Week 6 RAS/DrBob/service, now Walters in-game...


311 over 57 nevada
319 under 59 w mich
323 under 60- georgia state
369 over 52- smu
388 under 56 south car
391 under umass 52-
395 over 54 ttech
397 over 61- md tenn st
409 over 64 penn state/indiana


La Lafayette -10
UAB -3.5
Troy -3

Dr Bob

west kty
virginia tech
bowling green
LA tech


san diego state
new mexico

should be everything until tomorrow. :shake:
Walters on the clock now. After doc threw a few smaller plays in, Baylor for one, Walters coming with his totals.

311 OVER, 322 UNDER are both him.
366 UNDER is walters. Was eating lunch; sorry for the delay. LONG day, have to pace myself. It's not even the gotdamn weekend yet.
remember, those who are new, that this is not always the gospel. Some of these games he could be phoneying to get a better number later tonight or tomorrow. All this shit is subject to change
i made way higher, sharkie, real upset about missing. The CRIS guys like UTSA every week so i am gonna try again tomorrow if it goes back to 14 or less...
guess it makes sense, considering he's on Reno OVER also and looks like maybe BYU UNDER. Might not let the minions clock out until after the last halftime, who knows...
CRIS has 3 -15. I am debating going after it. No shot the game can go any lower, is there?

Looks like billy sent in guys to bet Utah State 1H and BYU game. Utag receive kickoff, it's like he was almost sure it was coming...