Week 5 Discussion

in your opinions, which game last week had the most deceptive score? in that the final score did not indicate the playing of both teams for the whole game?

Gotta put SD/Oak game in there too. SD had a bizzare int for TD and the late LT TD run.
Zona is a must play for me under 3....I don't like that they'll be without Boldin, but they've done that before..

The spot for Buffalo is a must fade, esp against a team like Zona that can move the ball...defense is much better at home too..

Breaston and Urban have been contributing more this year as well.
Seattle/NYG: Looks like sea. might be getting Branch and Engram back into the offense this week. Burress suspension gives sea pass D a break. NYG have beaten Wash(game 1), STL, and Cinn. Not an overly impressive lineup. With recievers back into Sea. lineup I think they have a chance here.

ATL/GB: GB coming into this game banged up with Rodgers at QB and Jenkins (DE) placed in IR. Falcon run attack vs. middle of the pack rush D without a starting DE could make the Falcons the play here.

Just some thoughts and I welcome any opinion.
Have the same leans except havent looked at GB yet and lookng more @ Houston ......

I looked at that one quickly myself....Indy almost seems too easy. Agree with a previous comment about how "they have regressed" a bit this year.

Although biased, I have to back them off of a weeks rest against a team with little to no defense whatsoever. Just have a feeling Dungy with have his boys prepped for a win.

Also agree that injuries are a keep factor (regarding the regression) especially Sanders as he is the heart and sole of the Colt defense; similar to a Ray Lewis etc.; however, in games going back over the past 2 seasons the Colts went 20-6 SU without him in the lineup. I believe, well actually I am hoping - that they will have sorted out the problems on both the offensive and defensive lines. They probably won't be "back to their normal selves" but as you've pointed out in the past, a weeks rest is key in the N.

GB as well seems too easy; but back at home coming off of a tough loss I like them to expose many of the Atlanta flaws early and often against a Falcon team that does not travel well.

BOL to you this week(end) my man and...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY :tiphat:
Have a great day.

Seattle/NYG: Looks like sea. might be getting Branch and Engram back into the offense this week. Burress suspension gives sea pass D a break. NYG have beaten Wash(game 1), STL, and Cinn. Not an overly impressive lineup. With recievers back into Sea. lineup I think they have a chance here.

ATL/GB: GB coming into this game banged up with Rodgers at QB and Jenkins (DE) placed in IR. Falcon run attack vs. middle of the pack rush D without a starting DE could make the Falcons the play here.

Just some thoughts and I welcome any opinion.

Nice take of Seattle....hoping they keep it close in not win SU. I definitely like the points. It's them or nothing for me. I just can't see myself backing the G-Men w/o Burress in the line-up. Wondering if they come out flat this week....after a bye, tough to say. They could also be well rested and come out hard. Tough game IMO.

With GB, I will take Rodgers and the Pack even if he's banged up. Mostly because ATL has not faired well of the road and I see the Pack coming out very strong. If for some reason Rodgers does not play - then this is a no go for me.

Dont forget no Plax though and he is there offense ....That's a big distraction taken away for the defense ....curious to see what they look like w/o him

Seattle is who knows what at this point ...they should have Engram and Branch back though ...

I just think the Cincy game is representative of this team when they are glaring favs . Hence the poor home record ..

Won by 3 laying -13 to Cincy , LYR failed to cover at home laying -6 and -7 but did vs SF laying -9.5 , previous failed as -13 pt favs and -5.5 pt favs but covered as-6 and -9.5 , covered laying -7 and failed as -9.....anyway seemingly medicore laying mdium sized spreads and higher at home...

Also NYG after the BYE might be the worst team in the history of the NFL think they are 4-15 SU and like 1-4 under Coughlin but check that as its a guess as to what I remember reading....

Not sure I like NYG here but early start helps them as well

Thank you- the exact insight to help me with this game. I forgot about Burress being out and just assumed most teams do well off their byes- for obvious reasons. Also, now Seattle has some receivers. I'll be out of this game- no touch for me
Gotta put SD/Oak game in there too. SD had a bizzare int for TD and the late LT TD run.

