Week 7 RAS/tout/service/Walters release in-game...


CTG Regular
After the beating I absorbed last week in college I am spending the majority of my free time this week doing some tweaking to my numbers. Not sure what the deal is, but I had a boatload of favorites on Saturday. Only a couple of them I was quite confident in (Clempson, Michigan State), while a few of them I was quite unsure of (Burning Green, Cincinnati, Jorja).

It is my belief that the addition of the three new teams has really created a virus in my numbers, especially with how wrong the oddsmakers were about the initial line that Georgia Southern received coming in (see them catching three plus touchdowns in Raleigh and probably unfairly losing outright at the gun). Old Dome was a comfortably covering team for a month and Appalachian State got thrashed at Mishitgan and poisoned my perception on the Wolves. Since my numbers all directly relate to their performances, and more heavily so in September than in November, I probably had some bad openers. But it seems all of my underadjustments and overadjustments have been wrong also. A very frustrating season. When I make a game 13, it opens 10 and gets bet down to 5, i have to bet the favorite if i have any confidence in my numbers. I must say, they used to stand up like soldiers at Buckingham Palace, but these days they are losing at an alarming clip when the number flies in my face. Let's hope to turn it around.

Right Angle Sports sides (last week one side only for them, Cuse) release in a bit over an hour. I'll post it when I can but there will be no live posting from me in here consistently this week. I'll try to answer any questions when I can get to them but I've got to get my hockey up to speed today and tomorrow, and I've got to get my ass in the gym and in the pool. This sedentary lifestyle is fucking unacceptable.

Today the movers are out on 2 games that I see so far, 108 New Mexico +7 and 152 UAB -4. The UAB has not hit the screen, so go now if you like that side.
Here's what I gathered from Monday. Some games moved on air; it's up to you guys to monitor what you want from the open to where they are now, so you can see what is fake and what's real.

104 UCF they all bet, so that seems right.

Also charted guys i see on 114 Purdue, 144 Tex Tech, 147 TCU, 150 Memphis State, 154 Messy St, 161 LSU, 163 Toledo, 173 U of L, 177 CMich, 179 Idaho, 184 UT-San Antonio, 189 Air Force, 196 UTEP and 200 Reno.

Both sides of the same game i have the same guy on are 135-136 Buff/Emus 159/160 Bama/Arky and 169-170 Wash/Cal. Also a suspect account bet on 199 Colo St right when they were coming on Reno. It's possible he bet the wrong side, but he's not come back on Reno so my guess is he's either eating it because he lost the number, or the game will bounce back to him and he moved too early on accident. This guy rarely gets the worst of it.

GL this week
that 180 came from a couple of the same guys who took the dog in that game ayer, they might be trying to drive it back up to get more dog. Not sure.
they're really trying to fuck around with this Baylor game, some screenwatched just laid 9.5, and then another one took 10, it's bouncing around like a ping-pong ball. Seems dog right to me, game 147
not sure what is going on with Alabama, CRIS shot all the way to 11.5 for a brief period when there were still 9.5s out there. I son't see any tangible evidence of it.

Toledo 163 is movers, game will be 3 or less soon.

Also i have games gonna move soon that you can get numbers if you go now

139 Indiana +4
142 Ohio +1.5
Toledo the same guy took 4 as the other movers right now
193 Colo St +1.5
Cokin on Temple -14.5, and the line is now up to 16.5. He tries to follow "sharp" sides, so when a game he is on moves in his direction, it's worth a look.
not when the game opened 12.5 and 13 on Sunday, it's not. only a matter of how far they want to dummy up Temple before the dog gets blasted in that game.
only a matter of how far they want to dummy up Temple before the dog gets blasted in that game.

trying to better understand these moves, so please humor me......if I understand what you are saying, there are very, very well respected players in the industry (BW) that like a side but will bet the other side early in teh week in attempt to get the books to move the line in disproportionately to the actual money that is being bet (just out of respect) -- and then come back over the top and hit the other side?

So, say Sharpie Guy really likes Tulsa and decides he wants to get a better line....early in the week, he lays $20k at his various outs on Temple in the 12-14 range and it eventually the line gets moved due to the fact that Sharpie Guy is so well respected....then, at the point where the line is where Sharpie Guys likes it for Tulsa, he comes over the top with $100k bet on Tulsa......so, he is basically laying -130 and buying what seems to be 3-4 points, and has the opportunity at a middle. I

s that correct and does this really happen a lot? Is this +EV to "buy" points in this way? I guess so if they keep doing it........thx CKR.....very much appreciate your efforts around here
trying to better understand these moves, so please humor me......if I understand what you are saying, there are very, very well respected players in the industry (BW) that like a side but will bet the other side early in teh week in attempt to get the books to move the line in disproportionately to the actual money that is being bet (just out of respect) -- and then come back over the top and hit the other side?

