Week 11 ML Dogs


Maybe he told them that he isn't going to return anyways so might as well play him.

Just saw this:

Detroit FP guy said he was dressed for warmups, but last tweet from someone else implies he isn't with rest of team for warmups
I've been quiet this week because I have had a difficult time 1) narrowing down this list, 2) making a strong case for most of these teams. I have 33 games today I am still trying to figure out how to lay it out, I think that is the most this year. I should probably just flat bet them all I don't know. Anyway....

Kansas 50 to win 139
UCLA 50 to win 165

If 3 out of 14 of the smallest payouts win I would break even, so seems like a decent risk vs reward since I can't make up mind on being selective. I feel like JRock!! What's up brother?

Vanderbilt 10 to win 56
Tulsa 10 to win 62
Old Dominion 10 to win 45
Charlotte 10 to win 41
Baylor 10 to win 59
Oklahoma St 10 to win 106
ECU 10 to win 35
USF 10 to win 46
Auburn 10 to win 41
Arkansas 10 to win 38
FSU 10 to win 53
Southern Miss 10 to win 38
Boston College 10 to win 100
Colorado St 10 to win 45

Object of the thread is to have ML Dog winners. I failed, 1 out of 16! But I am pretty happy with this. 10-6 ATS and that is how I grade ML Dog losers, if they cover ATS with taking a net profit on the overall game minus the ML loss.

Needless to say all those $10 ML attempts would've been best not tried, hadn't done anything like that before and won't do it again. For the first time in my life I totally bought off a game in the 2nd H. When I saw 7.5 on Clemson 2nd H I felt relived that I had an out and even a little middle opportunity. It was obvious BC's O was not going to do anything in that game after Brown went out.

Man Kansas, that was a tough way to lose. I felt like they didn't fully capitalize in the 1st H, but played well in the 2nd H and then those back-to-back holding penalties that wiped out huge runs in the 4th qrt were a killer. Then the fumble/empty hand on the final drive. I think Kansas wins that game atleast 5 out of 10 times. Same with UCLA. I was happy with what UCLA showed up with today. I thought that they would run more on ASU, but Speight had a good game and their D bent and made ASU work for some things. I mostly liked UCLA based off of last week's misleading final in Eugene. I would ML both those games again next week if they played. Then a bunch of close calls in the $10 MLs and some bad bets there too.

I had a fun day and am happy where I ended up. Honestly, if it were not for the good luck I got with Cincy and LSU not scoring at the end I would've lost money today and spoiled my evening. Look forward to next week's upsets hopefully!
Baylor 505 yds 14 pts and clearly the better team today

Kansas got jobbed

Odu is an enigma

Yeah, I recall them missing 2 FGs and I think had another empty RZ possession. ISU is good, they are. But they aren't especially impressive in their wins. Part of the reason I liked Baylor today was ISU's win over KU wasn't that great, and that helped me like KU too.

I thought the announcer was being a little too hard on Beatty in the 1st H telling him to go for 4th downs instead of FG or punting because "he's not coming back next year, what's he got to lose". I didn't like that, there is still a certain way to play a close game. The only thing I fault Beatty for in the 1st H is not going for the TD on 4th after they had taken the pts off the board. They were inside the 3, had they not gotten it KSt would've been backed up. But it was 0-0 at that point and I'm sure he would've thought his team would be deflated if they had 3-0 lead, took it off, then got no pts on that drive. So that was that. The 2nd H was great, O and D for KU. Just those penalties, I've never seen anything like it on back-to-back plays. Both those runs were like 50y each! KU was going to win that game if Bender didn't fumble.

ODU was down 28-0 and won! Crazy roller coaster they have been on this year....just crazy.
Those were not blatant holds either, and were not the only questionable calls in the game. HFA is worth something, I guess. Just felt bad for the Kansas kids cause they were the better team and deserved to win. That is much different than Baylor, who was the better team and deserved to win, but I will never feel sorry for them. I like Iowa State a lot more than Baylor. Just no respect for Briles, the Athletic Department, Starr when he was there ....

I watched ODU at the book. My friend had them ATS so I was sweating it out for that .. never dreamed they would actually win.

It was a pretty bad day for ML dogs and the good ones that won, I was largely laying the big pts against them so it wasn't like I missed out on anything. Purdue and SDSU, I am talking to you.