WEEK 2 B1G 2017-2018


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What's up ladies and gents?

Well that was an interesting week 1 in my opinion. Few thoughts on the games I watched. Not from a statistical standpoint but opinion perspective. Forgive me if I mess names up or misspell shit.

Disclaimer: This is week 1. I get it. Plus I get player nerves, some teams you value higher than others..got it. Everyone has a hard dick and think they know everything these first few weeks. It's a marathon. Slow your roll. We all want to see you through December. Use good money management.

Ohio State/Indiana: I thought Indiana's pace was great in the first half and they were running great passing curls to the sideline..timing passes...Laglow (Indiana Qb) has a very quick release and the wrs were physical. Entertaining FH. Forced JT to make some bad throws. Couldn't really get feet set..Oline was pushed off the ball except for a few Dobbins runs. (Weber was out with hammy issue) .

After the Lee Corso buzz and the high from tailgate weed wore off in the third quarter, the real TOSU stood up. The line protected, the runs became longer, the secondary made hits, Laglow got pressured..TOSU looked in midseason form. Urban is one of the best, if not the best in the country with halftime adjustments. Next to Saint Nick. Dobbins and Campbell are special players and will offset the Curtis Samuel loss. That will be a nasty 1-2 punch with Weber and Dobbins. Look out world, TOSU is here to stay.

Indiana got wore down, but that's a tough venue and they will beat some teams they shouldn't this year. Especially with that pace.

Rutgers: This team is improved. Much more physical, savvy QB. They just could not handle those speedy wrs of Washington. Not many teams will...probably one of the best groups in the country with a solid TE. Liking Rutgers upside.

Maryland: Is this OSU lite? Wtf is going on here? I know Herman doesn't have fairy dust or anything like that but you don't go to Austin and hang 51 like it's nothing. Wow. Both qbs drove for tds. They ran at will. THe oline was dominating. The run defense stifled the longhorn attack pretty much all game long minus a few runs from the qb and some broke a few. Durkin is a disciple of Urban and Harbaugh and looks like his RPO offense is humming like it was week 10. He opted for the uptempo offense with physicality like Urban uses and he is seeing the fruits of that labor early. I like DJ. I like his QBs. I like the moxie of this squad. They could have folded in the 4th and didn't. Fun offense to watch.

Michigan: Has the defense missed a beat? Doesn't look like it. They looked in midseason form already, even against a shitty offense. They might even have a better defense than last year if that's even possible. Give Don Brown another pay raise.

I like that the run blocking has gotten better, the rbs are stacked, the wrs are young but fast, and full of potential.

I am not a fan of WIlton Speight. Never have nor will I ever be. He is a loud guy who has good leadership abilities and can throw a pretty deep ball 2 times out of 10 in a game. What's that? About 20%? He does have good pocket presence and looks comfortable but has a major major problem with the color of jersey he throws to. This dude is the definition of a participation trophy winner in practice who is the teacher's pet. Ya, you know that kid...the one you wanted to beat the fuck out of in 3rd grade..that's him. He's reached his ceiling and Michigan will never win shit as long as he is QB. At least not a national title. Can't use the injury excuse anymore either. He has hit his ceiling. O'korn needs to get more comfortable in the pocket. The team doesn't beat to his drum. He needs reps with the 1's but Speight is Harbaugh's boy. God forgive me for criticizing the QB whisperer Jim Harbaugh..blasphemy! It's just sad the best QB is on the bench because he's pussy whipped over his gf in Indiana.

Speight does just enough to win I guess..but against a good offense and good defense..Michigan won't win that game.

Also am not a fan of Harbaugh's play calling. Shit is so Lloyd Carrish..it bugs me. The whole stadium knows you are going to run on first down dude!

My bets live and die with QB's in CFB. Always have and always will. In today's game you need a dual threat. The game has evolved. Even Bama has one.

That's all I got. Those are the only ones I saw. And I had to get my Speight rant in..I sincerely hope he proves me wrong this year. He is a Hoke recruit. I want that fucker out. Hoke players suck shit sticks.
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LOL love the rant and couldn't agree more, your team is damn good and could get killed just by him
I'm glad someone agrees. If you talk shit about a qb to a Michigan fan, you get the stink eye.

Looking forward to week 2..some great games.

Everyone feel free to ADD and ADD

especially on games/teams I didn't mention!
Good to see this thread live on this year with the Detroit upper-CTG administration leading the way...

