Week 2 - NFL BLITZ

The minute after Green Bay kicked that fg last week against the Eagles, the first thought that came to my mind was "Philly is going to be pissed over this shit and they are going to destroy their next opponent... regardless who it is...

I remember this happened to them last year when McNabb stunk up the field.. I believe against Minny or something... then the next week I MDF'd that shit.. made Philly my play of the week at an easy -6.5 @ SF... well, they were up by like 20 pts when they let SF score a couple of times towards the ending... they pulled out the cover anyway, but -6.5 at SF is one thing... but -6.5 at home against Washington??.... why the fuck don't they make it at least a td??... fuck that.. emotionally everything points to Eagles, but there's something about it I don't like.
un-fucking believable...

I decided to play em' and I took the UNDER as well... figured that's the only way they could stay competitive... plus I also figured if they didn't cover, the under would still pull through and I'd go 1-1 at worst... I decided not to post...

and low and behold.. I hit both... I'm telling you... had I posted, they woulda lost... I think I'm becoming superstitious now... lol...

had I known this shit would have happened, I woulda taken the ML too.. haha.