I would, but SD left A LOT of points off the board in the first half. Honestly I watched that game, SD just looked like they were napping that first half- like they were caught off guard- coupled with turnovers and 2 missed kicks= Oakland up 15-0 at half. After a likely bitching at half, they came out and owned like they should've. From watching the game, I can say imo 1) SD was napping the first half- a bad characteristic for a team= fade as big faves! 2) SD left many points off the board= there may be value as they could've won by much more! 3) Oakland got many breaks, and imo they did not deserve to lose by just 3 that game (had the BS TD not happened). I had no action on the game, but how I saw it was SD walked into Oakland expecting to win- 1st H got surprised with the safety then Russels bomb on 1st down- then the blocked kick. thus 1st H Oakland got many free points. 2nd H SD came out determined and despite missing an easy FG, still got a couple free points on their own (Russels fumble, the BS late TD run).
-conclusions from that game: 1) SD either got a wakeup call to not fuck around/ will bevelop the habit to fuck around and play to level of their opponent which could bite them in the ass at Miami this week
2) Oakland has potential, but just finds ways to lose games late

I looked at that one quickly myself....Indy almost seems too easy. Agree with a previous comment about how "they have regressed" a bit this year.

Although biased, I have to back them off of a weeks rest against a team with little to no defense whatsoever. Just have a feeling Dungy with have his boys prepped for a win.

Also agree that injuries are a keep factor (regarding the regression) especially Sanders as he is the heart and sole of the Colt defense; similar to a Ray Lewis etc.; however, in games going back over the past 2 seasons the Colts went 20-6 SU without him in the lineup. I believe, well actually I am hoping - that they will have sorted out the problems on both the offensive and defensive lines. They probably won't be "back to their normal selves" but as you've pointed out in the past, a weeks rest is key in the N.

GB as well seems too easy; but back at home coming off of a tough loss I like them to expose many of the Atlanta flaws early and often against a Falcon team that does not travel well.

BOL to you this week(end) my man and...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY :tiphat:
Have a great day.


Thanks Hammer for the BDay wishes! Time flies and seriously cant believe I am 34 ...I feel like am 22 still thank God !

I just dont know what to make of Indy to be honest. If any team needed an early BYE week clearly its them . The OL in disarray and your vet stud QB who took no snaps in preseason can only be helped by practice no matter how good is .

<TABLE class=s_playerNewsTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 <tr><TBODY><TR><TD class=s_playerNewsTitle style="BACKGROUND: #24396a"><TABLE class=s_playerNewsTitle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD align=left width=33></TD><TD align=left>Colts offensive line back healthy after bye</TD><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 10px" align=right></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TD style="BACKGROUND: #24396a" width=14>
</TD><TD width=6>
</TD><TD class=s_playerNewsLeftBorder>
</TD><TD class=s_playerNewsText>The Colts are expected to have LT Tony Ugoh, RT Ryan Diem, and C Jeff Saturday all healthy for Week 5.
Indianapolis is coming off its bye at nearly full strength, as G/C Mike Pollak has returned too. This is great news for Joseph Addai and Peyton Manning. Oct. 1 - 5:05 pm et
Source: Indianapolis Star </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Just a team who also seemed to slowly lose vet talent and reserves (depth). The defense is the real issue because regardless of there record they have never shown an ability to overcome the loss of Bob Sanders and on offense Dallas Clark has seemed just as crucial .......

I like Houston more because of the situation finally being home after what has happened . Its not the same as NO when tehy returned home but gotta think there is some good energy in that place . There offense is improving and Slaton looks like a real capable RB. I cant get down on the defense when it hasnt played at home in 08 .....

The key will be not allowing to Indy to jump out on them by 10-14 points forcing them to play catch up......I dont like there offense playing from behind because they are to mistake prone.....

Call me crazy but looking at the big picture I kinda think the gme is a PK...

Thinking Indy slightily better then Jags on a neutral field say -1 where Jax probably at best as FG better then Houston ....So your talking Indy about -4 vs Houston on a neutral field so hard for me to see anything more then say PK/-1....

:shake:Good Luck this weekend as well . Still tossing this one around as you can see and waiting on Rodgers before I decide on GB but Cullen Jenkins missing hurts vs ATL ...
Thanks Hammer for the BDay wishes! Time flies and seriously cant believe I am 34 ...I feel like am 22 still thank God !

