll be doing full time Nuba work this year. Looking forward to many great discussions throughout the season
Rexy likes to spell out the league letters like they sound....NFL=Niffel, MLB=Milleb so on and so forth.

Thanks for your time and work in this thread CKR!

137 total they were fucking around with, bet OV 66 or so UNC/Va, then UN 67.5 and 68 when one of my buddies overmoved to the high side, not sure what the deal is there.

111 S. Fla is the side at +11, but once it got inside of 10, a buyer-back laid 9.5 on 112 Cincy.

some other totals are now on the move - sharp on 130 Buff UN 58.5 and 184 UTSA UN 51.5 are legit, and there's good money for 106 E Caro UN 55.5

Fuckery on 155-156, some movers were out on Kent State +6.5 a bit ago, and now billy's guys are slamming into Miami O -5.5.

Someone bet on 142 Wisky UN 57.5, mover but not sure who.

screenchaser on 172 LSU but i don't see much merit to that one at this point.

140 Pitt UN 56.5 looks like Billy

Just because I'll be doing the work doesn't mean i'll be having a bunch of in-depth discussions. I'll post my plays, reasoning, and try to answer any questions as to what is going on. I will also try to post the line moves in my thread as well. Will take me awhile to see who is moving for who, spiro etc., but i'll figure it out in due time.

Niffel, Nuba, Milleb, Nihhel, etc., are all 2 syllables. Any of those letters by themselves is one. So NFL is 3 syllables. Longterm, you save a bunch of time if you just say Niffel.

Off to watch the Champions League, have a good afternoon..
soccer's over, i'm good for another update now and one more before i go for the beisbol.

totals from a mover

119 NIU OV 61
138 UVA UN 65.5
141 Mary OV 55.5
145 SJ St OV 53.4
164 Stan UN 44
165 Bama OV 46
180 Rice UN 57
194 K-State UN 48.5

he also added 108 Va Tech UN 49
billy is busy this morning. i'll try to do this chronologically, from how i reading the tickers...

144 Mizzou UN him

176 Utah UN also, and 184 UTSA UN as well

he buried 108 Va Tech +3 as you can all tell. There was some resistance a few minutes ago, but none that I respect. All sharp on VT there.

137 Norkerlina the movers took 7 there, but there was some recent buyback and it's back there now. I think Billy actually laid 6, but not sure.

154 Nebraska seems billy but not sure.

128 Ball State +2 from respected accounts

158 Arkansas they were laying up to -24 there, seems real

144 Missouri -21 is him

171 Ole Miss OV 44.5 is a mover, not sure who

126 Illinois +6.5 is sharp, group of movers hit that

114 Boise UN seems sharp, not sure who.

Someone sharp bet Ohio U +10.5 and 10, a screenwatcher took 9.5, that can't be right at that level.

108 VTech UNDER is billy for sure; he also had the world in a couple of places burying the UN 24.5 in the first half

176 Utah UNDER is him as well

144 Missouri UN got hit at a second level

respected account on 119 NIU -19.5, not sure who

177 Ga Southern -17 is smart though not sure, could be a fakey

158 Arkansas -23 and -23.5 is sharp, not sure who
I think we should let rex do his thing here. Not flood the thread with crap. Ok that's all from me in here.

2nd this..lots of valuable information in here that we shouldn't lose bc of craps posts .. post other touts in the service play section.
Fuck Procap you tout retard.

I PM'd CKR before I ever posted in the forum. In week 6 of this thread, i simply mentioned a few plays were sharp and he also noticed some connections to some accounts he sees. Mentioned who it was a week or two later and am simply trying to contribute to the forum. Just trying to provide a little insight to this forum about who moves lines. Also, the frequency he was on RAS compared to the number of plays out there possible made me think he is a RAS consultant of sorts. Getting RAS a day early would be beneficial regardless if you respect the group or not. You agree with the line, go now. You dont, sit and wait for it to get bumped the other way and hop on it after the move. Never meant to clutter anything up, which is why I PM'd CKR before ever posting. Not a big forum guy but do love this thread and Id love to contribute but if CKR doesn't need it, Ill gladly just sit here and enjoy the insight.

