Week 3 major line moves in-game...

Movers suspicious on 108 UN for sure
156 UN, 164 UN and 170 UN but I'm not sure what the deal is there. There is sharp opposition in two of those three games, so have to pay attention and see what's going on.

I think 108, 156 and 164 are because of legit value. 170 the steam over-inflated it a couple points, so some buy backs or straight buys makes some sense to me.
well, i can't be for sure considering the same movers are moving for a lot of different people, but the Walters guys (suspects for sure) came in and just laid Clempson -5.5 tonight. Yikes.
I can be for fucking sure it was him on Florida State -7. Every mover in the office bet it at the same time. Gotdamn all star team. Funny, the guys who bet U of L last night and Clempson today were split 50/50. Not on FSU. The whole lot of them bet the Noles.
K-State i noticed one of the guys had 9, so could just be the movers taking out a number. game might settle in the9.5 range.

190 coming back down, no surprise since it seemed to drift up for no reason earlier.
movers on 191 Rutgers +10. Good luck to anyone who can figure out a side there and invest their hard-earned money on one of those messes.
movers on 140 Oregon -43.5... i made the game higher myself but there is sharp opposition so i am not involved at this point. F you Jorja State.
Some very early moves this morning, but they seem credible.

They took 126 UNC -7.5, 172 BG +3.5 and very recently took 107 UNM OVER 64 and better.
145 Jorja OV movers same guys who bet it UNDER earlier in week, who knows what the deal is there.

Suspicious activity on Boston College +7.5. If that is really Billy's side, he gave the high hard one to every single mover at two different places, lmao
145 Jorja OV movers same guys who bet it UNDER earlier in week, who knows what the deal is there.

Suspicious activity on Boston College +7.5. If that is really Billy's side, he gave the high hard one to every single mover at two different places, lmao

BC now +9?? Anymore info?
nope, seems like split of sharp and sucker on both sides. Anything else I could add would be a guess.

Movers (totally different group, but lots of them) bet on 111 Temple -11 awhile ago, around 5:33 EDT.

130 UNDER 59.5 might be walters; his suspects for sure. This would make sense if you go back several years on his totals releases Friday late afternoon EDT etc. The pokers bet all of their baseball earlier than usual today so they could get out of his way and their movers could be available for him, presumably.
142 UNT UNDER 57 is a different group of movers. Could be him, not sure.

157 Nebraska OVER 58 is the same guys who bet 130 UN. Fast and furious they'll be coming now
do the pokers use an algorithm of some sort or pay for walters releases on some level for football and other sports? you seem to always refer to them as one unit
pokers = poker players. Chip Reese did the program several years ago. Many would say he's probably the best poker player of all time. He was also a successful bookmaker and sports bettor. Baseball was his best sport. He died several years ago. A few other guys got their hands on his program and they now bet (not to the success Chip, Doyle et al had) baseball again at a winning clip. Someone modified the algorithm. I can't really get into any other info because I don't know much more than that.

The people moving their baseball games are also moving for various football groups. It's hard to figure out who is who because the same movers are moving for everyone. I'll try to explain in greater depth when I have more time.

206 UNDER seems legit; 54 was the price and one of them even went UN 52.5
awesome thanks answers perfectly! I figured they were the group of the poker players just wasn't sure if they were betting as a unit using the algorithm you described or if they were just paying for release from high level not having time to cap the games or what the case was. Thanks for taking the time to explain that is super interesting
Rex what percentage of these moves on Friday are usually fakes in your opinion? For example the Temple move is so odd, if they really wanted Temple they could have pushed that one below 10 easily earlier in the week when it was showing some downward resistance.
It varies. They're doing so many things now to the screen and the people booking are much less capable than they were even 10 years ago when I got involved with my first wise-guy office. Billy just has a field day with everyone.
I've really put some effort into this particular thread this season. I still don't see how all of this confusion of movers and respected sharps, RAS, Walters, Dr Bob has any impact on giving us winners. My head is absolutely spinning after I read all the different possibilities these moves could mean. I'm not sure where the value is in this. Am I missing something other than there is someone moving these lines and we're not sure if it's fake or real? Wow
Whoever said this thread was about picking winners or losers? It's about insider information into what makes the market move. As a lines maker it's far more interesting to see how individual groups and/or the market might agree with my lines than any individual thread with picks.
I respect the information but it's pretty useless for most average bettors and just causes information overload IMO
It can tell you why a line moved and who moved it. It can tell you if the sharps have franked your opinion or if you are against them. You might respect a big name or a service and it lets you know what they are thinking

If a line moved and it's not in here then it moved for other reasons, like injuries or suspensions.
Wise and Nubafan: I certainly understand your trepidation. Trust me, my head is on a swivel as well most of the time. Basically, I also post the info for those who like to get numbers early in the week and can beat a slow-moving local to the move.

Sorry I don't have time to report any of the moves today but usually on Saturdays, if something moves real hard, you can be for sure it's billy.

the first legit move of the day (and the last one I'll post) is 187 OVER 67. GL today...

There are so many reasons to like the thread

1. You can bet rogue numbers of slow moving books if something you were planning on playing is posted in here as a moving play on.
2. I am not as worried about big moves from certain opinions. As someone who once had the poker players (I have to assume there aren't two major poker player groups doing this) picks for instance, I wasn't all that impressed. So if possible, I like to know who made the move.
3. Tracking market can be helpful in regards to future lines. Knowing what teams are being backed by big money or what teams are being faded by big money can help me in determining whether I want to back something immediately or wait. Timing market is a big thing. For the most part I just assume it will move my way but sometimes I wait when I think market will differ from my opinion. Great tool for that process.
4. Is there anything more exciting than watching a board of games moving lines? Beats CFB on tv.
Also, given Ivey was a part of the poker player stuff and given his connections to Walters... one has to wonder if they were in cahoots.
And to be fair, by the time I got the information (they eventually tightened the screws and I could no longer get) the things were beat up already and that is what I tracked it at. They undoubtedly did much better at the numbers they were playing but I didn't track that.