***Week 7 CFB, Week 6 NFL In-Game***

I find the word "black" offensive .. bunch of racists up in here.

Wish they had gone ndame -6.5 ... would have taken a shot.
Now I don't get to watch any FB tonight, meeting some friends out for dinner. I think this is the most active I've been on a Saturday in a while, maybe I should just close my acct now and play golf both days every weekend.
Depends on the wind for me KJ. I have no problem with low temps if it's not windy. I'm well equipped to handle inclement weather, just can't be windy.
I played in Birmingham with humidity at 5,986% ... by the 16th I didn't want to play anymore.

lol at what fedora has done to unc defense
Yeah fuck wind and especially humidity. I can play in 110 degrees no problems, but 80 degrees + 80% humidity is the definition of miserable, I wouldn't want to finish the round
did dabo actually go on fourth and 1 in his own end against top rated defense in united states when opponent offense is incapable of driving the field while ahead 7 pts?

the guy is a complete moron.