Week 5 B1G Thread...


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Four weeks are in the books and this weekend brought some interesting stuff to the table...

Things I think...

PSU 2h scoring is beyond ridiculous right now.

With C.U.M. back at the helm, we will see a few more lackluster 2h's like today. It is a staple a few times a year. Day was out for blood basically as were the players.

Iowa is a good team, but just didn't convert today when needed.

Horni played his best college game, considering the circumstances

Wisconsin is more relaxed with a loss under their belts. They'll be in Indy, even with 2 losses in conference.

Nebraska has a ways to go.

Rutgers is embarrassing.

Sparty played a Sparty type game, which you should expect.

Michigan is getting there... slowly but surely.

Purdue was a wounded Tiger, the most dangerous kind.

ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING can happen in this league each and every week.


I feel I saw this past week very well in the conference overall, which is weird, but I did well betting within the conference.

Haskins is still unreal.

Michigan finally has depth at the QB position. It doesn't happen overnight folks... ask Scott Frost...

PSU gives up yards, and they are not always pretty but Trace runs that system very well. And, they do not relent. The next two weeks will tell a lot.

Illinois is trying hard but they simply cannot hold up late. The minute that lead went to 35-24 the route was on. They couldn't run anymore. Their game plan was shot.


Obviously the big one is the site of GameDay this week with OSU going into Happy Valley. We have seen the PSU run defense, and we know Bosa is out. This could be a tantalizing match-up. It comes down to coaching and which QB makes more plays imo... Many more thoughts on this as the week progresses...

Michigan goes to Evanston. This game has scared me for months and despite their struggles it still scares me. Hudson will again miss the first half this week.

Sparty gets a cupcake directional with CMU coming to town. Nothing to see here, 3-1 after this game before heading to PSU.

Indiana off a humbling home loss heads to Jersey. Rutgers is bad, will Indiana be ready to roll from the get-go?

The Asshole Bowl is in Lincoln, Nebraska. Purdue win on Saturday negates the winless intrigue to this game. Will the Huskers respond? Huge, huge game for them.

I guess that is it....FIVE teams on bye weeks??? Wow.

Okay, we'll get more into these as the week goes...

Line predictions?
I'll dive into U of M a bit here...

Usually I have a lot to bitch about, if not here, just out loud to myself and anyone else I talk to...

I really cannot complain...

-Run game was solid
-QB's did their job. DMC looks great and Shea is just getting more and more comfortable
-Bench Mason is just fun to watch. He is old school and when he gets going downhill he is tough to stop
-WR's all got some reps
-Defense was damn good
-Having Marshall back was nice, filled a hole.
-Punting was great, again.
-Placekicking was 'okay'
-Nebraska didn't break 100 yards till garbage time. That is beautiful.

My one concern always is DPJ on punt returns. Now, he had a spectacular return for a TD but he is gonna cough up 1 or 2 before season is over and generally doesn't field the ball well. I'd like to see someone else back there.

Playcalling was much better...please keep evolving

I think Michigan 'outhit' a Scott Frost team. I am pretty sure.

Michigan players said Nebraska basically quit early. I am curious on thoughts there...

All in all, pretty solid. Big game next week then hit the meat of the schedule.
Frost really has your jimmies rustled
Not really. He's a very good coach and an asshole too. I like it. I felt bad for him in that presser yesterday to be honest. Brohm and Franklin are the worst in conference. They are just bad people in general.
Urban Meyer is a bad person. Franklin is not lol He's just kind of like the kid that got picked on is all, nothing malicious. CUM is just SCUM
Line moved to 4.5 in Happy Valley which isn't unexpected. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some buyback at some point. We shall see.
Michigan currently -13 @ Northwestern. This is going to be a tough game. Now, I'm not saying I'm taking the Cats here but that is a lot of points. Basically, that means on a neutral field test Nebraska is a small favorite versus NW. Would you agree? Right now, I wouldn't.
Michigan currently -13 @ Northwestern. This is going to be a tough game. Now, I'm not saying I'm taking the Cats here but that is a lot of points. Basically, that means on a neutral field test Nebraska is a small favorite versus NW. Would you agree? Right now, I wouldn't.

Jeremy Larkin just retired from football. Huge loss for the Cats.
Line moved to 4.5 in Happy Valley which isn't unexpected. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some buyback at some point. We shall see.
Probably be barking in this one, especially if it keeps going. Just dont think #9 lets his team get blown out at home and OSU defense has some chinks in the armour.
Michigan currently -13 @ Northwestern. This is going to be a tough game. Now, I'm not saying I'm taking the Cats here but that is a lot of points. Basically, that means on a neutral field test Nebraska is a small favorite versus NW. Would you agree? Right now, I wouldn't.

How do you feel about the line now that Larkin is out?
But how many chinks does PSU's defense have in its armor lol
Plenty, very young and the older players on that D arent very good. But they rise up at these White Out games. Let's put it this way, if that team two years ago beat OSU at home at night and the team two years prior to that played them to overtime with Hackenberg at QB this team can win. OSU other teams just as talented. PSU can score points and have a huge HF advantage, white out probably largest HF advantage in college football. Lets not compare a road win at TCU at Jerrys world nonetheless to what this will be. Completely different environment. When is the last time PSU lost at home? Im just not laying points in that hornets nest.
LOL coaches outside of Chryst who dont pose a real threat to us.

Urban... great coach but a scumbag. Most know this, nothing more to say.

Dantonio is a heck of a coach but he is also pretty scummy (not personal but some of the decisions he has made with regards to punishments etc as well as trying to intentionally hurt other players in the Narduzzi era)

Brohm.... not a threat whatsoever. His teams are intentionally trying to hurt other players. It is ridiculous.