What the fuck are Penn State and Wisconsin going to be...the product we saw last year? Better? Worse? Those 2 teams are the big question marks for how strong the league is as a whole. We definitely agree that Rutgers will be a very nice value play if for nothing else because the QB is a gutty SOB and Kill knows how to fucking coach and is smart about using his talent.

PJ's debut with the Gophers...didn't see a play of it....anybody have any thoughts on that? I'm still shocked he went there, but that game seemed pretty non-descript to say the least....
Can't add because think I only saw Michigan and Ohio State this week, from the B1G and you've hit on them. Although I tried to watch some of the Iowa game but what may be odd with me, when it goes as I expect it gets boring and I tune into something else. I specifically went as expected, Wyoming started off looking competent but have virtually no skill players outside of Allen and Iowa dominated the trenches eventually wearing them down and picking up chunks of yards on the ground. That whiff on the punt though, can't unsee that lol. Can't imagine the shit that guy is gonna catch on campus this week.
I completely forgot about PSU and WIsky ...fuck..

Saw both play and was impressed, albeit against shit comp.

Horni still needs about 8 seconds to throw, but they just wear you down like always. D is excellent even without Cichy.

PSU has a great qb...that team won't lose at home all year.
What Harbarf has at QB and play calling he makes late in games is good enough against most teams. You're right though, it won't get him a title.
Would love to hear from someone who watched the Huskers game, I'm very interested in that game next week with Riley returning to Oregon
Had the Nebraska game on one of the tubes in the man cave....was a very hard game to get a great feel from just from my observation. Both teams had a ST touchdown....Nebby never trailed and was solid controlling the run and running the ball, but their pass D got torn up by the kid Hansen at Arky State. It was 43-29 Nebby after they got a late safety where they sacked Hansen in the EZ and then went 3 and out....Ark State drove down the field for a TD and then recovered the onside kick at midfield.

Game ended on a pass overthrown to a WR at the back of the EZ, but the play before, ark state receiver had the game tying TD in his hands and couldn't hold on.

Very intriguing game with the Huskers and Quack coming up....think we learn a lot more about who Nebraska is going to be after this Saturday.
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Thanks for that, I initially like Oregon but not sure Neb coming off the tight game is something I want to bet in to. Gonna probably ponder that all week.
I think when we talk great coaches we have to talk Ferentz......he is like Snyder. Never seen someone get so much out of kids. Not sure what they will be, but that guy never gets out coached.....just out recruited/athleted
I think when we talk great coaches we have to talk Ferentz......he is like Snyder. Never seen someone get so much out of kids. Not sure what they will be, but that guy never gets out coached.....just out recruited/athleted

Meh. I've seen him do a lot of dumb shit in-game.

His expectations at Iowa are pretty minimal as well.
Great first week thread guys and nice start here.

I'll be back next week with thoughts. GL.
Michigan State- Bowling Green

This game definitely was not easy on the eyes. There wasn't too much excitement in the stadium and Bowling Green isn't much to watch, as it is. I took one for the team though and watched 3 of the 4 quarters of this game(Hunt said I had to). Now, I'll preface this by saying that I missed the 3q for the most part as I was making some in-game bets on Texas-Maryland I needed to concentrate on. The only reason I watched the end of this game was I had a middle on the total hanging in the balance...

Now, after this game and especially during the 3rd quarter, the MSU faithful started claiming their team was 'back' and that last year was an abberration. We'll look at things a bit further to determine that...


Both teams came out kinda slow. This was a 7-3 game just before halftime. Michigan State played a very good 3q and that left not much in doubt other than bets in the 4th quarter.

I want to concentrate on the Sparty offense the most though

Drive 1: Lewerke and Stewart had a few big runs. LJ Scott fumbled going in. There was nothing to note in the passing game.

Drive 2: Three and Out

Drive 3: Five n Out. This drive ended on a high snap from center that was a turnover. You do not expect that out of Allen, the Center

Drive 4: Solid drive here, 12 plays and 67 yards (6+ mins) that resulted in a TD and a 7-3 lead

Drive 5: Not a horrible drive but ended after 10 plays/44 yards (5+ mins)

Drive 6: Hurry up offense with 90 seconds left. This was their first really smooth looking drive to me. This drive did include a few PF/Targeting calls which helped(one was overturned as far as ejection). Either way though, Lewerke looked much more comfortable here.