I agree let CKR do his thing BUT its good to know who is behind the moves-
I PM'd CKR before I ever posted in the forum. In week 6 of this thread, i simply mentioned a few plays were sharp and he also noticed some connections to some accounts he sees. Mentioned who it was a week or two later and am simply trying to contribute to the forum. Just trying to provide a little insight to this forum about who moves lines. Also, the frequency he was on RAS compared to the number of plays out there possible made me think he is a RAS consultant of sorts. Getting RAS a day early would be beneficial regardless if you respect the group or not. You agree with the line, go now. You dont, sit and wait for it to get bumped the other way and hop on it after the move. Never meant to clutter anything up, which is why I PM'd CKR before ever posting. Not a big forum guy but do love this thread and Id love to contribute but if CKR doesn't need it, Ill gladly just sit here and enjoy the insight.


here were the movers ayer, no time to post before going to watch all the games.

173 Ariz OVER was sharp
176 Utah was syndicate
174 Wazzou same
152 Culorado seemed billy
149 UMass the same
113 BYU was buyback guys who took 114 earlier in week
184 UTSA was movers
121 MIss State was screenwatcher

today first move that was legit, i think billy, was on 190 Wky -10.5
I PM'd CKR before I ever posted in the forum. In week 6 of this thread, i simply mentioned a few plays were sharp and he also noticed some connections to some accounts he sees. Mentioned who it was a week or two later and am simply trying to contribute to the forum. Just trying to provide a little insight to this forum about who moves lines. Also, the frequency he was on RAS compared to the number of plays out there possible made me think he is a RAS consultant of sorts. Getting RAS a day early would be beneficial regardless if you respect the group or not. You agree with the line, go now. You dont, sit and wait for it to get bumped the other way and hop on it after the move. Never meant to clutter anything up, which is why I PM'd CKR before ever posting. Not a big forum guy but do love this thread and Id love to contribute but if CKR doesn't need it, Ill gladly just sit here and enjoy the insight.


Way to take the high road. I would've simply told him to go fuck himself.
So did I. Stop tailing touts it will get you nowhere.
Why are you so angry - being appreciative of insight is not a bad thing. I do this for recreational fun as I love watching college football. Obviously some people do it professionally and take it very seriously. In the end we all share a common love for the sport. Best of luck this weekend on your plays man
This is a great thread every week, not sure why people bitch about touts and other shit every week. The whole purpose is tracking movers. Spend time on anti-tout crusades somewhere else.
here's what i've seen so far today

111-112 S Fla and Cincy sharp both ways, not sure who is setting up what but whatever late steam you see is almost for sure the right side.

152 Colo UN 69 is sharp

175 USC OV 52 got hit by movers

197 A-State might move later, a respected guy laid 2.5 there. Been slow so far; i expect things to pick up in a couple of hours when the movers clock in before the action tonight.
Here were the Friday afternoon moves:

in chronological order, starting around 4:30 EDT

Walters on 154 Nebraska -20

Walters on 136 UCF UN 47

movers on 163 Oreg St OV

same guys on 170 Colo St UN

other movers on 177 Ga Southern OV, but 30 mins later they had suspicious opposition. UNDER might be right side there.

Walters on 188 ULM UN

suspicious moves on 128 Ball St UN and 129 CMU OVER that both seem false to me, watch for opposition in those games.
Saturday morning moves... likely this will be my last update. This guy always gets the goods, but sometimes doesn't get the right prices. nevertheless, you can more or less be sure these games will get bet at some point or are already in the process of moving. He also bet the 1H on all of the sides and totals... GL....


127 OV
138 UN
152 UN
158 UN
178 UN
194 UN