Week 6 Discussion

Out of all the games this week, and the uncertainty surrounding this game with players health. I personally don't see this as a major play for anyone or for most. I am riding MN or no one at all. With that said I am a season ticket holder ha.
<hgroup style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">[h=1]Did the Lions reject a Jason Hanson comeback?[/h][h=2]Kicking legend wanted to return, but Lions said no thanks[/h]Author: Rob Parker, ClickOnDetroit.com Sports Columnist, @RobParkerLocal4
Published On: Oct 09 2014 03:40:59 PM EDT Updated On: Oct 09 2014 04:33:33 PM EDT


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With the Lions' kicking game in shambles, former Lions great Jason Hanson recently picked up the phone and offered to help.
Instead of welcoming the 44-year-old former kicker with open arms, Hanson was rebuffed, according to a source.
The Lions told him flat out thanks, but no thanks.
In fact, according to a source, Lions general manager Martin Mayhew gave Hanson a lame excuse about why the team didn't want his services. Apparently, Hanson was told by Mayhew that they didn't "want me to get hurt."
Mayhew refused to comment on Thursday.
What a slap in the face of Hanson, one of the greatest players in Lions history. He kicked for 21 seasons in Detroit. Hanson made 495 field goals (third-most in NFL history), made 82.4% of his attempts and had the third-most points in history with 2,150.
Hanson holds the NFL record for the most field goals of 40 or more yards with 189. He also nailed the most consecutive field goals for 40 or more yards (24 in a row). Hanson also has the most field goals of 50 yards or more with 52.
Yet, there was no room at the inn for Hanson, who was only trying to help his former team.
It isn't as if Hanson was sitting around getting a beer-belly. Hanson has continued to kick even after calling it quits.
Plus, Hanson had been helping rookie kicker Nate Freese, who the Lions drafted with a seventh-round pick this year. But Freese was cut after missing four field goals in three weeks.
Then the Lions signed Alex Henery to replace Freese. Henery, the most accurate kicker in college football history, flamed out quickly and was bounced, too.
The Lions have struggled through three kickers since Hanson retired in the spring of 2013.
Some believe the team could be 5-0 if they had a good kicker.
On Tuesday, the Lions signed Matt Prater, who was cut by the Denver Broncos last week while he served a four-game suspension for violating the league's policy on substance abuse.
Last season, Prater nailed 25 of 26 field goal attempts and holds the NFL record for the longest field goal ever made, a 64-yarder. In the last seven seasons, Prater has made more than 81% of his kicks. Last season, Prater made the Pro Bowl for the first time.
Prater, 30, comes with plenty of baggage. Before the Lions inked him to a one-year, $870,000 contract, Mayhew and Coach Jim Caldwell talked to Prater about his past.
"It's one of those things where it comes down to me," Prater told the media. "Whether you go through rehab of (Alcoholic Anonymous) meetings, it's up to me to not put myself in bad situations. I did go to a center to try to help myself. I think it was the best thing for me."
The ironic thing about the signing of Prater is that he originally signed his first NFL contract with the Lions in 2006. Hanson was the kicker and Prater was an undrafted free agent.
It was obvious the Lions had to can Henery, who cost them a loss to the Buffalo Bills on Sunday. Henery missed three field goals in the Lions' 17-14 loss at Ford Field.
The place-kicking has been a nightmare for the Lions so far this season. The two previous kickers, both axed already, combined to make just four of 12 field goals, including a rancid 1-for-9 from 40 yards or more.
The curious factor with the signing of Prater is the fact that Denver didn't want him any longer and instead are going with a rookie kicker.
It's a surprising move. The Broncos are trying to win a Super Bowl now. They aren't trying to build for the future, especially with veteran quarterback Peyton Manning.
You would think Denver would prefer an established veteran over an upstart with a lot on the line. In the NFL, one miss could wipe out all the hard work a team has put in.
In the end, it was a surprise the Lions didn't Hanson back. Morten Andersen kicked until he was 47, so age couldn't have been the reason why.
Nevertheless, Hanson is officially history.
I'm surprised to see money come in on Detroit. It looks like Calvin probably won't play. Bell is a ? with concussion and Bush was injured last game. Tough to support that offense right now. Bridgewater likely returns for Minnesota. I'm not sure which side is right, but I sure wouldn't be running to the window betting the Lions on the road this week.