Drive 7: Great passing drive that was 10 plays/69 yards (4+ mins)... TD

Drive 8: This one started at the BGSU 45 and ran 8 plays/45 yards (3+ mins). This was the most consistent running drive of the game I believe... TD


Score 35-3

Garbage Time...

4 punts and a Fumble that was returned for a TD on the Sparty Drives.

Final Score: 35-10

Now, it was a slow start for sure, much like many BIG-TEN teams this past week for some reason. It was choppy and really didn't click till the late TD drive in the first half. Four offensive TD's -- One short field, one hurry-up and two sustained drives.

QB Play: Lewerke will get better as the season goes. He really looks better in the hurry-up to me. He can run or throw. The receivers will just get better and better.

RB Play: This is their best unit and they struggled 'somewhat'. They wore down BGSU in 2h a bit though.

OL Play: This is a problem for this team and will be against good competition. They are very thin too, any injuries and this gets scary.


Now, looking at BGSU vs the MSU defense...

The Sparty defense was solid. Bowling Green dropped a lot of passes in the first half that would have kept drives alive though. I would equate that and having to throw a lot in the 4th quarter to the 10-31 passing for the Falcons. He is a very average QB but nobody helped him at all.

Very good passing teams will have a field day with Sparty, no doubt about it.


Good win to get last years stench off a bit. This is still a team that is 5-7 wins tops but should improve little by little at QB/WR throughout the year. Do not let that score from week one deceive you too much though.

Well, I won money on this game but not in the fashion I had planned on. Obviously I had the soft -2 line and middled half at +4 before the last round of suspensions. Now, my plan since the spring was to play Florida tt U as a multiple unit play. I wanted over 21 points though and as the side rose and total lowered the best I ever saw was 20.5. I knew the Michigan defense was going to have no problem with them through the front 7(regardless if the RB was out). I was scared of a potential bomb and obviously a UM pick/turnover. Well, in the long run I will be happy not 'forcing' a number and laying off. I did play the 2nd half tt 13.5 for Michigan and that looked like it would cash 5 mins into the half and needed a miracle at the end. Ahh....betting. That was an auto-bet there after already having a run game established and being down at halftime.

Great defense by the team. The national perspective was that they lost all this NFL talent and this was a rebuilding team. It is not. Whatsoever. There is a reason they played so many guys last year early in the year...to get their feet wet. Some of them saw more action and rotated in and out. The likes of Bush and Gary were ready to explode and become cornerstones of the defense. The obvious concern and one to keep watching until Happy Valley is the CB position. They are still somewhat green and will make mistakes here and there. The safety play was excellent. Now, there wasn't much threat passing-wise but they did what they had to do.

Don Brown is the best. That 3-3-5 look he put in after a series or two was just awesome for this game/situation.

The offense had good/bad/ugly. Here is another narrative and that is the OL would be worse. I seriously was curious who watched that OL last year at all. It was average at best and those remnants of the Hoke regime played well but were not guys recruited for this staff. This line is much more athletic and it was nice to see a solid run game. The young receivers are going to just keep getting better and mix with the vets. I am very pumped about all the TE's as well(yes, that sounded kinda...ya know). QB is what it is, and we'll see if anything changes in 7-8 weeks. JOK had a great camp so hopefully he gets some reps in the next several games as well. It is too bad on Peters, hopefully he can grow up a bit and get into the rotation next year or McCaff is going to pass him up. So much talent, still so young.

Here is what I did not like and concerns...

1. They went downfield more to open things up but this new passing offense with more quick-hitters etc...hmmm

2. Same as last year...where the hell are the screen passes. I would run a huge package of these with Evans and the TE's. It would be a huge addition to the offense. It is puzzling.

3. I love Evans and he will get 1000-1200 yards this year from scrimmage....but... I do not like him trying to 'salt' a game away though. I would rather see Ty or even moreso... Higdon for these situations.

4. Need to be more creative in redzone. That does not mean 'wildcat'.

5. Tackling on turnovers. Hopefully they don't need to recreate that too much.

Now, lastly, special teams. One thing Michigan has been good and very good in the first two years of this regime is special teams. Many do not realize how much field position Peppers saved them and gave them. He also did not turn the ball over. Kenny Allen was solid as can be as well. The coverage teams were awesome. I do not know who this punter was but I remember him scaring me a bit in the spring game. DPJ is going to make some special plays in return game but he needs to be secure with the ball. Nordin will be an AA someday but he will have growing pains too.

