Week 5 B1G Thread...

I'll get back to this thread this afternoon. Off 2 hours sleep and bout ready to crash for a bit.
Anyone still see value on Indy-17? Coming off a misleading score game. They seem decent enough to make bowl. Gotta think Rutgers gets steamrolled half the time. Then there will be times when Rutgers wins a quarter but Indy pulls away late and still covers or Rutgers kinda hangs but dug an early hole and doesn’t cover. Haven’t pulled trigger yet, interested in any thoughts.
I love these memes that mock kids being sexually abused and women being treated like a pinata. First class. Sure these type of victims love seeing that stuff. Outstanding.
I love these memes that mock kids being sexually abused and women being treated like a pinata. First class. Sure these type of victims love seeing that stuff. Outstanding.
It's an unfortunate product of our society nowadays. A shame really...
Now, if any of the victims are members here, they can contact us at anytime and we'll make their experience here at CTG better in whatever way we can. :shake:
Lots of Posts about other stuff and Not much talk about the games. No surprise. Looks like a crappy slate to me except for one game.
FWIW, I think Indiana covers and the rest for me are unbetable. And that includes the BIG one because I am terrible at picking Hi-profile games.
Lots of Posts about other stuff and Not much talk about the games. No surprise. Looks like a crppy slate to me except for one game.
FWIW, I think Indiana covers and the rest for me are unbetable. And that includes the BIG one because I am terrible at picking Hi-profile games.
I have time later today (finally)...

fire away
My pointless breakdowns....

CMU-MSU - Probably shouldn't be involved but I think Sparty is undervalued in the market and I'll keep playing them until they aren't. At 28 or lower this is a play for me in a game where CMU will struggle to reach paydirt and Sparty gets to 45 or so. I laid -27.5

Ind-Rut - No real read at all as I haven't watched a Rutgers game yet. Gun to my head I'd default on the points in a sleepy spot for the hoosiers. I do like their makeup though more than I thought i would coming into the year.

Pur-Neb - I'll be homering it up and squaring it up by laying anything under 4. Have to think both defenses struggle to stop the other but the way Holt turned up the aggressiveness with defensive play calling last saturday makes me a believer this defense will look more like last years version vs the hot butter it was rushing 3 and dropping 8 for the 1st 3 games this year trying to protect youngsters. I also love the shift in down the field throws helped with better protection from the o'line the past 2 games. Purdue was strangely conservative on O and D the first 3 games caused IMO by the early INTs by Sindelar in the NW game. Brohm got his head of his ass and realized what works for a team with marginal to average talent and it isn't playing not to lose. An actual full week of prep for Martinez getting all the snaps worries me obviously with his talent level. Also in general a team looking at recruiting rankings that is more talented than the one i'm laying points with on the road....but I'll take my chances that Frost just isn't quite there yet with his system and Purdue has bought in and looks like the team (likely better) that finished the year last year.

UM-NU - Nothing for me here but I'll watch it. Not sure how NU survives the big loss and I'm also not anxious to lay double digits on the road with anyone vs a Fitzgerald coached team.

OSU-PSU - I'll pay to see this Penn St team take my money here. I think they are a big step down from the past 2 years. I am still high on the buckeyes and think with Meyer back full time and on the sidelines that the in game management will take a step forward vs what we saw vs TCU. Also have a gut feeling the Buckeyes play the obnoxious victim card in this game coming out to prove something like they've been wronged somehow. Going with the talent here and sticking with my preseason read on PSU that they are a tier below Michigan and OSU.

Enjoy the games
I have wound up with just one play: Nebraska +3
Got off Indiana. I don’t like that they are coming off first loss and likely defeated and don’t like giving all those points on the road.
I’ll probably doing some watching b1g later in the day.