Week 2


CTG Partner
Been short on time this week, so rushing to get this up before I have to bail...and before tonight's game. Enjoyed last week's games, but went a disappointing 2-4/-2.3 with my plays. Just poor capping in a couple cases, but what can you do (other than learn and adjust). Anyhow, here's what I've got going so far for 9/10-9/11. Definitely more to come later tonight.

UTEP/Boise over 55.5 for 1
Toledo/ND over 55.5 for 1
Buffalo/Nebraska over 54.5 for 1
Utah (-6.5) for 1

Leaned hard towards Coastal tonight as well, but just too many points for me to lay here (even though my PR #s say it'll be a 36 pt win). As for the 3 totals, I've got them all comfortably falling in the mid 60s, depending upon the match up, so we shall see. Lastly, my PR #s actually have BYU covering with only a 4 pt Utah win...but I see it differently. Just feel Utah will be too strong, too stout, and will simply outclass/out-physical BYU throughout...and win much more comfortably than my early PR #s would suggest. Under is also a good play in this one.

That just said, I will be going with my early PR #s later tonight with 2 plays that I'll be adding when home. I've got Arky St winning by 3, and S Bama winning by 24. Anyhow, good luck...and be back later tonight with more. Very interested in the UNC TT and the UGA TT too.

Nice looking card. I been trying to talk myself into arky st all day, might join you. I do wish they would ditch the 2 qb system and use the better one tho!
Easy over

Agree on tomorrow's totals as well

Good luck!

gotta luv basically hitting it at the half. good to hear about tomorrow. was leaning the under in Michigan/Washington, but laid off that one.

Nice looking card. I been trying to talk myself into arky st all day, might join you. I do wish they would ditch the 2 qb system and use the better one tho!

i hear ya. got a few games to add to my card like that one, and it makes me a bit nervous lol.
late night additions...

S Alabama (-14) @ -105 for 1
Rice (+8) for 1
Arky St (+6) @ -120 for 1
Mizzou/UK under 57 for 1
SDST (+2) for 1

Still considering 1 more side, but will wait until tomorrow. Don't have team totals available to me yet either, but I'm pretty sure I'll be taking both the UNC and Purdue TTs going over. Not going to play the UGA TT after all.

Lots of "secondary" match-ups for me on Saturday. Putting my #s to the test...but since I put in the work, I gotta see how they do. Like I said earlier, I've got South Alabama going into Bowling Green and winning by 24. My #s have Houston as a 1 pt fav, so considering the history/teams/proximity/etc, just feel Rice keeps this one very close (field goal game). Also said above that I've got Arky St winning outright by a field goal over Memphis. Was tempted to ML the thing, but went the conservative route. Went back & forth with the Missouri/Tucky game, but have this as a much lower scoring game so ended up on the under. Finally, just feel we're seeing an overreaction to last week for both Zona and SDST...in opposite directions, obviously. My #s have this game basically at the line, Zona by 1, but just feel We'll see a correction to both teams this week. Plus, SDST has a pretty solid history with the Pac12. Will be a rowdy crowd, but believe they'll leave this one disappointed.

Will be back whenever I can hit the UNC and Purdue team totals, providing they're reasonable.
Been short on time this week, so rushing to get this up before I have to bail...and before tonight's game. Enjoyed last week's games, but went a disappointing 2-4/-2.3 with my plays. Just poor capping in a couple cases, but what can you do (other than learn and adjust). Anyhow, here's what I've got going so far for 9/10-9/11. Definitely more to come later tonight.

UTEP/Boise over 55.5 for 1
Toledo/ND over 55.5 for 1
Buffalo/Nebraska over 54.5 for 1
Utah (-6.5) for 1

Leaned hard towards Coastal tonight as well, but just too many points for me to lay here (even though my PR #s say it'll be a 36 pt win). As for the 3 totals, I've got them all comfortably falling in the mid 60s, depending upon the match up, so we shall see. Lastly, my PR #s actually have BYU covering with only a 4 pt Utah win...but I see it differently. Just feel Utah will be too strong, too stout, and will simply outclass/out-physical BYU throughout...and win much more comfortably than my early PR #s would suggest. Under is also a good play in this one.

That just said, I will be going with my early PR #s later tonight with 2 plays that I'll be adding when home. I've got Arky St winning by 3, and S Bama winning by 24. Anyhow, good luck...and be back later tonight with more. Very interested in the UNC TT and the UGA TT too.


Boise gets it by itself! Have yourself a weekend sir.
late change...

abandoned the Purdue team total (45.5), and moved to the first half instead.

Purdue 1H (-21) for 1

just in case they let up on the gas pedal, and just cruise thru the 2nd half.
Was a solid start to the weekend, but gonna take 2 steps back here with the Nebby and USA games. Bad capping with the Buffalo/Nebraska over. In hindsight, that one never had a chance. As far as South Bama, that's the problem with PR #s...especially so early...and why there's so much more to factor in, big picture. Laying that many points on the road, even if it's BG, was dumb. Anyhow, looking like I'll be 3-2 heading into the late afternoon/evening games.

more additions...

UNC TT over 45 for 1
Washington (+6.5) for 1

Was a mistake to lay off the UGA TT earlier...but whichever way I went with Purdue was going to be the right call, in hindsight. Hopefully that holds true for the UNC game as well, which I've mentioned throughout the thread as liking. I also mentioned another play I was waiting on, and Washington wasn't it lol. That still may come tonight, if I can stomach backing the Bows at Oregon St (who my #s have as a 17 pt hm fav). ;-)

Really leaned towards the Wash/Mich under today, but ended up with the dog instead. After what we saw last week, UM should be an easy 13-14 pt fav here. That said, this is me playing my gut...kinda like the Zona/SDST match up...where I believe both sides will be returning to the mean, correcting some of what we watched last Saturday. We shall see, but hoping the Pac12 continues to shine today...at least in their road, out of conf, games...not the ones at home. ;-)
