Week 8 major line moves in-game...

Beats me what's happening now. 367 Colorado is getting bet to the favorite on the screen.

Someone is also on 312 Tulsa, as CRIS went to 9. I still had 10 flat and not even the screenwatchers bet me and I had it for a good 25-30 seconds and got nothing.

Total confusion around here; it's like my bet tickers aren't working.
Tickers working, bets are coming and some lines are moving, yet I see zero people i respect moving anything.

Sharpest money is on Tusla tonight so i would have to assume it was them (can't say who as i don't have confirmation nor permission, got it from a 3rd party but it's not walters or spiro) that took out the 10.

Stanford at 17 now, which is where it opened, no clue.

Baylot total moved a sliver but again, i see nothing.
i knew i smelled a rat on my Florida Internacional...

movers on 387 Old Dome +14. Almost for sure him but not 100 percent confirmado.
yeah i just checked my chart, walters bet that Old Dome once, then phonied back up to 14... that for sure is a big play for him at that level. Yikes.
same guys who bet on Old Dome also took 373 Army at 7.5. Must be a big play considering that billy took a much better number earlier in the week.
as i said earlier i smelled a rat on the BS K-State move... took a hit at 6.5 when many others were 6 and now it's back to painted 7. game 352
no MW. You misread. Sharp is all over Texas. The move down earlier was phony. the guys i respect laid it again when everyone went back down on air. You will get a good number, however, if the game is even played...
same guys who bet on Old Dome also took 373 Army at 7.5. Must be a big play considering that billy took a much better number earlier in the week.
So Army & Old Dome is the side William is on?
just want to make sure I am reading that correctly.
Thanks as always Rexy
Rexy how much money is a "mover"? meaning how much money moves a number, and what is a "big" play?
no MW. You misread. Sharp is all over Texas. The move down earlier was phony. the guys i respect laid it again when everyone went back down on air. You will get a good number, however, if the game is even played...

Didn't misread it - just disagree with the Texas backers.
sharpest people in the world all over USC.

Literally no one I chart is on Utah, so take that for what it's worth. I have zero opinion on the game. Hope that helps you egg, nubafan and alimony.

Prov- correct

Twinkee - if you are a proven winner over time and you came in and bet me $5 grocery on a game i would move the line on your play. Money is only part of the equation, you have to know how to book. Most of these people writing business in the desert now are largely lost or are at the mercy of corporate arms.