Nothing official yet. However, it looks like Bush and Calvin are unlikely to play. Bell likely to play. Teddy likely to play.
A football fan with a Tom Brady helmet tattooed across his head is locked up in a Florida jail following his arrest on a narcotics charge.
St. Petersburg cops last month busted Victor Thompson, 46, for possession of Spice, the synthetic marijuana. Thompson allowed police to search his pockets after he was spotted trespassing outside a community center.
When questioned by police, Thompson said that he purchased the "Master Kush" Spice “from a black male for $15” at a downtown park, according to a police report. Thompson reportedly told cops that he did not know Spice was illegal in Florida, claiming that it was “still legal in New Hampshire,” his home state.
Thompson, who said that he moved to Florida three weeks prior to his September 10 arrest, was charged with felony drug possession and trespassing, a misdemeanor. He is being held in the Pinellas County jail in lieu of $1500 bond.
As noted in the “Scars, Marks, Tatoos or other distinguishing features” section of the report, Thompson has “Tattoo Head-Patriots Football Helmet.”
As seen in the above images (click to enlarge), Thompson had a series of tattoos inked on his head to make it appear that he is wearing a New England Patriots football helmet. Along with team logos on each side of his head, Thompson got Brady’s number 12 and the word “Patriots” inked on
the back of his head. He added the name of the helmet maker (“Riddell”) on his forehead, as well as an American flag and an NFL logo.
Thompson even included the small green dot indicating that a helmet is equipped with an electronic device allowing its wearer to receive plays from the sideline.
Thompson also had a likeness of the Super Bowl trophy tattooed on the top of his head. Additionally, his noggin features inked replicas of the signatures of players Rob Gronkowski, Wes Welker, and Randy Moss. Somehow, Thompson forgot to add Aaron Hernandez’s John Hancock to his cranium.
Jailers took four separate booking photos of Thompson so that his tattoos could be memorialized for possible future identification purposes.
The best line is this.

Thompson even included the small green dot indicating that a helmet is equipped with an electronic device allowing its wearer to receive plays from the sideline.
The best line is this.

Thompson even included the small green dot indicating that a helmet is equipped with an electronic device allowing its wearer to receive plays from the sideline.

Article is helpful in the week 6 football discussion. Can't decide if this will play a role in Brady's production this week.
Article is helpful in the week 6 football discussion. Can't decide if this will play a role in Brady's production this week.

Maybe you should call your buddy that plays "offense" for the Vikings and get him to tell you what their plans are for the game? That would be cool. I mean shit he tipped you off early last week that Bridgewater was a nogo. Feed us some more inside info.
that patriots dude has the crazy eyes….surprised the pats line dropped to -2.5. was hoping it would go to 3.5 and i would probably take the bills. everyone on the pats too...
Fins the biggest pseudo-sharp pick of the week. Every wannabe wiseguy is all over them.
If Logan Thomas is really starting for AZ and Stanton ruled out. The Redskins are the lock of the century of the week because Logan Thomas is terrible.
Local insiders here this week said that they expected Logan Thomas to start and that Arians will likely have him throw at least a dozen deep balls, take it for what it's worth.
that patriots dude has the crazy eyes….surprised the pats line dropped to -2.5. was hoping it would go to 3.5 and i would probably take the bills. everyone on the pats too...
that line stinks to high hell. Books also begging for Lions $$$ IMO. We play them pretty tough here and with no Calvin and probably no Bush the Vikes should win IMO.
If Logan Thomas is really starting for AZ and Stanton ruled out. The Redskins are the lock of the century of the week because Logan Thomas is terrible.
I saw that Stanton passed his concussion test and was probable on one of the news updates during one of the college games.
From my viewpoint sitting here in central Texas, I don't see the Cowboys as disciplined enough to maintain their focus after winning four straight. This looks like one of those games where they don't even get off the plane. I especially would not back them flying all the way up there to Seattle. After four straight wins and with two home games versus the Giants and Redskins on deck? They don't have the discipline to maintain the winning mentality for that long. They are going to look weak in Seattle on Sunday. That stadium is all it's going to take and they'll be shook.