I just dont know what to make of Indy to be honest. If any team needed an early BYE week clearly its them . The OL in disarray and your vet stud QB who took no snaps in preseason can only be helped by practice no matter how good is .

<TABLE class=s_playerNewsTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 <tr><TBODY><TR><TD class=s_playerNewsTitle style="BACKGROUND: #24396a"><TABLE class=s_playerNewsTitle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD align=left width=33></TD><TD align=left>Colts offensive line back healthy after bye</TD><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 10px" align=right></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TD style="BACKGROUND: #24396a" width=14>
</TD><TD width=6>
</TD><TD class=s_playerNewsLeftBorder>
</TD><TD class=s_playerNewsText>The Colts are expected to have LT Tony Ugoh, RT Ryan Diem, and C Jeff Saturday all healthy for Week 5.
Indianapolis is coming off its bye at nearly full strength, as G/C Mike Pollak has returned too. This is great news for Joseph Addai and Peyton Manning. Oct. 1 - 5:05 pm et
Source: Indianapolis Star


Just a team who also seemed to slowly lose vet talent and reserves (depth). The defense is the real issue because regardless of there record they have never shown an ability to overcome the loss of Bob Sanders and on offense Dallas Clark has seemed just as crucial .......

I like Houston more because of the situation finally being home after what has happened . Its not the same as NO when tehy returned home but gotta think there is some good energy in that place . There offense is improving and Slaton looks like a real capable RB. I cant get down on the defense when it hasnt played at home in 08 .....

The key will be not allowing to Indy to jump out on them by 10-14 points forcing them to play catch up......I dont like there offense playing from behind because they are to mistake prone.....

Call me crazy but looking at the big picture I kinda think the gme is a PK...

Thinking Indy slightily better then Jags on a neutral field say -1 where Jax probably at best as FG better then Houston ....So your talking Indy about -4 vs Houston on a neutral field so hard for me to see anything more then say PK/-1....

:shake:Good Luck this weekend as well . Still tossing this one around as you can see and waiting on Rodgers before I decide on GB but Cullen Jenkins missing hurts vs ATL ...

Nothing to disagree with here SN....bang on as usual.

I am very high on Steve Slaton, I acutally drafted him in of my three fantasy leagues this year....most members thought I was nuts....now i don't look so crazy, thank God. He was a stud at WV....and despite being a slightly small back he has loads of potential, a bullet in the open field - just my take.

Again I think you are correct - if the Texans fall behind early this game will probably be over at half. However, I do anticipate them trying to take serious advantage of a very suspect Colt run defence. Key = Stevey Slaton early and often; and try to keep Manning off the field as much as possible. That will certainly open up the passing game as well. If they are moderately successful in this department they have a strong shot at winning straight up. I'm biased though and that probably has me on the Colts again this weekend - can't ignore the week off and the Texans haven't shown me much on the other side of the ball yet. Just hoping Manning comes out of the gate with a strong preformance. The healthy line will definitely help. If the game turns into a track meet - I think I still like the Colts....in fact, probably even more. Houston's best bet is to pound the rock and control the clock, IMO. Only time will tell. All the best my friend.

According to Westbrook's bro he will NOT be playing this week.....

Call me nuts but Westbrook has got to be the most vital running back to his team right across the board in the N. His versaility is unmatched.

Without him in the line-up I beleive Philly to be at a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage. More so than any other team in the league losing their stud tail-back.

Gotta love those points this weekend?!?!?!?
Les Bowen, of the Philadelphia Daily News, reports Philadelphia Eagles RB Brian Westbrook (ankle) was limited in practice Wednesday, Oct. 1, and he appears to have a good chance of playing Week 5. Westbrook said after practice the session went "well, as well as could be expected."
Les Bowen, of the Philadelphia Daily News, reports Philadelphia Eagles RB Brian Westbrook (ankle) was limited in practice Wednesday, Oct. 1, and he appears to have a good chance of playing Week 5. Westbrook said after practice the session went "well, as well as could be expected."

His bro a CB on the Skins said he doubts his brother is playing this week . Saying something like you know Andy Reid is mum on injuries ...

Then this just appeared ....

Redskins practice squad CB Byron Westbrook, the younger brother of Brian, says his sibling's injury is more serious than the Eagles have let on.

