Week 5 RAS/service release in-game...

walters Kent State

There is a relatively decent chance that some of these sides could be phonies, just by judging at some of the bets I see
because i communicate with dozens of other people down here (not in Nevada, the real bets actually get written offshore. There are shoe cobblers out in Vegas, and bookmakers here). They all know his beards and/or have for years. It's not hard to figure out if you know how to take a bet and move a line. All I can really say about the subject. If you can't figure it out from there, I'm not much help to you at this point. You should be doing something else if you're really trying to make money. :shake:
got it...thanks!
Have been lurking for a long time and my favorite thread every week. Rex any insight into how to tell whether these are just dummy moves by BW or true ones? Is that something solely based on money wagered or are there other factors (like time of week, etc)? Thanks!
welcome to the gig, piper.

No way to tell. My guess is that the totals are real, some of the sides are real, and many of them are fakey. But on Saturday, time does not allow me to post all the shit that I see. I'm just too buried trying to watch games, bet when i get to see numbers i'm looking for, and bet and send out 2H lines.
I don't ever remember Fridays like this in the past. Especially with walters totals. Always was ras with totals I thought.
billy has enough of a market to bet the Friday totals, but bottom line is that some of them are phonies. You can see the market movement from the AM on all of them, though.