Franklin might be your boy but I find him to be trash as well. I think he is a solid coach, very good recruiter but have heard/read enough stuff behind the scenes that makes me confident he isn't exactly the kinda guy you'd like to be friends with.

Frost is a damn good coach and he will take his lumps for a bit (I honestly thought that 2nd half of the year they would get rolling a bit -- I still believe there will be line value with them though). He came in talking a big game is all. His players got pummeled the other day because of a comment he made 2 years ago that was asinine. It happens...

*I want Nebraska to be good. I want the West to somewhat even out in this conference. They have good fans and it is good for the sport.

Fleck is kind of middle ground for me. Nothing more, nothing less.

Maryland is kind of tough to speak on right now obviously.

Chris Ash is just funny to laugh at.
And, I get on the coach here plenty for three things...

-Lack of emotion anymore(its creeping back a bit)

-Vanilla offense

-Sticking with certain assistants to long

He is a goofball and quirky but he is a pretty damn good human being it has always seemed who isn't covering things up/cheating on his wife/abusing players/not taking action against players that fuck up etc.
Lets look at the MSU-CMU game a little bit

The line as of now is 28.5/46

Dantonio called this a rivalry game today in his presser.

The series is actually only 6-3 in the last 9 at Spartan Stadium. Some of the old Chips teams pulled some surprises there.

The next two weeks are games MSU will win but they have their two game gauntlet afterwards with a visit to Happy Valley and then home for the Super Bowl.

Two teams that run around 70-71 plays a game so that is kind of tough when looking at TT's and whatnot. The total may seem kinda low but in reality it isn't because the Chips have hit 20 exactly one time so far this year which is when they led UK at the 1:00 min mark before halftime 20-14. Since then, blown out vs Kansas, beat Maine 17-5 and lost to NIlly.

This has the feel of a ho-hum game where I'd expect Dantonio to work on getting some type of consistent run game going.

33-9 kinda game.
I said it in the "best pick" thread but NW is like the exact opposite type of team that you want to play against Michigan. Without Larkin, they just don't have much at RB (Moten is a bigger back but really doesn't impress to me as a full-time back) and Thorson is the exact opposite QB that typically gives Michigan some issues (Michigan's struggles are more mobile, willing to run and be dual threats vs typical passers). Michigan's play calling + Shea's execution gets a little crisper every week and I think that continues here. Tough that Hudson is once again suspended due to him dropping his head but Michigan has been crazy on offense sans the first half of ND and that ND game will just be something that eats at UM fans all year. Patterson gets more comfortable running the offense every week.

Harbuagh's team knows the next four weeks are critical: @ NW, @ Maryland, Wisconsin, @ MSU. Might have been a letdown spot if they beat ND and were top 10, going on the road, after a 56-10 blowout but I think that early loss has a way of keeping teams focused.
I like mich st and over. CMU gave up what 55 to ku? I think the MSU run game gashes CMU. Even tho their offense has been very suspect, and I think they are averaging something terrible YPR, almost anyone can move it on CMU. I think a struggling offense that finally plays a weak enough d is likely to be motivated to put it on them. Look at ND offense. Was bad till met a bad d and put up 50+(I know qb change ya lot to with it but they were gonna move it even with Wimbush). Just think of the advantage in trenches a team like MSU has over what could be worst team in Mac.
Brohm.... not a threat whatsoever. His teams are intentionally trying to hurt other players. It is ridiculous.

I respect you a lot so I just have to ask. Where is this coming from? Yes i'm aware of some dumb personal fouls but none of them were the type where guys were out to hurt people from what I've seen. Is it from the UM/Purdue game last year? Just curious.
I respect you a lot so I just have to ask. Where is this coming from? Yes i'm aware of some dumb personal fouls but none of them were the type where guys were out to hurt people from what I've seen. Is it from the UM/Purdue game last year? Just curious.
I don't want it to sound like there are bounties or anything because I am sure there isn't but there have been several instances.

Obviously the hit on Speight was a cheap shot but that happens. That really wasn't what I was referencing. I'll try and put some examples together later tonight when I get home.
I appreciate it. I'm sure i'm blinded because of being an alma mater but want to get to the bottom of it. I've watched every play and in most cases multiple times and haven't seen a thing. I just mentioned the UM/Purdue because that to me is about the only example I could think of that an opposing fan would feel that way but to me that was a bit of bad luck and a couple kids playing just past the whistle. Never seen an example or even considered there could be any intent. Thanks BAR
I haven't either on Brohm. Dantonio is a bitch to Michigan fans mostly, he trains that team to kill Michigan and it's worked, The way he cackles and bases everything off the super bowl game is annoying and very little brotherish..but hey, works for them.

Purdue's lack of facilities and not following proper protocol for the wilt hit was bad..I personally didn't think it was Brohm...jmo
I like mich st and over. CMU gave up what 55 to ku? I think the MSU run game gashes CMU. Even tho their offense has been very suspect, and I think they are averaging something terrible YPR, almost anyone can move it on CMU. I think a struggling offense that finally plays a weak enough d is likely to be motivated to put it on them. Look at ND offense. Was bad till met a bad d and put up 50+(I know qb change ya lot to with it but they were gonna move it even with Wimbush). Just think of the advantage in trenches a team like MSU has over what could be worst team in Mac.

I mean Ball State D isn‘t exactly not garbage and they only scored 24 points so I don‘t think they necessarily woulda scored a lot with Wimbush. But its besides the point

I think teams that have really struggled often are glad to have their taste of the top and act like little bullies by beating up on the weakest team. Analagous to Michigan offense after the ND game
Didn't Franklin have some issues concerning rape at Vandy?

This is like debating your list of favorite politicians or mob bosses. It's college football man...it's a dirty racket. Everyone is a dick except for the coach of your favorite team haha.