So, say Sharpie Guy really likes Tulsa and decides he wants to get a better line....early in the week, he lays $20k at his various outs on Temple in the 12-14 range and it eventually the line gets moved due to the fact that Sharpie Guy is so well respected....then, at the point where the line is where Sharpie Guys likes it for Tulsa, he comes over the top with $100k bet on Tulsa......so, he is basically laying -130 and buying what seems to be 3-4 points, and has the opportunity at a middle. I

s that correct and does this really happen a lot? Is this +EV to "buy" points in this way? I guess so if they keep doing it........thx CKR.....very much appreciate your efforts around here

same question :shake:
From my understanding it don't take much money to move a line in the beginning of the week if you're clocked as a sharp. All it takes is 500/1000 a bet and much less in bases overnite lines.
If middling is +ev or not all depends on their models #s output and the push rates involved on those #'s
We can only hope, and I did see a 9.5 at Bookmaker earlier. These idiots got beat 5 or 6 weeks in a row betting against Clemson in 2012.

Saw a stat that said Dabo Swinney is 25-0 at Clemson in games where the Tigers are double digit favorites.

So much for the "clemsoning" moniker message board warriors love to bring up.
no respected moves since i earlier chimed in. about to hit the hay after an unsuccessful attempt to get a targeted Tica to come over for a night of debauchery, so i have a few minutes before i rectify my problems myself.

Basically, you see these guys betting small (but limit) bets at 1k, 2k or whatever to shove the game up to a number and then he slams in with these same guys betting that and more and whatever they can get, especially if their gameday or friday/sat limits are higher on the other side.

People have wizened up to it to an extent, so now it seems he is going out, betting the right side at open or on tuesday, then the wrong side at some point thereafter before the big limits come to him, then pounding back on the initial side.

It's all a cat-and-mouse. Have a good night, see y'all tomorrow at some point. F the Doyers...
movers so far this morning...

127 Duke +4
103 BYU +3 -105

I assume they'll be on the clock for a bit, but like yesterday, only for a couple of hours here around lunch.
suspicious account bet these games a few minutes before they hit the screen... if you want to go now, i would advise it if you like these sides:

131 BC (I just took 4 medium for the record, so when I post in my own thread later, people can't cry about me betting into an un-obtainable number. I made BC the favorite).

160 Arkansas +10
197 UConn +3.5

I am going to be on Tulane huge, so i am praying this UConn moves just the way T Tech did for this guy. It's a new account but he's as subtle as a rapist in a brothel coming in firing 1500 and 2k a rip pre-steam on a wednesday morning.
Half hour or so ago, PCS (not sure if Im allowed to name names in here but some will get the reference), but took 129 Wisconsin over 55 and 196 UTEP under 70.5.
no clue who PCS is, you are allowed to say whatever names you want. They don't own a patent over what they bet.

139 Indiana OVER 54 are billy's movers, could be someone else but i doubt it. Game should close 58 unless he's faking it.
It's Procap sports. Not sure who or how many are involved but move lines quite a bit. He has been on the same total on 5 or 6 RAS plays this year and has gotten a point or 2 better so it could be a guy that works with them but does have 1 play against them so not sure. All I know is its sharp and lines move.
no respected moves since i earlier chimed in. about to hit the hay after an unsuccessful attempt to get a targeted Tica to come over for a night of debauchery, so i have a few minutes before i rectify my problems myself.

i love you rex lmfao
looks like Billy snuck some movers in while i was up at the pool.

His guys are on 156 Ball State
122 We Are Marshall
135 Buffalo

suspected mover on these totals
115 NW OV 44
147 TCU OV 66
152 U-ab UN 59

the same guy is on 196 UTEP -3
Here are some interesting totals to monitor that have been hit by multiple account this morning

107 SD ST OV 49.5
141 BG OV 63
114 Purdue UN 54.5
136 EMUs UN 58.5

There might be something to them, might not. Noticed multiple players from different locations are on those four totals thus far. Back in a couple of hours with a RAS update.
same guys as earlier

143 WV/TT OV 73.5
199 CSU OV 60.5
170 Cal UN 71.5
184 UTSA UN 44.5
187 Ole Miss OV 63

Walters on 183 Fla Intl

Walters totals

122 UN Marshall UN 73.5

suspicious account that beat in everyone on Fla Intl earlier, not sure who, but betting big

106 Stan UN 55
107 SD ST OV 50
114 Purdue UN 53.5
136 EMU UN 58
141 BG OV 64
165 Oregon OV 70
170 Cal UN 71
184 UTSA UN 44
196 UTEP UN 69.5

Sharp on Arkansas 160 +10, probably the right side, seems they were trying to phoney up earlier in the week

Walters totals guys were on 106 and 196 same sides as above, and 199 Culo ST OV 61.5, 143 WV OV 74 earlier

Also his mover bet 104 UCF -3 -115 a bit ago

Other moves from suspect accounts on 178 NIU -8.5 and 181 Arky St -9.5

That about cleans it all up before Right Angle gets going. Very very busy morning. Hopefully things settle after RAS finishes.
Why do you think the Troy NMST game is off most online boards right now?

I am in on two online books and neither has this game available. Also, one of the books does not have the Kent State Mass game as well...strange!


Troy State game down because of the coaching situation there i would imagine. Not sure why it's not up by now, though.

And UMass game is because Kent State has qb issues with injuries.
couple of other suspicious totals from a guy who also has that ras UNT game UN, he has 105 Wazzou OV and 180 Ga Southern UNDER as well