"I don't think he'll play (in Week 5)," Byron said. "The ankle injury is more serious than what the Eagles put out. You know how Andy Reid is about injuries and giving out information. He's a warrior and it's an NFC East game and he wants to play, but it's also early in the season and it's not a playoff game." Westbrook practiced some Wednesday, but looks like a game-time decision at best for Week 5. Oct. 2 - 12:46 pm et
Source: Washington Post
His bro a CB on the Skins said he doubts his brother is playing this week . Saying something like you know Andy Reid is mum on injuries ...

Then this just appeared ....

Redskins practice squad CB Byron Westbrook, the younger brother of Brian, says his sibling's injury is more serious than the Eagles have let on.

"I don't think he'll play (in Week 5)," Byron said. "The ankle injury is more serious than what the Eagles put out. You know how Andy Reid is about injuries and giving out information. He's a warrior and it's an NFC East game and he wants to play, but it's also early in the season and it's not a playoff game." Westbrook practiced some Wednesday, but looks like a game-time decision at best for Week 5. Oct. 2 - 12:46 pm et
Source: Washington Post

Looks like im relying on two rookie rbs to carry me again in CJ and Slaton this week. Don't think I can start Earnest or McClain.:hang:
Dolphins moneyline = POY

Interesting. I think Miami has a shot here. SD can't cover tight ends and Fasano has looked good. The Fins have the talent at RB but can they open holes against the Charger D? If they can, then I like their chances at home with a West Coast team playing in Miami. I'd love any additional insight if anyone can provide it.
for cincinati backers +17: NFL dogs of 13 pts or more are 26-10 ATS since 2006 and double digits dogs are 7-0 ATS for the first 4 weeks of this NLF season. :cheers:
Still working on this card ...have just 1 in so far and that is Miami which I bought to +7.5 cause I knew it was only going down ....well have like half a unit on Balt +3.5 but expected that to rise .....

Lions +3.5 (Bears as divisonal road chalk and Millen ERA done )

Seahawks +7.5 ( take away one teams best offensive weapon and add the others 2 best WRs....)

Ravens +3 / +3.5 for the early birds ( Pitt and Tenny would rate very similiar IMO and had this at a PK . Dont think Ravens had to exert much on MNF and Tenny did what they do watch there opponent self destruct as Minny fucked up at crucial times and still had a chance to win late)

Texans +3.5 , Cheifs +10 and Denver -2.5 have my interest but waiting to see how those lines shake out.....

Dallas ???It seems pretty accurate ....Dallas rolled @ Cle as 5 pt favs and would expect them to be 13 or 14 pt favs if they hosted them where Cleis a good 4 or so pts better then Cincy with Fitzpatrick starting .IMO.....curious to see this move as well.....Boys off a loss finally get a team that is bad and they can smoke..if Dallas get s35 arent they covering ?? If Bengals get 10 then Dal needs only 28......

Zona ML

Lean NE -2.5 as well with SF secondary in shambles and rested NE team off a DD loss at home . BEst time to take NE usually is when they are doubted and usually when u get the rare opp to bet them and all u really need is a win to cash...

Vikings +3.5 on MNF pretty sure on that one....

NL on the GB game but that defense is decimated and the starter fucked up would prefer Rodgers to start so the line is high and fade him....

Over 47 Colts ...under KC especially if we see 40....Under 48 Denver.....so far thats where I stand ..

Sportsnut, I'm looking at the Over 44 in the Buffalo-Arizona and Over 44 in the San Diego-Miami game. Any thoughts on those? GL!
if indy does get back that OL, i don't see how you can go against them here. they will be up 14-0 before the first quarter is over. their run D has been awful, but i think it will be better against a speedy back vs a power back. its all about Indy's OL though. if Saturday, Diem, and Ugoh are back and healthy ?(huge question mark)? then Indy wins this game without a doubt in my mind. All depends on them though.
if indy does get back that OL, i don't see how you can go against them here. they will be up 14-0 before the first quarter is over. their run D has been awful, but i think it will be better against a speedy back vs a power back. its all about Indy's OL though. if Saturday, Diem, and Ugoh are back and healthy ?(huge question mark)? then Indy wins this game without a doubt in my mind. All depends on them though.