It will be the little things with ST's and hopefully they can shore those up before the big games come up...

Overall, pleased. It is a game UM should have won and they overcame some dumb decisions by Wilton to get it done. The defense is the fastest I have seen in 20 years here. The running game was a big positive. Remember, there were 10 suspensions but most of those guys were non-contributors or depth guys except for the big-two. Michigan offense against a very good defense is something many won't look at after this game but gives me a bit more hope, believe it or not.
Austin Peay vs Cincy quick box analysis...

Austin Peay won the yardage battle 313-248.

Austin Peay won T.O.P. 38 min to 22 min.

Austin Peay 60 carries/224

Cincy 29 carries/97

Austin Peay 9-19 passing 90

Cincy 17-28 passing 151 (3 tds)

17 combined penalties.

6 combined lost fumbles.

Scoring Drives

Cincy 8-53 (2:35)
Cincy 5-43 (1:40)
Cincy 8-58 (2:48)
Cincy 5-42 (1:57)

A.P. 13-66 (6:43)
A.P. 10-81 (4:04)

Score was 20-14 middle of the 4th quarter.

Cincy 7 drives that they did not score on totaled 28 plays.

Last year A.P. went 0-11 and allowed 5,573 yards
Quick rest of B1G thoughts...

I did not see a lot more of the conference other than Maryland and OSU/Indy...

Felt like a miracle hitting OSU tt but they got their stride going. JT has seemingly his his peek a long-time ago though, imo. Still one heck of a threat though. I think lil Mikey got Wally Pipped there a bit. He'll still get carries but that status as the man would have to be up in the air, right?

Indiana is just going to be a stubborn bunch. They always seem to be. They have a tough time sometimes playing a full 60 though. Look at UM and PSU games last year for instance. Well, especially that PSU game. Btw, nothing to do with capping but I root for them not to score due to their fight song. It is godawful.

Minnesota? That seemed very underwhelming.

Nebraska was a nice tt hit. I was very pleased with that and expect more of the same coming up this week from me with them.

Buttgers showed, I guess. I dunno, I didn't see a thing.

Wisconsin is gonna Wisconsin at times but they got the job done for us.

I did not see any of Purdue-UL, need a summary there.

Iowa defense is pretty damn good.

Maryland game was wild. Good win for Durkin. Those of you with a RSW ticket of 'Over 3' must be plenty pumped up already. To be honest though, I need to see more from them.

PSU took care of business. Nothing more, nothing less.

I missed NW game but it looks like a typical NW game.

Illinois, lol. Whatever. I'd rather eat a sock then review that game.
My early BIG-10 Targets this week...

Cincy @ Michigan
Nebraska @ Oregon
Oklahoma @ Ohio State
Pitt @ Penn State

Few different angles I am looking at with each game...

Okay, talk it up people!
One thing going back to Sparty...

I am not exactly sure who 'Darrell Stewart' is but he had a 28 yard run and 6 catches for 85 yards. I mean, I know the name but I hadn't read much about him being a big factor coming in. He is a nice little weapon for them as a playmaker.
cincy team total will be 8ish right?

As for Rutgers ... they are gonna be more competitive because Bolin is an upgrade, their offensive system will shorten games and they execute better now. with that said, Washington simply didn't show up. I watched every snap.
As of right now, well as of about 6pm my time tonight I had the projected tt for Cincy at 7.5
GL to you boys Hunt, I will be keeping an eye on them this year
Do you think Harabaugh's play calling is because he knows what he has with Speight?
I actually really like Harabaugh and think he is great, I would love to have him at Tennessee
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Nebraska up to +14 now. That just seems crazy. I guess one game and Ducks are back to 2014 good or something? And while Neb had their issues with Ark St, Corn is expected to just stink up the joint?
Rutgers: This team is improved. Much more physical, savvy QB. They just could not handle those speedy wrs of Washington. Not many teams will...probably one of the best groups in the country with a solid TE. Liking Rutgers upside.

Despite my conscious acknowledgement that this is a clear over-reaction situation, I hammered Rutgers when I first had a shot at the EMU line (-4)....would still easily play it at current -5.....Hoping Rutgers comes with similar intensity...if they do, I think this has DD win written all over it.

GL Baller...
Monday Rewind: Blackshirts Followed Game Plan Well
By Brian Rosenthal
| 09/04/2017
The statistics weren’t necessarily pretty.

The end result, however, looked quite attractive.

And that’s what Nebraska coach Mike Riley and defensive coordinator Bob Diaco worried about the most in Saturday’s 43-36 season-opening victory over Arkansas State.

In addressing the media Monday, having a day to review the game, both coaches were pleased with how the Blackshirts followed the game plan.

That plan, by the way, was to keep a spread offense between the 20s and bow up in the red zone. In other words, prevent points, no matter how many plays or yards the Red Wolves collected.

Oh, and they collected their share’s worth against the Blackshirts – 89 plays and 497 yards, to go with 26 points.

But again … end result.

“Statistically, it can continue to be a conversation,” Diaco told members of the media after Monday’s practice. “We don’t really talk about statistics, we really don’t care. We try to build the plan to keep the points down so at the end of the game, we have one more point than our opponent does. That’s the defensive objective, to defend the opponents’ scoreboard.”

Riley, speaking at his weekly news conference Monday, said coaches anticipated the difficult game that unfolded.

“We have to play the field position with teams like this, make sure that we do a good job offensively,” Riley said. “So it’s got to be a team game a little bit. And then when you get an opportunity to make some plays and stop them, then you stop them.”

The Blackshirts did that, too, forcing two interceptions – one by Joshua Kalu, the other by Tyrin Ferguson. It also forced two field goal attempts, both of which the Red Wolves made.

“We had a plan to have them put plays together,” Diaco said, “as many as they needed to, that eventually, a drive would stall, an error would happen, an interception, a red zone stop, and that was going to be the tale of the tape.”

Diaco said players did a “wonderful job” of executing the game plan, but he acknowledged some mistakes, including a couple of missed tackles.

Nebraska’s longest plays allowed were 14 yards in the running game and 38 yards in the passing game. Both plays had significant YAC – yards after contact.

“The run had 10 yards of YAC,” Diaco said, “and the pass had 22 yards of YAC.”

So yes, plenty to clean up before the Huskers play Saturday at Oregon. The Ducks amassed 77 points in their season opener and spread the field in much the same way Arkansas State did, only with a more potent rushing attack to complement.

Diaco is happy to head to Eugene with his defense having a game under its belt – particularly for young cornerbacks in Lamar Jackson, Eric Lee Jr. and Dicaprio Bootle.

"They gained valuable experience on Saturday evening,” Diaco said. “There’s not a player that we’re disappointed. We’re pleased with everyone. We have a lot to coach. We got to get stuff cleaned up.”

Sticking with Bryant

Riley remained convinced Monday that riding sophomore running back Tre Bryant – career highs of 31 carries and 192 yards – was the right move Saturday.

“He’s quick-footed, he’s hard-nosed, he’s smart and he’s versatile,” Riley said. “The discussion, did I see it coming? I hoped for it. I would like to say I had a perfect crystal ball and saw all of that.”

Riley acknowledged that perhaps Mikale Wilbon and Devine Ozigbo deserved more carries – both have performed well in practice. Wilbon spelled Bryant on a couple of plays in the first half and scored a touchdown, but Ozigbo had no carries.

“But, that’s the way that we went, and then we’ll look at more as we go forward,” said Riley, who was hesitant to mess with a good thing.

“The other thing besides having the same guy do it and get a feel for it, we repeated those runs quite a bit during the game,” Riley said. “That therefore gives the offensive line a better feel as you go, gives that running back a better feel and so that was kind of a reminder to me why we make that kind of decision."

Injury update

Bryant was among a handful of players held out of Monday’s practice, although none of the injuries appears to be long term.

“He’s got a knee, and it swells up once in a while, so after a game he might have that day or two off,” Riley said. “We’ve been there before with that too, so we’ll be careful with that.”

Meanwhile, senior receiver DeMornay Pierson-El sat with a sore shoulder and senior linebacker Marcus Newby missed with a hamstring injury. Riley is hopeful both players can return to some activity by Tuesday.

Returning to Oregon

Much will be made this week of Riley’s return to Oregon to face a team with which he’s quite familiar.

Riley coached 14 years at Oregon State and went 4-10 against Ducks before last year’s Nebraska victory in Lincoln.

Riley, though, is downplaying his return.

“I embrace things like this as pretty unique personal opportunities that are just that, they’re personal,” Riley said. “This is not about me going back to Oregon. This is about the Nebraska team playing the Ducks, but it is fun for me.

“I’ve spent a lot of time, and had too many hard times in that stadium, so we’re excited to go play and win the game for this 2017 team. I do like revisiting that history because I appreciated it so much. All of those times were special. I watched games in that stadium when I was a kid.”

Nebraska up to +14 now. That just seems crazy. I guess one game and Ducks are back to 2014 good or something? And while Neb had their issues with Ark St, Corn is expected to just stink up the joint?

I grabbed Oregon -3. Have to think hard now about coming back with Nebraska +14. I just think they're walking into a bit of a buzzsaw here and would hate to see the game get away from them...
Total in Eugene down to 70.5 today(it was 73.5 at around 6pm last night)
And now at 68.5 (I believe it was at 68 at one point as well today).

This is perplexing but I thank whoever is moving this and hope is doesn't correct itself too much before TT's are released. I know the +14 will decrease...getting NU tt at 27.5 or so is a pipe-dream but I'll take 30 or lower as a goal and absolutely is still a pretty solid-sized play at 31. Max play anything under 4 TD's obviously. No brainer there.
No big news for Michigan injuries. I think Watson will sit out so we'll see more Ambry Thomas perhaps? He is the next stud CB at Michigan. He had a forced fumble on ST's last week.

Nothing else out of the ordinary. Total got pushed down a point today to 48.5...That is projecting a tt's of 42/6.5 as of now...42 would get shaded though I believe...many days to go though. I wouldn't touch an under on Cincy though...
Gentlemen i work with baby moms grandfather is the Don Brown....lol showed me pics of his little man and of course the goat on the feld lasy yr when Brady was serving his suspension....such a small world
And now at 68.5 (I believe it was at 68 at one point as well today).

This is perplexing but I thank whoever is moving this and hope is doesn't correct itself too much before TT's are released. I know the +14 will decrease...getting NU tt at 27.5 or so is a pipe-dream but I'll take 30 or lower as a goal and absolutely is still a pretty solid-sized play at 31. Max play anything under 4 TD's obviously. No brainer there.
I see Nebraska TT 28. Thinking of max unit play. I was already high on It and just read all this.
Harbaugh loves Speight pro. He thinks he's good and trying to turn him into a Jake ruddock. Not happening.
Gentlemen i work with baby moms grandfather is the Don Brown....lol showed me pics of his little man and of course the goat on the feld lasy yr when Brady was serving his suspension....such a small world
Dude of the year = Don Brown
Harbaugh loves Speight pro. He thinks he's good and trying to turn him into a Jake ruddock. Not happening.
He is sitting on the sideline getting ready for the game picking his nose and skyping his girfriend back home.
Quick B10 thoughts for any possible plays...

I wouldn't go near that game in East Lansing...way too many variables..

Penn State blows out Pitt,just saying.

No clue on Nwestern game.

Iowa-ISU, no thanks.

Still toying with ideas for OU-O$U.

Wisky is my favorite team to hate having bets on...we'll see ... LAME KITTEN YO

Letdown week for Rutgers, lol. I wouldn't bet either side to be honest.

Indiana needs a win but another tough game as well for laying points...lil letdown too...

Nebraska-Oregon game that is both in mid-thirties...if NU wins, it won't be a surprise at all...

Illinois is dog shit.

Minnesota looked bad last week. I think they lose this week but wouldn't touch it.
Is FAU just staying in Madison if anyone knows? They sure aren't going back to Miami for a few days or wherever it is.
Is FAU just staying in Madison if anyone knows? They sure aren't going back to Miami for a few days or wherever it is.
Staying up in Milwaukee with Fondy...

Shaker and Fondy making them a big meal afterwards
Saban would play him.

Some guys don't have it early.

I am sure you remember Ryan Mallet...

Detroit Metro Sports fans hate...

1. Lions starting QB
2. Tigers closer
3. Michigan starting QB
4. Red Wings Goalie
5. Stons PG

You basically cannot win being one of those 5 in this area.
I got under in Madison, honestly don't think Wisky run it up on em and FAU minds gotta be elsewhere, probably family everywhere around Fla I'd assume