I want to find reasons to take the Boys here. However in addition to what you said there is the noise issue. Romo was publicly bitching last week about the noise from the Houston fans in Jerry World. If that was too much for him to handle WTF is he going to do in Seattle?
what am i missing with dolphins love? number one pick in supercontest too. gb getting hot.

This is a tough spot for Green Bay. Teams coming off three straight division games typically are in for a letdown, especially on the road. Plus Miami coming off a bye week.
So Skins line is rising, I guess Stanton is playing...still playing the skins. May tease them w the seahawks
take it for what it's worth. injury reports are sometimes like weather reports, they're wrong most of the time.

Lions running back Reggie Bush is not expected to play Week 6at Minnesota due to an ankle injury, a source told NFL.com. Bush is listed as questionable on the injury report.

Cardinals quarterback Carson Palmer, who has missed the last three games due to a shoulder injury, is expected to return to the lineup and start Week 6 vs. Washington, according to NFL.com. ESPN also reports Palmer is most likely to start Sunday.

So Den has early start on road w/ SF on deck

Home dogs of more than 8 are 24-6 ATS L30


Bet Labs Software ‏<s style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(177, 187, 195); ">@</s>Bet_Labs<small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166); "> 5m5 minutes ago</small>
The Jets are currently receiving 15% of spread bets, the lowest percentage since the Vikings received 12% on 10/23/11.
Jets: NFL home underdogs (more than a FG) who lost last game by 30+: 68% (38-18-2 since 1994)
Chi 4th road game in 5 weeks

The next game after a loss: Atlanta 26-10 ATS last 36
Off a loss of 6 or more points: 20-5 ATS last 25
No Megatron, No Bush, Teddy returns

Min 18-2 SU L20 home vs Det
Min 11-4 ATS L15 vs Det
Min 10-1 ATS home off 20+ pt loss
Ryan is 2-5 as both a defensive coordinator with Baltimore and as a head coach with the Jets against Manning in his career. One of Ryan’s wins, though, came when the Indianapolis Colts pulled Manning early to prevent injury despite the team going for a perfect regular-season record.
either way, i wanna bet against the public w/ a team that appears to have no shot, also Jets 7-1 ATS L8 as dogs of 7+ pts
Played these early good luck dudes.

Bucs +4/-125
Vikings ML/-129
Browns ML/-110

Lions tt under 20.5/-110
Ravens tt under 24/-110
Browns/Steelers over 46.5/-107
Anyone know what happened with that az line? Was 3.5 now 5. Some better QB news or something?
If anyone is interested...

Lang is on the Dolphins.

And here is Cowherd's Blazing Five:
Chicago (+3) at Atlanta
Carolina at Cincinnati (-6.5)
Giants (+3) at Philadelphia
Green Bay at Miami (+3.5)
San Diego (-7) at Oakland

Best 'Monday Night Football' records since 2011:
[TABLE="width: 449"]
[TD]Points dif.[/TD]
[TD]Avg. margin of victory[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]94[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]19[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]61[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]12[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]63[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]13[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]24[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]3[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]28[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]9[/TD]
(Minimum three appearances)

*The Rams have lost five straight Monday night games, which is tied for the longest streak in the NFL.