Seriously, though, my guess is we can count on seeing C Jeff Saturday, RT Ryan Diem and LT Tony Ugoh. They all practiced today. Pollak looks ready to return, too. So, I'm wondering if Johnson starts at LG and Pollak at RG. Or do they start one of the other rookies at that guard spot instead of Pollak, a second-round pick who missed much of camp and hasn't played a down in a long time?
"We're going to wait and see how that all sorts out and see how the guys can play," Colts coach Tony Dungy said today. "Physically, they're fine and ready to go. They've been cleared by the doctors. In Mike's case, it's been a long time since he's taken any hits and done anything that way with pads on. Tony seems to be doing well and feels well, so we'll see how they do."
I expect the Indy OL to be ready here and the only question is how in sync they are . Much easier being a vet group to get on the same page quickly but I wont give them the benefit of the doubt that they will be at there best . Still clearly an upgrade .

The Colts defense jsut does not impress me and Houston has just about the same amount of firepower or potential on offense . The huge difference is consistency . One doesnt expect Indy to settle for FGS inside the red zone or turn the ball over where with Houston its a crapshot bewteen TD , FG or nothing most times....

real problem with texans is the secondary already without there best CB Dunta Roninson they just lost safety CC Brown . So thats a bad sign that has me rethinking this. I still dont get excited about the Colts offense much and have Peyton and Clark on my fantsay team. Dallas Clark has to saty healthy and produce for a full game , Marvin Harrison we need a MArvin HArrison sighting SOON , Reggie Wayne is still a stud but the less the others do the more likely teams can limit him on gameday , and Anthong Gonzalez needs to show consistency especially catching the ball. He has shown to make some nice plays in the passing game but all to often he failed to haul in catchable passes IMO.

Just not even slightily impressed by what the Colt shave shown on the field . Could it all change in 1 week ? With them yes but think the over is a definite play so far with Texans @ +3.5 peaking my interest ..:cheers:
Still working on this card ...have just 1 in so far and that is Miami which I bought to +7.5 cause I knew it was only going down ....well have like half a unit on Balt +3.5 but expected that to rise .....

Lions +3.5 (Bears as divisonal road chalk and Millen ERA done )

Seahawks +7.5 ( take away one teams best offensive weapon and add the others 2 best WRs....)

Ravens +3 / +3.5 for the early birds ( Pitt and Tenny would rate very similiar IMO and had this at a PK . Dont think Ravens had to exert much on MNF and Tenny did what they do watch there opponent self destruct as Minny fucked up at crucial times and still had a chance to win late)

Texans +3.5 , Cheifs +10 and Denver -2.5 have my interest but waiting to see how those lines shake out.....

Dallas ???It seems pretty accurate ....Dallas rolled @ Cle as 5 pt favs and would expect them to be 13 or 14 pt favs if they hosted them where Cleis a good 4 or so pts better then Cincy with Fitzpatrick starting .IMO.....curious to see this move as well.....Boys off a loss finally get a team that is bad and they can smoke..if Dallas get s35 arent they covering ?? If Bengals get 10 then Dal needs only 28......

Zona ML

Lean NE -2.5 as well with SF secondary in shambles and rested NE team off a DD loss at home . BEst time to take NE usually is when they are doubted and usually when u get the rare opp to bet them and all u really need is a win to cash...

Vikings +3.5 on MNF pretty sure on that one....

NL on the GB game but that defense is decimated and the starter fucked up would prefer Rodgers to start so the line is high and fade him....

Over 47 Colts ...under KC especially if we see 40....Under 48 Denver.....so far thats where I stand ..

Basically stuck to the above guidelines ......pussied out on some totals thoughts as I actually didnt play those 3 winners above only COlts TT which I need a huge miracle to hit late ......

ATS ...Miami and ML was nice good call Brewer on the ML actually added it as soon as you mentioned it in here as the upset of the week...., lost some decent size plays on Seattle and Detriot , passed on Houston wish I didnt cause worst case would have pushed and passed on the Eagles wish I stuck to my guns , good news was hit all my other sides grateful to have BAlt +3.5 despite being a small play , Cards ML , Broncos -2.5 and -3 but crushed by the -3.5s in my parlays , Pitt +6 and ML , ATL wish I listed to myself with the ML , NE ....all in all solid but killed by the parlays not hitting on Denver would have won nearly double what I did......MNF here we come .......

Still on Vikings but have to see the injury reports tmrw:cheers: